Chapter 1:

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I huffed in annoyance as my alarm clock blares from my bedside table. I hit the off button and groaned, standing up. I trudged to the bathroom. First day of freshman year. In honesty, I was nervous, but really excited. It was going to be tough, but I think I'll manage.

I got into the bathroom and slid on some light washed skinny jeans, a boyfriend fit flannel, my black vans, and a pink hoodie. Then, I slid my hair into double french braids. After that, I slid on a beanie, since in this part of the country It's cold in late august. After finished my outfit, I put on a little layer of makeup. Finished at last.

Walking out of the bathroom and down the stairs, I found all 5 of my brothers sitting around eating breakfast. They all looked up as I walked in.

"Lucy!" Mike smiled. He was a year older than me. He was a sophomore.

"You excited for the first day?" My oldest brother, Devan, asked. He had already graduated, he was taking online college courses because ever since my parents died, he has stepped in. He said it would be to hard for him to just step away.

"A little nervous." I responded.

"Don't worry. We will all be there." Tyler, Mike's twin told me.

"Please, just don't embarrass me." I told them as I grabbed a cup of coffee.

"Don't worry, we will." Alex, my junior brother, spoke up. I rolled my eyes and grinned.

"'We better head out." The senior of the house, Ryder said. We all agreed.

"Home right after school Lucy." Devan told me.

"I have cheer tryouts." I told him.

"You want to be a cheerleader?" Alex asked me.

"Totally." I responded.

"No way. Cheerleader are always the ones dude watch the most." Ryder said.

"Oh come on please. I might not even get in!" I whined.

"Fine, but one whistle from that football star and you are out." Mike told me. I rolled my eyes again.

"You'll do amazing. We have all seen you practice. You are a natural they can't reject you!" Alex told me.

"Thanks, now Let's go." I laughed. They all filed out the door. I grabbed my practice bag and slung it over my shoulder. Then, I grabbed my Game theory backpack(Disclaimer: Not sponsored and don't own.), which I doubted anyone knew what it was, and threw it on my back. I climbed into the back of the car as Ryder pulled into the street.

-----AT SCHOOL------

Finally, we were at school. I filled up my locker and grabbed my things for first period, math. I had gotten my schedule in the mail earlier in the week. I turned my phone on silent and walked to class.


It was 5th period, right before lunch. I changed into my gym clothes. I walked out to the track where most everyone was already. I was one of only 4 girls in my class. Someone walked over to me. I recognized the face. It was my junior high friend Max. I never got along with girls very well, some, but not very well. Max and I really got along though.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Hey!" He smiled at me once he got to me.

"I can't believe we got the same class!" I giggled. Max opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the teacher. He told us a mile. I scoffed, easy. He blew the whistle and we were off. There was a big group behind me and about 2 people ahead of me. I easily passed both of them. At 4 minutes and 33.19 seconds I was finished. Max was close behind. At ten minutes everyone was finished. By then we had caught our breaths. We were talking when two guys walked up, both of them being the two I passed.

"Hey. I'm jack and this is Jason. So uh...?" One of them said as the both looked me over.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Going out for cheer?" Jason asked. I nodded.

"How did you know?" I asked another question.

"You just got it." Jack spoke again.

"I have what?" I crossed my arms.

"Well, you got the sass, that's for sure. But you got, you know, that body. Sexy, pretty, skinny, ho-." Max cut Jack off.

"I wouldn't finish that." He turned all the way facing the boys.

"And why not?" Jason puffed up his chest.

"Her brothers are the Smith bros. They get one word you were talking to her." Max made the cut across the throat motion. Their eyes widened.

"Well, it was nice to meet you." They held out their hands. I held in laughter as they shook hands with us and sped away.

"Thanks." I laughed. "You saved me from a lecture."

"Anytime,now come on the teacher is giving a lecture. I can't save you from this one." We walked over to the ranting teacher. Finally, he was done and told us to go change.

"Meet me after the locker rooms we can head to lunch together." Max told me. I agreed and walked into my locker room. I had changed out of my gym clothes and was about to put on my shirt when someone slammed the door to my locker. I turned to see the other three girls in the gym class.

"Sister of the Smith's huh?" The leading lady leaned against my locker. I learned her name was Miley later. The other two's name were Rachel and Tara, but I only learned them later.

"So?" I tried to get to my locker but she smacked my hand away.

"So!" She sounded surprised. "That doesn't mean you can just go slutting up the school!"

"WHat?" I asked.

"We saw you making a move. Back off, You will never be good for anyone here. Especially since you are such a nerd. I mean what is that backpack!" She huffed.

"Get off my back. Go hit on dudes or do whatever." I scoffed. She gasped. Before I knew it, I felt pressure on me eye. She lowered her fist as I fell to the floor, hitting the side of my head. She brought her foot to contact with my stomach.

"What is that?" She looked at my stomach. I tried to hide to scars, but she pulled away my arms. "Are those cuts?" She asked. I slowly nodded.

"What do you want? I'll do anything if you keep these a secret." I pleaded.

"Keep off any and every dude here." She crossed her arms, which the girls behind her did too.

"Done." I told her. She walked away with her possy. I quickly slid into my shirt and sweatshirt. I walked over to the mirror. There was a cut from where I had fallen and one from where she hit me. It was on the lower part of my right eye. She had been wearing a ring. I wiped away the blood and rushed into the hallway. Max was waiting. He looked at me concerned. I say the three women over his shoulder.

"What happened?" He asked once I saw him.

"I was walking to the lockers after I had someone had showered. I slipped in the water and hit my head on the locker then the floor." I explained. I saw the three girls walk away, satisfied with my answer.

"That'll be fun to explain to your brothers." Max laughed.

"Oh shoot, I forgot about them!" I got nervous.

"Hey, It's okay. It's not like they can beat up a locker." Max spoke. I nodded as we walked to lunch. 

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