Girls Basketball Team

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coach k: you guys will help coach the girls basketball team....

boys: yes sir

coach K: No days off... Now boys head to the other gym where the girls are....


Coach L: girl you will be training with the boys basketball team

girls: ugh..

coach L: i didn't ask for commentary...

coach K: Ahh coach L

coach L: hey coach k

coach K: you want them to introduce themselves

coach L: Yeah.. Ok ladies we're going to have u introduce yourselves to each other before we get started

Coach K: ladies first

everyone on the girls basketball team introduced themselves

???: and my name is Kennedy

coach L: That's the whole girls team now the boys

???: Ouu

???: She fine

Then everybody on the boys basketball team introduced themselves

???: Im Trae Shawty *winks and bites his lip at kennedy

???: OUU trae boiii

???: a nigga finna shoot his shot

Coach K: Boys enough enough *smiling at trae

coach L: ok we're going to start off with ladders.. 2 and 2

The teams formed groups to warm up for practice. The teams were

2 boys and 2 girls so that it would be groups of 4....

coach K: last group...

Coach L: Kennedy and Madison

Coach K: Trae and Josh

josh: Yeah boii lets get it *high 5's trae

Kennedy , Madison , trae, and Josh get in their positions to do their Ladder

Trae: We finna dominate yall

Madison: We'll see

Josh: She don't talk??

Coach K: GO!!!

Madison: Nope!

the last group started their ladder. Everyone started off pretty fast but then Josh and Madison started slacking. Trae and Kennedy were going hella fast. As one seen the other speed up they would too. They tried to act like it wasn't nothing but both new that they were competing against each other. at the end of the ladder both of them ran back as fast as they could but it would end up as a tie.......

???: ok i see u kennedy

???: Damn trae

"Nice Job" Trae said winking and holding his hand for kennedy to high 5 it.

Kennedy: Thanks *high 5ing his hand

Trae looked back at the boys who were gassing him up just cuz of kennedy.

The rest of practice kept going on. Trae and Kennedy kept ending up in the same group the majority of practice... Practice lasted for about 2 1/2 hours.... Time flew by and practice was finally over. As everyone was exiting the gym of course (ofc) kennedy was stopped by trae

Trae: Hey..

Kennedy: Um... Hi

Trae: Nah fr wassup witchu

Kennedy: nun... nigga if u don't get to the point

???: Ouu ok kennedy got good type

Kennedy: forget u Serayah *laughs My bad....

Trae: Nah u good... Wanna hang out later

Kennedy: Nah... thanks doe *goes ahead of him

Josh: Damn nigga u just got denied quick as hell

Trae: she'll come around...

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