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My legs became wobbly as I fluttered my eyes. I end up fell down and cried my eyes out. I don't think that I can survived without him.

How could he dumped me easily just like that. Our trust wall destroyed just like that. Why won't he just being honest since the first day we date.

But the weird things is

Jungkook was the one to hit on me and asked me out to date. Why would he do that if he don't feel anything.

My heart ways too weak to accept the facts that I just broke up with my beloved one. I trust him so much that without knowing I trapped in his lie.

Love really make you blind right. I turned into a fool and idiot person after I give all of my heart to him.

My hot tears keep streaming down as I felt my eyes getting swollen and puffy. My nose was blocked and I barely breath.

I get up and gathered all of my strength and go to Jungkook house. I don't care as long I can stay with him.


A door flung opened as a huge man standing infront of the door. "Why are you still here?! You supposed to be at your room crying like crazy" he scoffed.

"Where is Jungkook?" I clenched my teeth and look up. The wind soon hit my body and hair. My hair covered my puffy eyes as I glared at him.

"My son? He's probably enjoy his time at club at the times. I told him to enjoy the moment" he shrugged.

He's too cruel.

"Why would he enjoy his breakup?" I stuttered. He eyes pierced into my eyes as I keep staring his eyes.

"Because he's finally free from a pathetic and gold digger. He should celebrate it" he shrugged.

I relieved a long sigh and gathered all my courage to push him. I push him from the door as his body slammed to the walls giving me way to go in.

"Yah! You have no right to barge into my house" he shoute from the door as his steps getting nearer.

My head pulled backwards after I felt a hand grabbing my hair tight and pulled it. It a strong grip as my body also follow the grip and fall backwards.

I let out a small scream before he cupped my mouth with his dirty hands.

He pulled me towards his couch and sat me down.

I breathe heavily looking at my reddened wrist.

"Please call Jungkook here" the man told his bodyguards.

I know Jungkook would never do such thing. After a minutes, I could see my lovely person came out from a room. His lips was swollen also his eyes.

Is he crying?



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