Chapter 8: Sometimes it gets better

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Sorry for late update but yesterday was very busy. Thank you to SupersuMC for all the nice comments. So I'm trying to think of ways to make the story more interesting. I could really use your all's help. Tell me what you haven't read before and think is a good idea.

Rosalie's pov.

I have a horrible nightmare when I sleep. When I finally wake it's morning and I hear howling. It sounds like it keeps getting closer. I push myself to the back of the tree and try to hide.

Then a big wolf run out of the bushes and runs straight to my tree. The wolf looks and me and starts barking. I growl back and snarl. The wolf reaches in the tree and pulls me out by my fur.

The wolf carries me all the way back to the mansion. The wolf paws at the door and a worried Ethan opened it.

"There you are! We've been looking for you all night! You had us all worried!" Ethan says.

I bark and squirm in the wolf grasp. The wolf lets me down and I run to my room.

I shift back and put on clothes. I sit on the bed and there's a knock on my door.

"Rosalie? Please open up. Please talk to me." Ethan asks.

"It's unlocked." I say.

He opens the door and looks at me.

"You don't look so good." He says walking to me and sitting on the bed.

I look away from his face and a tear slips down my face.

"Hey are you okay? I am really sorry about throwing into the water. I swear I didn't know you couldn't swim." He says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Everyone is going to think I'm weak." I sniffle.

" They know it's not that big of deal. I have two other members that can't swim. It's okay." He says rubbing my back.

Another tear falls. "But I can't do anything. I can't train, and I feel like I'm not good enough." I state wiping my face off.

"Hey don't say that. You were born for a reason. How about I train you?" He asks.

"You would do that?" I ask.

"I sure would, but only if you agree to see a movie with me. It will help get your mind off things." He says smiling and giving me a half hug.

I wipe away the rest of my tears and take a deep breath. "Sure. I think that would be great." I say hugging him back and smiling a bit.

"There we go, there's that smile. Now lets go eat. I'm sure you're starving." He says standing up and taking my hand and leading me out the door.

My stomach growls on the way to the kitchen. I blush a bit and keep walking. At least for the moment I'm happy and follow Ethan.

We arrive to the kitchen and he lets go of my hand to start cooking.

"You like grilled cheese right?" He asks.

"Yes." I say watching him get a pan and the ingredients.

He cooks two grilled cheese sandwiches and puts them on plates. He hands me one and sits down beside me.

"Thank you." I say smiling.

"No problem. You're to good to doubt yourself." He says taking a bite of his sandwich.

We finish eating and talk more about easier subjects. It starts to get late and he tells me to get some sleep because I start training with him tomorrow at six a.m. instead of seven. He also said that in Sunday is when we will see the movie.

For some reason my brain is excited but there is something pulling on my heart telling me not to. I decide to ignore it and tell myself that this will be good for me.

I put my PJs on and go to sleep. My alarm wakes me up and I quickly put clothes on to meet Ethan. I run down and into the backyard and see Ethan waiting on me.

"Hey. Ready to train?" He asks.

"Not really but yeah lets go." I say smiling a bit.

"Take a stance in front of me." He says.

I stand in front of him and put my hands up like I see on boxing shows.

"No...No...No... Try doing this." He says showing me his stance.

I mimic his stance.

"Now try to take a swing at me. Don't worry about hurting me just hit as hard as you can." He says.

I throw my right hand out to hit him and he just moves to the left a bit.

"Okay so what you need to do is learn to be quicker and not be so obvious about where your going to hit." He says.

He is very patient with me as I keep trying to hit him. I learned if I stare into his eyes that it's harder for him to see where I'm going to hit. I've learned to see which way he will dodge and strike there.

After hours of training we take a break to eat and rest. After that we train for a couple more hours and then get ready for bed.

I have learned a lot from him. He said I was making progress. Sunday came quicker than I expected and I had nothing nice to wear so I called Lyla, Sarah, and Jackie for help.

They came right over from training and asked me where I was going. I told them it was just to the movies but I didn't have much to chose from. We went to the store and looked around.

Finally after five stores and a pizza joint I found something that looked nice but not to overly casual. I went with a light blue sparkly top and light blue jeans with a nice pair of black shoes.

I went homen showered, and dressed myself. I didn't apply any make-up and let my hair simplely be put in a pony tail. An hour later Ethan knocked on my door and I quickly opened it.

He was dressed in a nice black shirt and black pants. Nothing to fancy but enough to show that he thought about this awhile. I held out his hand and I took it. We walked to his car that had been pulled out to the front.

He opened the passenger door and let me sit down. He shut the door and sat in the drivers seat. We soon arrived to the theater's and walked in. He paid the cashier for the movie and we went to sit down.

We held hands again and sat near the middle of the room. We patiently waited for the movie to start. During the movie we rubbed each others hand. After the movie was over he drove me home.

"That was really nice. Maybe we can do it again sometime?" He asks.

"Sure that would be nice.  Maybe we could do this every Sunday?" I ask.

"Maybe." He says letting go of my hand as I walk to my room.

I really had a nice time and I couldn't help the small blush creep up on my face as I thought about our next Sunday together.

Don't you hate it when you are trying to write and the neighbor's are having a who has the loudest firework? I can't afford them so sadly I don't get to set any off myself. Anyway keep reading.

This is SSD signing out. ✅


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