Alive, Dead, or Mind Reader?

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"How is this happening?" whispered Kirstie. She was sitting on the couch next to Jeremy and she had her head rested on his chest. She had just finished crying and was still processing the fact that she had died two nights ago.

"I don't know baby," Jeremy repsonded leaning over to kiss her forehead. 

From the kitchen, they heard Avi yell, "I don't get it!" He entered the room with several beers. "How come you're the only one who can hear her?" He started handing out the drinks.

Jeremy shrugged, "I don't know.. It'd be a lot easier if you guys could see and hear her too."

Scott and Mitch nodded in agreement. "Well," Mitch started. "Maybe... maybe you can only see her because you were the one most emotionally attached to her." 

They all sat in silence contemplating the idea. "Guys, Kirstie. She's not gone. Or at least not completely," Kevin proposed. "Maybe there's a way to get her back."

"Get her back from the dead?" Jeremy chuckled in disbelief. "Yea right."

"No... I don't think Kirstie is actually dead." Kevin explained. "I mean, yes maybe she did die that night. But we know she's still here. She's still with us!" 

Mitch shook his head. "No... it's impossible. Kirstie's dead! Her funeral is tomorrow."

"OMG Jeremy! Tell them I can still hear them. It kinda hurts when they say that." Kirstie blurted out. She knew she had died; the internet had informed her of that. But she knew herself that she was still there, that she was in fact, still alive. And she could hear what the guys were saying and it felt like they were the ones killing her. It felt like someone was stabbing her repetitively every time they said she was dead.

Jeremy chuckled and beamed at his girlfriend. "Guys, guys, guys. Stop it. Kirstie said to tell you guys to stop saying she's dead. It hurts."

The guys apologized immediately and profusely. "I don't know what to do..." Scott whispered, putting his arm around Mitch. Mitch put his head on Scott's chest.

Kirstie watched the two and then suddenly, everything changed.

She opened her eyes and she was looking at herself... and Jeremy. She saw Jeremy with his arm around her. But.... she was leaning on someone's chest now. Kirstie looked up and saw that the person she was leaning on was Scott. 

Suddenly, everything changed again.

She was now looking down at Mitch and his googly eyes. Mitch was now leaning on her chest. She felt much taller and she was wearing a snapback. She looked up in alarm and stared at Avi for help.

Everything changed again. 

She felt hairier and was now sitting exactly where Avi was sitting. She was wearing skinny jeans and a beanie. And she had... a beard?

"O.M.G," she whispered.

"What is it Avi?" Scott asked. 

Kirstie's eyes widened in alarm. "Avi! Avi? Are you okay?" Mitch chimed in, worried. 

Kirstie stared at her own body, which was still leaning against her boyfriend's. Immediately, she was back to herself. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," she heard Avi say. "Why?"

"Oh.. no reason. You just looked scared for a second there." Scott replied, refocusing his attention on Kirstie's predicament. 

"Jer?.... Jer?" Kirstie whispered so that only Jeremy could hear. 

"What is it baby?" 

"Um, no.. It's just that. No.. nothing." She was hesitant to tell him. She was already a ghost, and she didn't want to add on to their problems.... but Kirstie started wondering what she could do if she was in someone else's brain. "Actually, Jer. Can I try something?"

"What do you mean?" 

"I think you'll find out soon. Just don't freak out. Okay?"

"No promises," he joked. Kirstie nodded and focused on Jeremy's face. 

She suddenly found herself in Jeremy's body. She listened intently to what he was thinking...

How? How? Ugh, how do I get her back. I can't be married to a ghost. My mom would kill me. No... how do I get her back? Awwwwww... she's so cute. Wait, let me put my arm around her. Aww she's smiling. She's adorable! 

Kirstie (in Avi's head) started laughing at how adorable her boyfriend was. 

Who's there?! 

Kirstie could feel his eyes widen with alarm. 

Umm, it's me, Jer. 


Yea..'re... you're in my brain?


How? How is this possible?

Haha. How should I know?

Woah... You can read my thoughts?


Hmmm... okay... now get out! This is creepy!! Haha.

Okay Jer. 


A/N welllllll.... I feel like i butchered this story omg this is bad. ugh tell me what you think because right now I absolutely hate what I wrote. 

Give me some feedback please? Thanks! 

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