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1 week later............

Kennedy: Hey guys

Josh and Donte: Hey

Kennedy: Have u guys seen-

Donte: Trae didn't come today

Kennedy: Why??

Josh: Every since he seen lil Tray-

Kennedy: Thanks josh I gotta go

Trae's Dorm

*Knockin on the door/ it opens

???: Um Trae who is this?

Kennedy: My bad wrong room I was lookin for

???: Boo you lyin. Ik u lookin for trae.. I seen what happen. Explain it to him

Kennedy: wait rih??

Rih: You already know.. Now go talk to him


Kennedy: Trae lemme-

Trae: Nah you could've told me this *heading for the door

Kennedy: No ur not Leaving!! And we're not even together so why are u mad

Trae: I had real feelings for u...

Kennedy: For u can get any madder lemme explain to the situation. He's not my real son. He's my nephew but I take care of him as a mother should. When my sister was delivering him her blood pressure got super High and it wouldn't go down so she ended up dyin in her delivery stage. He luckily was able to survive. His dad was a drug dealer so he couldn't go to him. My mom couldn't get him because she would become depressed because he reminds her of my sister. So therefore i was the only option left and if I didn't take him he would would go into the system. I didn't want him to go there so I - gco by him kissing her

Trae: I'm sorry...

Kennedy: Its iight. I lowkey would've been mad too

Trae: So what's his name??

Kennedy: Trayvion *laughs We call him tray too. Just with an "a y"

Trae: Cool.. So what's up with us...

kennedy: Idk...

Trae: So um will you-

Kennedy: Yeah *kisses his Cheek

Trae: damn could you give me a real kiss for once

Kennedy: Nope....

Trae: Get out

Kennedy: Just kidding *kisses his lips

and that turned into you know what... Imagine whatever you want

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