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This is just a quick authors note before I start the story.
I just want to say that I don't own Hetalia and by making this story I'm not coping anyone's ideas and stories.

I've wanted to write a story like this and I've had the idea for a while, so I finally decided to make it. Also it will be original.

So I hope you like it.


The monthly United Nations meeting had just commenced.
This month it was being held in Rome, Italy.

Though the meeting had just begun, it was already chaotic.
France and England had somehow got into a petty argument which in turn had commenced into a fight.
Greece and Turkey were having a fight of their own, about some nonsense.

Denmark was being one of the loudest in the room, apart from America of course, nagging and annoying the other four members of the Nordic five, especially Norway and Sweden, who he was seated next too.

Japan sat silently, like normal, next to Germany, who looked just about to blow a fuse, and Italy, who was absentmindedly drawing on sheets of paper.

Prussia, who insisted he come to the meetings, sat beside Spain, who was annoying Romano.
Romano sat beside his brother, trying to ignore the bastard beside him, going on about tomatoes.

Russia was seated in between Ukraine and Belarus. Belarus glaring at anyone who dared look at or speak to her brother.
Ukraine smiled peacefully at the other nations, calming Belarus down when she would get angry.
The Baltic States were seated close to Russia. Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia talking amongst themselves about random conversations.
Poland started talking to Lithuania, who he was seated next too.

China sat next to Japan. He was hugging a Hello Kitty plush tightly to his chest and complaining quietly about the chaos.

Australia and New Zealand were near England, already teasing and bickering with each other.

Austria, Hungary, Switzerland and Lichtenstein were close enough to Germany. Austria complaining about not having his piano with him, Hungary and Switzerland holding their respective weapons close, as if they were going to use them. Lichtenstein was sitting quietly, a small smile on her face.

Canada was seated next to his younger twin, America. Although he was only noticed some of the time, he still attended the meetings.
America was currently shouting his ideas out to the world, he was at the head of the table.

As every second ticked by the noise in the room increased, and Germany was already sick of it.

"ALRIGHT! EVERYBODY SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" He roared in anger, slamming his hands down on the table. Everybody jumped and quietened down instantly.

"WE HAVE CALLED THIS MEETING T-" Germany was cut off from finishing his rant.
A bright light engulfed the room, preventing any nation from seeing their surroundings.

"What the hell dudes?!"

"Ve~ It's so bright!"

"My beautiful eyes!"

"Who did this? I will enjoy pounding their face in~"

"Lights like these are like, totally bad for my skin."

"This must be some type of magic!"

"I need my piano!!!"

"Who even makes lights like these aru? They hurt my eyes"

"I agree China-san."

"Big bruder, w-what's happening?"

"Stay close to me Lichtenstein."

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