Chapter 3

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+This one has some swearing in it+

After the disastrous end to the last memory, the nation's were hoping the next one would be happier. Hopefully it would lighten the mood and remove some of the tension suffocating the room.

Most held baited breaths as the screen darkened and an image begin to play.

A wooden boat rocked through rough waters, wind whipping through the ship's sails. Symbols and various colours decorated the ship's hull. Men dressed in metal and rags worked along the deck.

Both Norway and Denmark perked up, recognising the memory instantly. Iceland begin to inch lower in his seat, a blush beginning to stain his cheeks.

"No. This is my ship and my men. I didn't ask for you to come." The tonal and expressionless voice echoed around the deck. A young teenager with violet eyes stood, dressed in metal and a sword hitched at his hip. Blonde hair flopping in his eyes. Norway had barely changed.

"Aww.. No fair." Denmark groaned, leaning over the edge of the deck to watch the churning water in wonder.
Denmark was dressed similarly to Norway, however he had an axe strapped to his back, smaller than the one he now currently owned. The blonde male also looked younger than he had in the previous memory.

"Two in a row for Denmark." England muttered offhandedly.

"Yeah, I thought they would space them out at least." Canada commented, and a few nation's jumped, forgetting the blonde was present. Canada could only sigh.

"This is before the last one." Denmark added. He remember this memory, it was slightly embarrassing; however, he probably deserved it after what happened previously.

"I think everyone worked that out on their own." Norway stated, expression blank.

"Let's continue." Germany put an end to the meagre discussion and pressed play.

"Hey! I see something in the distance! Is that what you wanted to come and see?" Denmark exclaimed excitedly and pointed at the landmass beginning to grow larger in the distance.

"Yes I believe so. Iceland is what my people named it. I was wondering if we would find another personification on that land." The Norwegian explained, pulling out a map and studying the rough outline of what they believed to be the newly found nation of Iceland.

"Get ready to land!" The nation called out to his people before moving to a smaller wooden boat.

Once they had come as close to shore as they could, they anchored the ship and a small rowing boat was lowered into the water. Denmark and Norway were rowing to shore and docking the boat against a large rock.

"Now what? Do we just wait around for the supposed personification to pop out or what?" The Dane asked, growing bored.

"I recommend travelling further inland. And like I said earlier, you didn't have to come." Norway muttered pointedly, before moving further off the beach.

"It's boring back home, reading, writing, politics; eww." Denmark commented before following after the other nation, Norway only glancing at him strangely.

The duo passed through hordes of thick shrubbery and trees in silence, soon finding a small village. There were a number of mud brick structures and people milling about. In the distance a hulking mound of earth and rock stood, smoke billowing from the top.

"Holy shit! Is that a volcano?!" Denmark's tone almost rose an octave in excitement. Norway glanced at him momentarily, before sighing deeply.

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