Chapter 1

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It was a school day and there were two new students, Marinette and Adrien. They both were at the front of the class when someone called, Chloe walked in and barged into Marinette giving her the most dirtiest look ever!

They introduced themselves and sat down, Marinette sat next to a girl called Alya.
Alya was a sweet girl and she was very sensitive about Chloe who was always mean. Adrien sat down next to a boy called Nino.
Nino was kind just like Alya, infact Alya and Nino were dating!

They had a plan a few days after to get Marinette and Adrien together!
On the way to school the next day a man was walking across the road and a car wasn't stopping, Marinette saw the old man and helped him across!
The man said thanks for helping and Marinette ran to school. Adrien was running late and his dad's worker told him to not go in as his father wanted him to go home, then he saw a old man on the ground struggling to get up so adiren ran to him and helped him.
After school Marinette and Adrien went home and saw a box in their room's!
They opened it : Marinette fell to the floor with shock, and Adrien just stared at his kwami.

Chapter 2

Adrien's kwami was called plagg (Always hungry for camemberg cheese) and Marinette's was called Tikki.
These kwami's had special powers to transform their owners into super heroes.
Both kwami's explained everything to other and what they had to say to transform.
So Marinette said : Tikki spots on! She transformed in a hurry as she didn't know what was going on. Adrien of course was curious and just didn't let plagg finish! Adrien: PLAGG CLAWS OUT- plagg went dashing into Adrien's ring. (Poor plagg)

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