2|| when i met her

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I'm not in the mood to get up at 5 am today. It makes me the most miserable person in the world. I have practice at 5:30 every morning before school, and it doesn't make any since to me.
My coach makes myself and three other guys Ashton, Michael, and Calum run everyday before practice officially starts. I can actually have a good conversation with them. They suck at football though. I think that's why I like them so much. They aren't dicks about it.

They aren't very good, so they didn't make the team. I kind of wish I was in their position to be honest. If they were on the school team, I would enjoy it much more than I do now. They are my best friends, and I know they only play football because I kind of forced them to. They are music fanatics just like I am, so that's a plus. It's funny watching them miss a goal though because they get so frustrated. Ashton makes weird animal noises, and won't stop giggling. Michael won't stop making dumb excuses on why he missed it. He gives our coach anxiety. Calum is the smart one. Probably because he's the Asian. (He doesn't like it when you call him that though. Apparently he is kiwi/Scottish. Pfft.) He always says the right thing to our coach, but misses the most goals. I'm the one who doesn't really talk. My head is somewhere else, but it doesn't really matter. I'm the best, I don't have to listen.

While we were running our lap around the track I saw a blue Mini Cooper I had never seen before. It pulled into the parking lot right next to the field. It was strange because for the first time in four years there had never been a blue Mini Cooper.
"What the hell is that?" Michael asked loudly getting our coaches attention while running back to the bench on the field. "Well good morning Michael, you look lovely today too." Our coach remarked sarcastically. Michael rolled his eyes while 'coach' continued. We just call him coach.

"Everyone meet your new family member boys." Coach said pointing to the girl coming out of the blue Mini Cooper.

God. damn. This girl was the hottest thing in Australia. She wasn't too skinny like with no muscle. No she had the right amount of muscle. She wasn't too fat either. But her body didn't matter to me. Her eyes were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The blue in her eyes were brighter than mine have ever been. Even though it was 5:30 in the morning, I could see well enough her eyes shine big and bright. She had a smile that was almost contagious. I almost went blind when she turned her smile towards me. It almost made me smile as well, and I'm not much of a smiler at 5:30 in the morning. She had long brunette hair pulled into ponytail. She was wearing a National Football Champion T-shirt and tight black spandex shorts. She was pretty sexy for not wearing a soccer uniform.

"This is Jade. She's new in town. You will get much help from her." Coach said staring each of us with a death glare encouraging us not to say something idiotic. "Oh there's much more that I want from her than help." Michael said making each of the boys crack up at his statement. "I may have to take you up on that offer." She replied with a smirk.

I was getting a little jealous at the sudden moment between them. Wait what am I even thinking? I don't even know her. Just stop Luke.

Holy shit. She wasn't good at football. Oh no, she was amazing. She made every goal that morning. It was insane. She kicked the longest shots. She made more goals then me. She was an amazing goalie. Where the hell did she come from? Why was she better than me? I don't understand. It kind of turned me on though. I'm going to figure out this girl. If it's the last thing I do.

Practice went on for another 30 minutes before it started to rain. I was relieved 1. because I don't want to be on the field anymore and 2. I want to talk to Jade.
We all go to the bathrooms by the fields after practice to change for school. I usually walk to school because the fields are so close to the high school, but since it was only six, I was going to uncover Jade.

Wow. I thought she looked great in spandex. She looked amazing in jeans, a sweater, and brown leather boots. It was the beginning of September. It was pretty warm, so I don't know why she would wear something that hot. But I wasn't complaining. She looked great.
It stopped raining after awhile and I decided to finally go talk to her. "Hey Jade. I'm uh- I'm Luke." I said getting kind of nervous. "Oh hey, yeah I remembered you because you had the lip ring. I like it." She said smiling. "Oh Uhm thanks." I said smiling at the ground, while I flipped my damp, non-quiffed hair. God, what the hell am I doing? Wow this just turned into a damn one direction song.

"So anyway, since it's only 6:04, wanna sit and tell me your life story?" I asked laughing softly. "I don't know, am I really so bored that I have to tell my life story to a stranger?" Jade asked giving the famous dashing smile.

"Oh I won't be a stranger, babe." I replied.


She started talking and I couldn't get enough of her voice. Her voice had a half Australian/ half American accent. She had a soft voice with a loud tone. I didn't want her to ever stop talking.

"Well, I was born in Australia, close to here actually. South of Sydney. My mom was from here, but my dad was from America. He came to Australia for college. He met my mom. They fell in love, got married, had me all in four years. My dad had to find a new job, so we moved back with him to America when I was about five. I was home schooled from kindergarten to eighth grade. I decided to come live with my grandparents in Australia again for the soccer training. I went to a private school about 30 minutes from here until this year. I moved here because I heard they best coach in Australia worked close to here. And I want the best I can have." She spoke almost out of breath by the end of her story.

"Why Jade?" I asked just wondering. I wanted to hear her talk as much as I could in the short minutes we had. "My birth stone is jade." She spoke making me more and more interested.
"Why Luke?" She asked giggling. "My parents don't have interesting minds." She laughed.
"How old are you?" I asked. "I'll be 17 in March." "So your a junior?" I asked. "What's your point?" She replied. "You look like senior." I told her being honest.
"I look like a lot of things Luke." Jade said while staring up at me with wide eyes.

Wow she was incredible. Different from the girls I usually meet. She didn't look at me and just ask for my number. She was the first girl that I actually wanted to learn about. She was interesting. You didn't want to stop talking to her.
"What about you? What's your documentary going to be about?" She's asked making me giggle at the words she used. "Well my name is just Luke, first of all." I told her. "No, I don't like just Luke. What is an adjective that matches with your personality?" She asked her eyes growing big with anticipation of my answer.
It took me awhile to think of one, but I knew I had the perfect one. I'm not really that adjective right now, but I plan to be it. "Unpredictable." I said with the ultimate confidence. "Wow. You're a whole lot smarter than I thought you'd be. Most football players are stuck up idiots. You're different. It suits you." She replied with a smirk.
"I was about to say sexually attractive." I said laughing. "There's the asshole. I knew it was in you somewhere. Keep going, tell me more." She spoke fully enhanced in our conversation.
"It's 6:57. We have been talking for almost an hour, and we have to walk to school. It takes approximately 4 minutes and 43 seconds to walk to the building, so we will be a minute and 17 seconds late for class if we don't leave now. I would tell you more, but we have to run. Get it. Got it. Good." I told her very fast, while I latched my hand onto hers, and started running.


Yayy you met Jade woohoo I think she is going to be fun writing about. I can't wait to write the next chapter. Plz vote and share it would be great! :))

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