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Lumine's POV

I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach. "Uglhh" I groaned. I looked at the time. It read '9:34 AM' "OH MY GOD!!" I fell out if bed to get ready. I ran out of my room and tripped down the the stairs. I saw Kody sitting at the table eating his breakfast. He was dressed in warm clothes so he wouldent get cold in the snow. I was almost to the extent of panting. Kody looked at me and then back at his food. Aiden looked mad. "Why are you up so late?!" He said to me in a angry tone. I got off the ground and clutched my stomach without a reply, trying to tell him I didn't feel good. Aiden sighed. "Just... Eat breakfast..." He said walking out of the kitchen. "So.. Why are you so late?" Kody asked, turning his head to me. "I-I dont feel good..." I said quietly. His eyes widend a bit, but he still didn't seem to care. "Are you  okay?" He asked. I nodded. He got up and put his bowl and spoon in the sink, and went to put his shoes on. I did the same, I didn't feel hungry, I just wanted to lay down...

Kody looked over at me as I put my shoes on. I heard a sigh, and then he sat down on the floor to wait for me. After a couple minutes he got up and pulled me outside to go to school. Then it happened... I coughed in a sick manner and then I caught Kody's attention. I stopped, and coughed sounding sicker then I was before. He turned to me. "Are you sure you're okay? You sound sick!" He said in a more worried tone. I didn't reply. He grabbed my hand and walked me back to the house. Aiden had just left. "You need to lay down" he told me, unzipping my fluffy coat so I could lay down comfortably on the couch. He laid me down on the couch and took off his coat. I turned to the back of the couch, I didn't want to get him sick. Kody quietly sat down next to me and stared at the ground. The world suddenly turned black. I passed out...

Kody's POV

I looked over to Lumine and saw that he had passed out. I sighed and stood up. "He's adorable...." I said quietly. He ear twitched and my eyes widened 'd-did he hear me?!?!' I thought, panicking.

It had been a couple minutes since he had passed out. I was freaking out. Then I heard a thump. He had rolled over and fell off the couch. He opened his eyes and yawned with a cough following. I rushed over to him, "Are you okay?" I asked, probobly sounding stupid as hell. "Yeah..." He said quietly getting up. He started walking to his room. After he got there he laid down and I followed him to make sure he was okay. I put a thermometer in his mouth so I could know if he was sick or not. It beeped and I took it. It read '103' I put it on the side table. I laid down next to him. I saw him look at me, his face turned red and he turned onto his side. I sighed and hugged him. I felt him jump a little and then felt his body relax. I smiled, and we fell asleep.

(Timeskip brought to you by~ Aiden, he is home now 😃)

I woke up with Lumine softly snoring. I blushed a dark red as he rolled over and hugged me tightly. His hugs were so soft. "Mpfmh" I heard him moan a bit as he woke up. I jumped, letting him go and falling off the bed with him still hugging me. "Ahh!!!" We rolled a little bit before laying on the ground in pain. "Owiee!" He said laying on top of me. "Ow.." I said quietly. Aiden rushed in from hearing the thump from downstairs. He looked at us and sighed in relief. "Oh good, you're okay!" He said, out of breath. I yelled at him to get out and he sadly left.

Lumine blushed loudly and I did aswell. I let myself fall completely flat on the floor and sighed. "Lumine..." His ears were back in fear and his face filled with a dark blush, and he body was in the cutest position. I had put my hand under his chin and sat up without thinking. Our faces were inches apart. Lumine's face was red and his skin was soft.

I stared at him for awhile untill I finally shot my head back in surprise. I hadn't realised I did that. He was now sitting on my lap, shocked. He didn't act like he could move, he just stared at the wall. My face had already turned completely red. I finally got the hold of myself and pushed him off. He coughed sickly.  I stood up and grabbed his hand, helping him up too. "Sorry... I was just.. Not myself for a minute..." Lumine nodded and got back on the bed to go back to sleep. I stood up and left, I knew I had done too much.

Lumine's POV

Kody's face was right next to mine, I was blushing so hard. 'Why is he so close?!' I thought, scared. He quickly shot back and his hand left my chin. I wanted to hug him tight, and let his warm imbrace take over my body. I suddenly felt a pain in my stomach. He had pushed me away. "Oof!" I said loudly as I hit the ground. "Ow..." I said quietly.

He helped me up and back into bed. I sighed as he left. "Why was he so close?" I said quietly. I was almost completely oblivious of everything he did. I then felt my eyes grow heavy and then the world turn dark. I fell asleep.

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