A day with Trae and Tray

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Tray: Mommy I want ice cream

Kennedy: boy you always want ice cream. What kind u you want

Tray: That one

kennedy: The blue and pink one??

tray: Yeah!

Trae: aye girlfriend i want some ice cream too

Kennedy: Which one u want?? *laughing

Trae: The same one he's getting

Kennedy: iight

Trae and Tray>>>>>>>

Tray: What's ur name

Trae: im Trae

Tray: I'm Tray too. YAY!

Trae: high five? *holding his hand up

Tray: Yes *Finishes the high five

Kennedy: Here

Tray: YAY!

Kennedy: Silly butt... What yall watching

Trae: Basketball

Kennedy: I shoulda been known...

Trae and Tray: WOAH!!

Kennedy: yall goofy *whispers

Trae: Who goofy not us..

Tray: Yeah not us...

Kennedy: I can't *laughs Well I'm out meet yall at the car *walking out

Trae: Lets go lil Tray before she leave us

Tray: Otay


Kennedy: where we going next???

Trae & Tray: The Park


Trae: Come down the slide lil Tray

Tray: I want mommy to come down the slide with me..

Trae: Aye Bae

Kennedy: What Trae?? Messing up my pictures

Trae: Lil Tray said he wants u to go down the slide with him

Kennedy: um..

Trae: come on


Kennedy: iight on 3 ok???

Tray: otay

Kennedy: 1...2...3!

Tray: WEE!!!

Kennedy: Dang these slides hot

Trae: *laugh

Kennedy: It's not funny Trae


Trae: Shoot it

Trae was holding lil tray on his shoulders so that he was tall enough to shoot the ball

Tray: I MADE IT!! *getting off trae shoulders

trae: High 5

???: Trae!!!

Both of them looked over to the girl who called their name. Lil Tray started to hold onto trae's arm tightly and hid behind his back

???: So u didn't tell me u had a kid

Trae: why are u-

Ashley: Aw hi lil guy


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