Chapter 2

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After a chorus of agreements the screen flickered into life once more, a memory beginning to take place.

A young blonde child was shown running through a grassy field, coming to a stop in front of a large tree.
Another child, a brunette with tanned skin was situated in the grass, lazily relaxing in the sun. The blonde took a seat beside the other child in the grass.

"France! It's about time you made it." The boy now known as Spain exclaimed cheerfully as he opened his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I was distracted by a beautiful girl." France explained, a slight dreamy look on his face.

"Of course you were." England snorted in disgust.

"At least I get the girls." France countered with a smirk. The English nation had gone to reply but was stopped by a glare from Germany. He huffed in irritation.

"That's nothing new. Prussia was getting impatient though." The tanned boy replied.

"Oh. Where is Prussia by the way?" France glanced around the clearing.

"Right herrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee!" The short albino screamed enthusiastically as he jumped out of the top of the tree. Although his landing could have been better. Prussia landed headfirst on the ground, falling forward onto his face. His Teutonic Knights uniform now covered in dirt and grass stains.

Both France and Spain could only stare blankly at their friend.

"Ha- Ouch..." The albino child moaned in pain as he slowly stood up and stumbled towards the others.

"That was totally awesome though! You can't deny it!" Prussia continued, a grin on his face.

"Typical Prussia." Germany quietly commented. A hint of fondness in his tone, but was unheard by anyone else.

"Stop mucking around, we don't have much time." France finally said.

"Like you can talk." Spain retorted happily, revoking a halfhearted glare from the blonde.

Once all three youths were seated in a circle, Prussia pulled out a small dagger.

"Let's do this shit!" The ruby eyed child cackled before France took the knife from him, a look of annoyance on his face.

"Act your age. Now, we swear on this blood oath." The blonde began.

"You know I awesomely swear." Prussia recited with a grin.

"And I swear too." Spain added.

"That we will remain best friends until we cease to exist. Wars and others like us will not ruin our friendship." France continued, the brunette and albino males nodding along vigorously.

"And we shall call ourselves the Best Friends Trio." Again Spain agreed happily, although Prussia interjected.

"How about something more awesome? Something like... the Bad Touch Trio!" The Teutonic Knight suggested loudly and proudly.

Spain and France's eyes widened as they mulled it over, before both grinned.

"That does have a nice ring to it." The blue eyed blonde commented. The brunette nodding in agreement.

"Time to make this official then." Prussia stated and took the dagger from France, quickly cutting a line through his palm.

"I better not get any on my clothes." The blonde complained quietly as he cut his palm before passing it onto Spain. The tanner child made no comment, although there was a hesitant look on his face.

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