After the Field Show (Field Show pt.2)

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???: Nice Take over kennedy

kennedy: Thank you

???: Kennedy was like the best dancer out there

???: Ik she's my favorite dancer

???: I wish I could dance with her

Kennedy smiled hearing the kind remarks about her as she walked by. The she went to the bleachers by A'ja

Tray: Mommy!!! *hugs her

Kennedy: Tray!!! *hugs him Did u have fun with auntie A'ja

Tray: yeah! We got Dippy dots

Kennedy: Aww. Were they good?

Tray: Yahp

Kennedy: *laughs Boi you so silly... Let's go

Kennedy and Tray got off of the bleachers went towards Kennedy's car. Madison and Serayah rushed over to them.

Kennedy: Omg ok...

Madi: Aww he's so cute hey little man

Serayah: Aww omg look at his cheeks

Madi: Ik *softly pinching them

Serayah: What's your name

Tray: Tray

Madi: Aww. Serayah Play with him for a sec

Serayah: been doin that

Madi: Kennedy doe Trae know bout him

Kennedy: Nope but he's about to find out cuz here he come

Serayah: Titi serayah has to go but be good ok

Tray: Otay

Madi: Madi has to go too. You have the best mommy in the world ok. Don't ever forget that ok

Tray: Otay.

Madi: ohh Love you. bye!! *hugs him

Tray: Bye!!


trae: that's Kennedy's son??

Josh: I guess so

donte: Damnn boi

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