Fast Times At Greenfield Junior-High

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"What just happened back there?" Steve asked David with true ignorance

"What are you talking about?" David replied as if nothing had just happened.

"I am talking about those knights on horses that charged each other. You didn't see them?" Steve was frightened and wanted to make sure David had seen the same thing.

"I did not see any knights or horses. All I saw was me digging through Jimmy Patty's front yard for the medallion you threw," David said with mild anger.

"You didn't see anything? Jimmy Patty saw those horse guys and almost peed his pants," Steve exclaimed disbelieving David didn't see anything.

David did not respond and just kept walking in silence.

Then Steve had to break the silence and stopped right in front of David blocking his path.

"You're telling me you did not see those horse guys with spears & flags, swords, & Shields, charging each other?" Steve said as he stared into David's eyes. 

David stared right back into Steve's eyes and said," Yeah, I didn't see anything and neither did you."

"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting so weird about that necklace thing? Why did you try to grab the necklace away from me," Steve asked being frightened and concerned at the same time for David's mental state.

"First of all, its not a necklace, its a medallion. Second, it is not just an ordinary medallion, its a two thousand-six hundred year old gift from the gods. Third, its name is The Pedio Machis Medallion, but in English it is The Battlefield Medallion and I am now the Keeper of the Medallion," all of this poured out of David's mouth as if it was second nature.

Now Steve was really scared!

"David, we can't go to school now. Lets turn back and go home. We'll both play sick and figure out what is going on here. We'll spend the day playing Atari and watching MTV. Come on, you can't bring that thing to school," Steve said pleading with David.

"I can't turn back, I've already crossed my Rubicon. I, like Caesar, have a great destiny to achieve. Veni Vidi Vici (I Came, I Saw, I Conquered)." David spoke like he was a crazy war nut marching into glory and stepped around Steve to continue his path to school.

"Rubicon! What are talking about? Veni Vidi Vici? You love war and battles, but you never talk like that," Steve said looking at David walking ahead of him.

"There is no going back! The medallion told me victory, glory, fame will be all mine. The medallion is one with me, I am one with the medallion, " David said this like he was like brain washed and now just sleep walking his way to school.

"The medallion told you? You and the medallion are one? That thing is telling you what to do?" Steve paused and then it came to him,  "It does not want to go to your school! It wants you to take it to its school, where it will teach us all a lesson!" Steve said in a moment of understanding and terror.

Steve just stood there horrified and then said, "Oh, my god, you're really bringing that thing to our junior-high school? This is not going to turn out well."

Finally, David and Steve arrived at Greenfield Junior-High School, student population just over 650, consisting three grades, the 7th, 8th, and 9th Grades. The school was located on 14th Street North, but the school office side was located on 7th Avenue North. The school first opened in 1955 and its school building was mostly a main floor structure stretching out with ample space and adjacent to a large green field consisting of two football fields connected to the town's most popular city park, named after the state university. However, on the 14th Street North side of the school building was a double level structure, which was divided into a basement level with classrooms and an upper second level with more classrooms. The school mascot was the Warhawk, but over the years there were complaints that Warhawks was too aggressive and promoted war, so there were those in the school district who wanted the school mascot changed to a more passive name like the Royals! That will never happen, lets go Warhawks!

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