Chapter 15

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 (Two weeks later)

Again, Zach had stayed until my brother had showed back up. He told me to text him if he ever wanted him to stay with me again.I didn't really bother telling Devan, but I felt a little guilty for keeping it in mind. Today, I was sitting in the waiting room with Ryder since it was saturday and I had my doctor appointment.

"Lucy SMith, this way please." A nurse motioned I follow her with my crutches which I had been using a lot less lately. I nodded. Ryder stood too. I knew I wouldn't win if I told him to stay, so I just let him come. He walked over to a check up room. In honesty, I was glad to be in this hospital today. I got to my check up without getting hurt again.

"Hey Lucy." I saw Dr. Bailey step in the room. I smiled.

"Hey." I responded.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to lay back and relax." I did as Bailey told me. Bailey pull up my shirt, checking the bandages and replacing them with less bulky ones.

"Perfect, looking good. Now doctor Altman will come in, then Shepard, then Torres and on." SHe explained. I nodded. Soon after she stepped out the other came. One by one they put lesser bulk of bandages on me until Solan stepped in. Ryder's phone buzzed, showing he had a call.

"I will be right back." He said. I nodded as he stepped out.

"Let's do this quick. Lay down." Solan said as he left, I followed his order, but was quite confused. He pulled my shirt up enough to expose some of the scars I had. I prayed he didn't noticed them. "Good no new ones." I felt his gloved hand run over a scar. I pulled my shirt down and leaned up.

"I'm sorry, I'm not completely comfortable with those. Do you know who else knows about them?" I asked.

"Most all the doctors." He said.

"My brothers?" I asked. He nodded. I felt my breaths becoming shorter and my body began to shake.

"Hey breath, just breath." Solan told me. I nodded, trying to slow my breathing. "I thought they talk to you about it? Have they left you alone yet?" HE asked. I shook my head. "Since the next doctor is a little busy, I am going to call in a resident to wait for you when I'm done okay?" He said. I nodded. He finished up and hit his pager. In about 3 minutes Meredith, Lexie, George, Izzy, Alex, and Christina piled in. "Don't you all have jobs to do?" He asked. They all shook their heads and he giggled and laughed. He left.

"Anything happen?" Lexie asked first, taking a seat where Solan had just been. I looked at my hands.

"Oh something did happen, spill." Meredith rolled up another chair. I shook my head.

"Oh come on." ALex whined.

"Fine..." I sighed. "Zach and I... kissed."

"What?" Christina now seemed interested.

"That's amazing!" Izzy giggled.

"No, it isn't." I looked at them. They looked confused. "My brothers don't know."

"That's okay." George answered. I shook my head.

"They will kill me. And then him. They want nobody near me other then them right now." I explained.

"Oh yeah." Izzy leaned back in her chair.

"Just tell them." Meredith suggested.

"I just barely kept a hold of my life a few weeks ago. I want to keep myself alive for now. And I really don't feel like endangering Zach." I sighed.

"You'll know when it's rights to tell them." Lexie touched my hands. I nodded.


(2 weeks later)

My leg was in a brace now, out of the giant cast and off the crutches. I just had a slight limp. Right now, I was sliding into some leggings, a sweater that hung past my butt, as requested by my brothers, and my hair was in a tight bun. I had on some cheetah print uggs on as well. I nervously stepped onto school grounds for the first time in a month. I looked at the banners that were hanging. Homecoming.

"Guys, I don't think I can do this." I turned from the school nervously.

"Lucy, look at me. You don't need to be here all day. You just need to be here long enough to talk to the principal." Ryder held my shoulders. I nodded and took in a deep breath. We walked in through the doors. As I walked through the halls, everyone became silent other than the occasional side whisper.

"She's back?"
"Did you hear what happened between her and Miley?"

"SHe sent miss Cheer captain on community service."

I ignored them as I saw two more figures join our little group. Max and Zach. Zach.... Zach and I had since been together even more. I hadn't told my brother's yet though. I was way too scared. As we walked, Zach looked at me when I was looking at him and gave me a hidden smile. I returned one. Soon we reached the principals. I took in a deep breath and walked inside.

"Hello Lucy, welcome back." Principal Michaels smiled. I gave him a small one back.

"You wanted to meet with me?" I asked, sitting in a chair since my leg was giving me a little pain.

"Yes, I just want you to know Miley has been expelled, and after attending a court date, she has been sentenced to community service and is not allowed near you, this school, or your home." He explained. I laughed internally. She is getting what she deserves.

"Thank you sir." I responded. The bell for first period rang. My brother stood still.

"Go on, I can get your sister to whereever she will need to be." The principal motioned them to go. They reluctantly did. They were soon far out of earshot and eyesight. "If there is anything I can do Lucy, just tell me okay?" The principal said. I nodded.

"I think I'm just ready to get back to school. I mean I had been doing all my school stuff at home, but I am ready to get out of that house all day long." I told him.

"Good, glad to hear it. I'll call your teacher to let her know you're coming." He leaned back in his chair. "Want me to walk you to first?" He asked.

"Thanks but no thanks. I'm good." I stood he nodded. I walked out the door and through the halls. They were completely empty. Just then the tardy bell for first rung. I brushed it off. The halls were colored head to toes in our colors. They had signs on lockers, windows painted, pictures and sign hung everywhere.

Homecoming was always boring as a kid cause you never did anything with it. Right now, I kind of felt the same. Nothing stood out to me right now. It was all temporary, soon to be taken down, nothing that would stay interesting. By next week it would be normal again.

I approached the door for first. With a deep breath I opened the door and all the heads flung my way. Eyes looked me over. I felt myself turn red and look at the floor. I closed the door behind me and walked to my seat. I could feel the hot stares stilling watching me as I walked by.

"Okay class, homework." The teacher said, breaking the silence. I grabbed it from my back, holding it for when she came around and got it. She reached me.

"Wow, I'm impressed with you." SHe said as she took it. "You finished every single assignment while you were gone."

"Thanks to my brothers." I said quietly. SHe continued on. 

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