Chapter 9

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Hi! I don't know if I'll be able to upload as much as now cuz of school, but I'll try my best! Vote if you like this chapter, I tried to make it a little humerous for a change! I haven't edited this story yet, so please bear with any mistakes you find, I'm planning to proofread at the end of this book :D Enjoy! x

I stumbled back into the little opening as the scorching heat I couldn't endure. I hugged Bezzle and Chloe goodbye as they told me to stay vigilant and that that this is my game of life and it's up to me to succeed or fail. We shed a few emotional tears and I blocked my view as they walked further and further away from me. Chloe said she'll toss some berries near my arch when the coast is clear and I will be able to follow her to venue of the the funeral in the evening, which was obviously going to be the graveyard (not that I've ever been to a funeral. Never).

What a day it was turning out to be. I had thought my plan was successful and when they'd come to fetch me, they'd be desperate and I'd have the advantage however what I didn't know was that laws are so brutal, strict, malevolent. I didn't have anything to keep myself entertained with so I zoned out for a long time, waking up to find out it was noon. Yawning and stretching my tired and squished legs, I came out of my discreet hideout and made my way through the orchard. I found the juicy apple tree with big, red apples ready to be picked out. I looked around for spies and neighbours and when everything seemed fine, I hesitantly grabbed an apple and pulled it. This usually was the time when the people would come check on the planting and fruits and pick them out to be sold but picking out any fruit like that and not paying for it is, well, illegal- even though my family has paid for part of the orchard. It's our community's, we all look after it together. 

The apple didn't really satisfy my hunger, I mean I haven't had food since last night and I forgot to ask Bezzle and Chloe to bring me some. This time, without thinking (as usual) I aimed at a ripe, juicy apple, as red as blood, but what a stubborn one it was too. I pulled and fidgeted and yanked around until finally, after a huge jerk, the apple suddenly came out and I went flying into the soil growing the potatoes, destroying the potatoes and my dirty attire soaked in mud and rainwater from last night. How filthy and grime I felt, I fall short to explain; it's my habit to bathe in fresh well water at least twice a day. The huge "thud" sound caused a commotion and 'mashed' potatoes were everywhere. Just then, a shadow approached me, with mean bloodshot eyes and a corpulent physique, staring right into my eyes, devastated to see the sight of his grown potatoes, the muddy apple in my hand, but most importantly, the filthy runaway girl who was wanted so terribly to be punished by the villagers.

My heart skipped a beat as the man, who was quite aged and whom I had never seen before, approached me gradually and spitefully. He narrowed his eyes, fuming and violent as he gnashed his teeth. I staggered across the ground, hoping to grip something to defend me but I had fallen in the potato patch, and I don't think a potato is much help... 

"Hello there! How'd you do? What a lovely day to eat a ripe old apple, ain't it? And break the laws? I don't really care much though, you're free to eat as much as you want! I'm not concerned about the potatoes either! I'm a fun loving man with a really big heart!" Shocked. Did he just say that? No he didn't, I imagined that since my head was spinning like a top, crazed and insane.That's what I was wishing he'd say. In reality, he wasn't even done with the staring, trying to gaze me to death it seemed, his bulging eyes just fixed in one spot that happened to be my filthy face. A minute. Five minutes. Fifteen minutes. The anomalous silence was creeping me out as we stood in the same positions like stone statues fixed securely to the ground.

"You." He whispered furiously. He took a step forward. Then another, until we were an inch apart. "You're the cold-blooded absconder that ruined my roses yesterday, and now my share of the orchard. Do you, by any means, realise that you have now ruined my months of hard work, my only way to earn money, my only interest left in this pathetic world? I have no family, no friends, just my dismal old self waiting for the day I depart this land for good, and you expect me to cope with punk kids like you?" He bellowed thunderously. I was taken aback, shaken with fear. Who's he calling a 'punk kid'? Does he even know what that means? Does this seem like some daredevil stunut to him? Or he thinks I'm some calluous teenager escaping to commit illegal crimes? Clearly he doesn't understand my situation; I've run away to escape brutal laws, misunderstandings and dilemmas that clearly happened accidentally.

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