Majorette Dance practice

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coach Kiara: Ladies take 5

???: KENNEDY!!!

Kennedy: what Madison

Madi: your boyfriend

Kennedy: Bro he's not my boyfriend... And where??

Madi: umm but u don't like him doe... *points to him

Kennedy: i don't *looks at him


Josh: Madison petty ass

Trae: Shii she look fine in that cheer outfit tho


Madison: Josh I can hear u

Donte: Busted yo bubble

Trae: No im talking about Kennedy dumbass

Josh: shh I knew that


Coach Kiara: ok we're gonna start from the beginning

coach Kiara started the music over from the beginning. The older girls started to dance each stand as if it was their final performance. There was a stand where the little majorette girls go out onto the floor and show the people what they've got. Then all of the girls came together and did 1 stand. during the performance there was a trio part and of course kennedy was apart of it because she was one of the best dancers on the team.

Crowd of girls: Ayee go Kennedy ayee ayeee

The dance was over... well the 1st dance was over and they had to get in formation for the next dance.

after the 2 & 3 dance.........

coach Kiara: Ladies nice job remember to practice theses next couple of days because this friday is the field show. remember that Thursday's practice will be longer so bring ya gatorades and stuff ok??

Girls: yes

coach Kiara: Ok... goodbye!!

Trae and the rest of the boys jumped from the bleachers and went towards madison and Kennedy

Kennedy; So where we going

Trae: anywhere u want to..

Kennedy: Ok ima get dressed

Trae: iight let me know so I can-


Trae: Ashley??

Ash: Yes bitch I transfered

Trae: omfg

Ash: And um hoe ima need u to move away from my man

Kennedy: Child i didn't even want him.. If i did I would been took him. See ya later Trae* walks away

Ash: LATER?? nigga what kinda shit u got planned

Trae: Don't worry about it

This is what Kennedy looks like by the way>>>>

This is what Kennedy looks like by the way>>>>

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