Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

My jaw dropped at the sight of mother's bloodshot eyes and the wails from Chloe, and Matthew just standing there with a shocked, perplexed face. "W-what happened?" I stammered. I choked out the words since I had nothing better to say. Bezzle had the same vexed face. It was as if the whole world had just died and Bezzle and I were the only people alive, staring into the dark and empty world. Suddenly, a hard slap shook my head and I fell to the ground unconcious.


"You heartless child, do you realise what you have done?" Without waiting for me to answer, she continued. "Where were you, do you know it's eleven, pitch-black outside? I asked you to come by nightfall, not five hours after nightfall. Do you have an explanation?"

What was wrong with her? I was taken aback, traumatized. My mother, who never dared hurt a little insect, managed to slap me? "W-we were in the woods like I told you, and... this foreigner lady stopped us since her daughter was dying and she wanted Ivory, so we... gave it to her." I throttled the words. "You talked to a stranger? And you... GAVE AWAY IVORY?" Apart from angry, her emotions were tinged with a little bit of grief and I could understand that from Mama's acquaintance with Ivory after what I saw earlier today when I asked for permission to go to the woods.

 "It was for a good cause, mother. She paid us too and gave us this rare technology." I showed her the laptop in my hand and threw the money on the floor disgracefully.

"I don't want this scanalous, phony money or whatever. How can you trust a foreigner? What if this is a tracking device, foolish girl?"

I can't believe Ezabelle just stood there pretending she was never even in this, not even trying to defend me. I want to save her and this is how much she really concerns for me. "It's not stolen, you have to trust people other than yourselves. She was hopeless mother, her daughter was dying! She took us to her hotel and we talked about Harmenia and I told her the legend since she was really interested-"

" Wait, YOU SHARED INFORMATION ABOUT THE GODS? HOW DESPERATE CAN YOU GET? I don't want this money of yours, and you can keep that tracking device to yourself. I told you not to talk to strangers but you disobey me. You sold the cat Sienna, she was family." Mother softened her hoarse voice.

That just made my blood boil up. "I thought you were in desperate need of money so I tried to help out and you say the money I earned is disgraceful because an outsider gave it to me. Anyways, you wanted Ezabelle to move to a foster care just so you can set aside a rational amount to make enough for proper living, didn't you? I heard you myself the other night. If you can imagine banishing your own adopted daughter who really is family, then what big deal is a cat given for a good cause, reasonable money and a gift that no other Harmenian has?" I think I made a point however I was unsure of Mother's reaction. Everyone in the room gasped, disbelieving everything I had said. Mother grabbed Ezabelle into her arms and stroked her hair like she was an innocent angel falling from the stars.

"You were eavesdropping on us? How can accuse us of a crime as terrible as casting out a child? We were talking about giving away Faye, not Ezabelle, however we changed our mind since she'll be five next year and we'll be able to ride her. Anyways, if we did have any plans of evicting any of our animal pets, or in your case, humans, we would have told you; you can't just blame someone for a crime that they didn't perpetrate or you don't have enough information about, keep that in mind next time or you'll be in a serious mess. By the way, no other Harmenian has that machinery since the gods banned us from them, so keep it as valuable as you want, just don't let any other Harmenian into a dilemma as dramatic as yours." She expounded maliciously.  

My head was spinning and culpability crammed inside of me. Faye? How could I forget about my precious pony? Everything that belongs to me is priceless. I shed a few tears not understanding why everyone was so mad at me. "I made a mistake, I'm sorry but what's all the commotion about? Why were you screaming and hollering?" I inquired confused and angry.

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