Chapter 24 [Land of Iron]

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Itsuko POV

"Miko?" I said, leaning against a wall, glancing over at the princess who was sitting down at a seat, looking all royal and mighty like how all princesses are.

"That's Princess Miko to you." A green haired man wearing glasses told me.

I ignored him, rolling my eyes. I took out the mission paper. "Itsuko Uchiha. Shall we get going?"

The princess got up from her seat, tearing away her dress, revealing a more casual clothing.

She nodded, shaking my hand. "Miko will do. That's Secretary Kimo. We're waiting for someone else to arrive before we head off.

"Kakashi Hatake. Im taking on the mission." Kakashi popped out from the roof top, landing on his feet, handing his mission paper over to Kimo.

"Captain? What're you doing here?" Kakashi questioned, his eyes filled with curiousity and confusion.

"My mission. Was that who you were waiting for? So we can head off now?" I said, walking out.

The princess got onto a horse, with Kimo steering while she rides it. Kakashi and I on the other hand decided to just leap from tree to tree.

"What's your mission?" I asked Kakashi since it was getting boring.

He glanced over from the other side of the forest. In between was a pathway and the princess was riding on it.

"To protect the princess on whatever she's doing." Kakashi stated, continuing with the same speed as before.

"The princess is invading the Land of Iron, there's something she wants back. My mission is to get that thing for her." I said, not glancing over at him, consistently adding speed.

It wasn't very long after before we arrived at outside the village. Kimo tied up the horses further away from the gate before we went on on feet.

Upon arriving nearby the gate, I told Kakashi and the rest to stay back a little. I myself went up ahead. The gate was guarded with two guards.

"Who are you?!" One of them yelled, holding out a kunai, getting into fighting stance.

"Itsuko Uchiha." I narrowed my eye, casually walking in. "I'm simply here on a mission."

The guards opened the book of ninjas who were allowed in, looking through it page by page. I rolled my eyes, kicking one of them away from the book before kicking the other. The two passed out, laying them at the side, Itsuko welcomed the princess into the village of iron.

"Woah..." The princess looked, impressed and pleased.

Third person POV
They walked along pathways of town, in the open. The princess, Kimo and Kakashi wore hoods, covering their faces. Itsuko however just walked with her face widely exposed. It doesn't really matter. In fact she thought it might've been easier that way. People would avoid here like usual, it would prevent the princess from being seen. At least chances are lower.

The village wasn't really like a normal village. The houses were build with iron, most things were made of iron.

Itsuko led them into an inn far away from town. She got them a room om the first floor.

"Alright tell me more about this crystal of yours and the enemy." Itsuko said, opening the door for them before closing it behind her.

"His name is Kofue. He's the leader of the land of iron. He led a whole army of shinobi and attacked the land of air yesterday night. He stole the crystal which was hanging to a necklace which I wore. The crystal was meant to be used to unlock the secret resources the land has. The resources were prepared to be used when attacked. That's why we need it back to save the land of air." The princess said, tears forming in her eyes. Kimo holding the princess arm, supported her to a seat to sit down while she wiped away her tears.

She glanced up at Itsuko, standing up. Her green eyes we're sparkling, full of determination. "I'm not going back without the crystal."

Itsuko looked at her and chuckled. The chuckle almost seemed like a laugh in a way. She turned and placed her hand on the door handle.

"Princess, you and the rest stay here. Get some rest, we'll start early tomorrow morning." Itsuko said, opening the door, exiting the room, locking them inside since only she had the keys. There were absolutely no room for negotiation on her plans.

"Is she out of her mind?! We hired her to finish this mission as soon as possible!" Kimo yelled, trying to open the door. He ran at the door, bumping into it, attempting to burst it open.

Kakashi picked him up by his shirt and threw him on the bed. "I'm sorry but I think I understand her plan. I'm here to perform my role, to protect the princess. It's safer here. She knows what she's doing, trust me."

Kimo glared at him, opening his mouth to scold Kakashi but the princess stopped him.

"If Kakashi-san says that it's a plan then I'll go along with it. It's the quickest way to get it back." The princess said, falling behind, the seat catching her.

Meanwhile, it was already dawn outside. Itsuko sat on the grass patch not so far away from the inn, enjoying the sunset.

She set off just as the sun fully set and the sky turned dark. She headed towards the middle of the town, jumping from roof tops to roof top. It was easier to see the layout of the place on roof tops. Besides, she absolutely loved high places. Where she can see everyone but everyone can't see her.

She looked ahead, seeing a small hut, leading underground. Underground was one of her hated places. Air wasn't refreshing underground and it's the literal opposite of high places.

Looking to the right was a much bigger hut. It was like a castle. It was at least three stories tall. The place Kofue most likely reside in. After all, leaders tend to be more wealthy and loves to brag about it.

The land of iron wasn't a rich village. In fact, they were pretty poor. However, they had resources like iron which was where their income came from. The leader was a greedy man, he often attacks villages and steal things for his own village.

Itsuko swung onto the wall of the bigger hut, climbing into it through the window on the third story. She felt her ankle but chose to ignore it. She though it was just something small nothing she can't handle. It wouldn't matter.

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