Chapter 14

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Zach had stayed for quite a while, waiting until every one of my brothers arrived home. He stayed for a bit after that, but finally he got a text from his mom. Once he left I was alone. I realized that the last time I had seen any of my brothers was like 20 minutes ago. I sighed, wanting to know where they had wandered off to. I quietly got onto my leg and silently hopped/slid across the floorboards. I crept over to where I heard voices. I realized they were talking upstairs, but I could them down here.

"She tried to walk upstairs and she said she ruined us." Ryder explained. "I'm worried about her."

"We all are." I heard Mike say.

"DId we make the wrong choice?" Alex asked.

"I don't know. I think we just need to giver her some time. A lot has happened. It's a lot on everyone" Devan responded. I sighed, not interested in listening to anymore. I went back to the couch and sat with my foot on the table in front of me. My leg was honestly in pain a lot lately, but Dr. Torres said it would be. I laid back, my brain tried from rushing emotions. I got up real fast again and grabbed another sleep aid from the kitchen, remembering how nice it was to finally get a full night's sleep. I laid back down on the sofa. The Sun slowly set outside, my eyes slowly closing with it.


I awoke again to a busy household. My brothers rushed everywhere. I slowly rose to my feet. I felt an arm stabilize me.

"Where are you off to?" Tyler asked from behind me.

"My bathroom." I told him. He looked at me like I was crazy. "I am showering. I am like a slime ball of grease and just grossness." I told him. He laughed a little, nodding. He picked me up bridal style, walking up the stairs.

"Have you been eating anything lately?" He asked. "You are lighter than a feather."

"Of course I have." I told him as he reached my bathroom. He set me down carefully, leaving me to stand on my one leg. "Can you grab my pink bag from downstairs?" I asked. He nodded. He was gone and back in a matter of no time. "Thanks bro." I smiled. He smiled back and left. I closed my door, deciding to lock it. I took out a thing the doctor gave me for showering. I wrapped it carefully around my leg and covered my bandages as I had been told to. I slid my hair from the bun it had been in. I removed my clothes and tossed them to the side. I carefully hopped in the shower. I let the hot water rinse all the pain away for the moment.

I washed my hair and just in general cleaned up. I didn't realize how ready I was for a shower. It felt so nice being actually clean again. After showering, I grabbed a towel for me and my hair and wrapped up. I sat on the toilet seat as I began to pull the things from the bandages and cast. I put some lotion on my non-wrapped leg and face. I stood up and hopped to my closet. I pull out some running shorts and a t-shirt. After I slid those on, I went back to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I brushed out my hair and stuck it back up in a bun. I was about to leave the bathroom when something caught my eye. I realized Tyler was right, I was really skinny. I remembered the things I had been eating. They weren't exactly healthy, but I had very little to eat. I sighed and laid on my bed. I began lifting my left leg, up and down. My muscle was dying out and I decided to do a little work out. I did some arm things and things with my left leg and a few ab things.

Finally, I hopped outside. I turned to go down the stairs, but was too afraid to fall so I sat, using my arms and left leg to go down them one at a time. I reached the bottom to see an empty house. I went to the kitchen to take my meds and saw Devan's phone sitting on the counter. I buzzed. I didn't take a look until it buzzed again as I took my meds. It was from a group text chat asking if they wanted to go hang out.

"Devan, your friends want to hang out with you today." I yelled for him.

"I know." He said as he walked in.

"You should go." I told him.

"I will not leave you alone." He said, looking at something or another before grabbing his phone.

"I can call and get Max or Zach over here again." I suggested. I spoke before waiting for an answer. "Perfect, I will text them." I told him and headed out of the room. I grabbed my phone texting both of them.

Either of you two wanna hang?

Max: I would love to, but my mom is forcing me to go to some kind of family gathering.

Zach: Yeah, my boss is sick so I'm free all day.

Perfect, oh BTWs sorry bout that Max :) Be here ASAP

"Zach is gonna hang, you get ready to leave." I set my phone down.

"I like Zach, but he is kind of new to this circle. I'm not sure I fully trust him." Devan said as he walked in again. I rolled my eyes with a little.

"I think Zach is pretty cool. I mean at least he is smart." I told him.

"Oh yeah?" Devan asked.

"Yeah. Everyday he knew him and I walked home around the same time and way from practice, but he waited for me to leave then came a ways after so he didn't run into you guys. Smart." I told him.

"Okay, I'll give him that." Devan said. "Still don't trust him." I rolled my eyes again.

"Now go get ready." I giggled to myself a little. He smiled as he walked away. He had been getting ready for about 5 when the doorbell rang. "Got it!" I told him. I got up, hopping over to the door and opening it.

"Hey Lucy...Why are you standing?" He looked at my leg.

"Oh, I decided to change it up a little." I smiled. He did too. I allowed him in. I was going along side him when my foot caught a table, causing me to fall. I saw Devan walk out as it happened, he headed towards me, but instead Zach's arms caught me. HE picked me up and carried to the couch where he sat me down.

"Okay, I will be back in a little bit." Devan began. "As I say to every guy who enters this house to be near my sister, touch her, we will know and find out. That will not end good for you." I shake my head at.

"I promise." Zach told Devan. Devan nodded and gave a little smile before walking out the door, only to come back in, grab his phone, and leave.

"So your boss is sick?" I questioned.

"Yeah." He said sitting next to me.

"THat's cool, but sucks for him." I mentioned.

"Oh, he needed a day off anyways, even if it is a sick day." HE told me. I nodded. It was quiet in the room for a few moments. I sat, butterflies filling my stomach again. I tried to push them away, but nothing worked. "Hey Lucy." Zach said.

"Yeah," I said as I turned my head facing his which was turned towards me. I noticed his eye, the deep brown had a small twinkle in them. In one swift movement Zach leaned over, pushing his lips against mine. Though I was surprised, I kissed back which surprised me even more. I felt his hand move to my cheek.Finally, he pulled away. I looked down to my hands which were sitting in my lap.

"I'm sorry." He spoke quickly. "I just couldn't hold back. You're so beautiful and kind."

"Don't be sorry, I was about to do the same." I looked back up and gave him a small smile. He gave one back. I grabbed the TV remote and we began watching some show or another. We were about 15 minutes into the first episode when I felt a hand intertwine with mine. I felt my face go read, but didn't pull away. 

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