Chapter 4: Day in Day out

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There are going to be some time jumps through this chapter so just stay with me here. Enjoy the reading.

*One week after her first day.*

Rosalie's pov.

Dear diary,
Arrow and I make a pretty great team. He helps me in Math and I help him in English. He going to be coming over once a week now so that we can study more. Schools not that bad yet though. I only get bullied by the same five people.  One of them is the girl that had to be put to sleep in gym class. Anyways I think I'll be able to survive school.
Sincerly Rosalie.

"Come on Rose we need to get you to school!" My mom yells.

"Just a second!" I say as I grab my toast and bacon from the microwave.

I run to the door and hop in the car. My mom speeds to school and drops me off. I run inside finishing my last piece of bacon and toast. I pass Arrow in the hallway and wave.

I feel as if time slows as if it knew I couldn't wait to see Arrow. Finally it's time for gym class and I hurry to the gym.

"Today we are playing dodge ball so don't shift just take a seat." Arrow says as he walks with me to the bleachers.

The teacher calls two team captains and shocker is I'm not picked to be team captain. I know, I'm too sarcastic for my own good. The team captains take turns calling the most popular kids to their team until there is only six of us left.

My name is called to the team captain Tyler side. The other captain calls someone else and them Tyler calls Arrow to his team. I quietly give him a high five.

The game last almost all period and I'm the last one standing on my team facing four others. The teacher calls no boundaries and that start to swarm me. I quickly grab a ball, side step one, hit another and run to the other and of the court.

The three left each grab a ball and form a line. I pick up a ball of my own and away back and forth. One of the guys get impatient and runs at me. I spin and go around him and hit him with the ball.

The other two look at each other and sprint at me. I try to dodge but they both throw their balls and one hits me. The people on the bleachers clap and I go wash my face.

Arrow meets me at the gym door and we wait for the bell. We talk a lot more during lunch and decide to meet up on Thursday's of each week.

The rest of the day flies by and I am picked up by my mom. She always asks how my day was and I find myself always on the subject of Arrow.

*One month since her first day*

Dear diary,
Arrow has been very nice to me. He's not like the jerk guys that push me around the hallways. That girl that I beat the first day of school told everyone that I made her cry so now people are meaner to me. I only told her the truth. That she is a spoiled brat that just begs for attention. I never thought about mate's until now but I hope I get someone like Arrow.
Sincerely Rosalie.

"Hey watch out it's the girl who makes innocent people cry!" one of the guys yell.

People start talking about me again and someone shoves me into the locker. This is my daily routine. The teachers don't do anything to stop it because that girl has them all in her pocket.

I heard she once blackmailed the shifter the leads us because she wanted more shopping money. I meet up with Arrow and talk with him before I have to go to my first class.

The day passes on agonising slow. Luckily lunch finally comes and I can talk more with Arrow. He is still my best friend despite what happened with the other girl. The end of the day couldn't have come sooner.

My mom picks me up and drives me home. This time my brother tagged along to talk with me too. I told them about how not everyone is nice but that Arrow is always there for me.

*Three months after her first day*

Dear diary,
We received a new student yesterday. She seems okay. She is quiet and reserved. The rumor going around is that her family is rogue but I'm not one to judge. I know what it's like to be judged. People have switched from bullying me to her. Today I think I'm going to help her.
Sincerely Rosalie.

I ride to school with my mom and go to find Arrow. I want to ask him of he'll help me. I search to find him kneeling down to help the girl up.

"Is she okay?" I ask.

"She okay just those stupid guys had to push her down again." He says helping her up.

"Just ignore those guys, they're nothing but trouble. Trust me I know. What's your name? I never did catch it." I ask.

"Baley. Yours?" She asks.

"I'm Rosalie. I see you already met my friend Arrow." I say smiling.

"I like your name." She says looking at Arrow and I.

The bell rings and we all head to our classes. I found out she was moved my Shifter Studies class and I made sure to save her a seat. She smiles and nods at me as she takes a seat.

During lunch she sat on the inside of the booth by me. We all ate and talked about each other. I learned her favorite color is purple and she loves to eat pizza. She is also a fox shifter and that she is a rogue but doesn't really care for it.

The day passes rather smoothly and Arrow and I stand on each side of her during the time we are together. She is in all my classes that I have Arrow so we were luck on that. My mom picks me up as usual and I talk about my new friend.

Hey there. Another chapter successfully written. I think I did pretty good. I'm sorry I have so many time jumps but I really don't want to have to go day by day through her entire senior year.
- What do you think of Baley?
- What conflict will arise in the next chapter?

This is SSD signing out. ✅


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