In this lesson we will be looking at the various types of psychic gifts and the four clairs – Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance and Clairaudience. I will help you to identify which psychic gift is your primary gift (the gift that is strongest and most developed). Once you know which of your psychic gifts are strongest then you can, easily find the types of psychic readings that would be best for you to learn and do.
There are many different forms of readings and ways of offering helpful guidance and advice to others. Each and everyone one of us has the gift to perform readings for people. With a little practice and dedication you too can learn to perform accurate readings. We are all psychic and can all learn to develop our gifts and heighten our senses.
Many people think that each and every psychic has the same gift. This is far from the truth. Each psychic has their own special psychic gift and are better at performing certain types of readings than to other psychics. Some people are natural Mediums where others are better at Psychometry.
Another psychic may be able to do both mediumship and Psychometry. The good news is that we can all learn to develop each type of psychic gift – if you are determined to put in the hard work and practice. We all have a bit of each type of psychic gift within us; just some of our psychic gifts are stronger than the others.
As you learn and discover each type of psychic gift that there is, you will soon find that you are drawn more to certain types psychic readings. You will find it easier to perform these certain readings and they will feel right for you. These are the ones you should stick with when performing readings. Find the types of readings that you feel most comfortable in doing and stick with them.
Different Types of Psychic Gifts
There are 4 main types of Psychic Gifts called our Clairs. We all posses each psychic gift only some of our Clairs may be stronger and far more developed than the others. Some people are highly developed in only one Clair where others, may have two or even all four Clairs that are highly developed.
Since I was a tiny little girl all of my four Clairs have been highly developed and I would like to help you to heighten and develop all of your Clairs too. As I said above, we can all learn to develop each of these gifts. You have already been developing these gifts through the other lessons in this course and will continue to develop them with the remaining lessons.
By the time you have completed the whole of the Angel Light Psychic Development course, you would have developed all four Clairs. You see each lesson has been designed to gradually raise your vibration, develop your psychic gifts and the four Clairs and help you with spiritual growth.
My main aim in creating this course and in teaching each lesson is to help you to develop all of your Clairs and help you to discover your psychic gift. I would like to help you to develop and realize your psychic gifts, help you on your spiritual path and also help you connect with all your wonderful guides and angels. We are surrounded by so much angelic and spiritual support and help. I would love for others to be aware of just how much love and support we have. I would also like to teach others how to find out their life purpose and how to move forward on their spiritual paths.
To find out more about the 4 different Clairs and to find out which Clair/s is / are your primary Clairs please read below:
Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing): This is the gift that enables you to see spirits, angels and spiritual guidance, see the future and psychic predictions. People who are Clairvoyant often see flashing lights or sparkles of lights, can see spirits either with their physical eyes or with their minds eye, have vivid dreams in which they see things to come or are visited by spirits and angels, are able to sense light orbs and spirits in photos, find it easy to see signs and number sequences left by our angels and guides, are able to see peoples auras and can see energy all around items and people. Clairvoyants are sensitive to light or flashing lights.
Clairvoyants are highly visual people who take in each and every detail. These people never forget a face or a place. They usually dream in colour and their dreams are vivid and clear. Clairvoyants find it easy to use their imagination and are very imaginative people – usually day dreamers.
Clairvoyants find it easy to meditate and to do visualisation work. Clairvoyants feel drawn to colour and usually express themselves through or by using colour. Clairvoyants are very creative people and are brilliant at writing novels and poetry.
Perfect professions for Clairvoyants are; Photographers, website designers, fashion and other types of designers, painters, interior designer, decorators, authors and poets, a chef and any other profession where they are able to use imagination or creativity. Clairvoyants will find that when they go for long walks in the country or in their towns they will first take in the beauty of all that is around them, before they take in the sounds, feelings or smells.
Many Clairvoyants will see images associated with what they or someone else is saying. For example: Two people (one is Clairvoyant) are talking about their day. The non Clairvoyant person mentions that they went to the beach. The Clairvoyant person will actually imagine or see pictures of the beach while the other person is telling them about it.
The same principle applies if the Clairvoyant person was telling the other person that they went to the beach. Again the Clairvoyant person would actually see images of the beach while they spoke.
Clairaudience (Clear Hearing): This is the gift of hearing spiritual and angelic guidance. People who are Clairaudient find it easy to hear spirits and angels. Clairaudients can hear angelic celestial music being played when no one else can. They can also hear the voice of their spirit guides either with their inner ears or physical ears. My husband Dave’s Clairaudience is quite developed and because of this he is a wonderfully talented musician and songwriter.
Clairaudients are very sensitive to sound and highly developed Clairaudients often have to sit in the back row of concerts as the music will be too loud. Their hearing is brilliant and they can clearly pick out all the various tones and notes of the sounds around them.
Clairaudients may find that they often hear their name being called when they first wake up in the morning.
Clairaudients can easily remember different melodies, sounds and names as they take each sound in. When they go for a nice long walk in the country or their town they will first take in all the various sounds they can hear, before taking in the view, feelings and smells. Clairaudients never forget people’s voices and can recognize a person’s voice if they were blind folded.
Perfect professions for a Clairaudient person would be working in a musical industry such as a singer, song writer, and conductor, a DJ, Radio presenter. Clairaudients are natural leaders and would also work well in a profession where they lead and inspire others. They would make good spiritual teachers, teachers, lawyers, Mediums, councillors, communicators or translators or run their own businesses.
When Clairaudients listen to music they take in each and every note and lyric. When performing readings they will find it easier to hear angelic and spiritual messages than to seeing images. Like Clairvoyants who see images while they talk to others, Clairaudients will hear sounds associated with what they or someone else is saying.
For example: Two people (one is Clairaudient) are talking about their day. The non Clairaudient person mentions that they went to the beach. The Clairaudient person will actually hear the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach, or hear the sound of the sea gulls as they swoop down and catch fish, while the other person is telling them about it. In stead of seeing pictures of the beach as the Clairvoyant person did, the Clairaudient person will hear the sounds of the beach.
The same principle applies if the Clairaudient person was telling the other person that they went to the beach. Again the Clairaudient person would actually hear the sound of the beach and sea while they spoke.
Clairsentience (Clear Feeling): This is the gift of feeling spiritual and angelic guidance. People who are Clairsentient are usually very sensitive people. Most of their lives people would have told them that they are so sensitive – many Clairsentient people might have been bullied at school and through life because of their sensitiveness. My daughter Monique is highly Clairsentient. Her Clairvoyance as well as Clairaudience is highly developed too.
Clairsentient people often cry while watching a movie, the news, while listening to a song or even while reading a book. Clairsentients are highly emotional people as they can feel others emotions. It is very important for these people to keep themselves grounded on a daily basis, as they pick up the emotions and negative energies from others around them.
For example: If a Clairsentient person were talking to a person who was feeling very down in the dumps, then the Clairsentient person will pick up on that persons feelings. This will leave the Clairsentient feeling depressed or down in the dumps all day. This has happened because the Clairsentient has picked up on the energy of the other person. This energy stays with them and they find it hard to shake it with out grounding themselves.
Clairsentients often find it difficult being in crowds of people as they pick up on everyone’s different emotions. When these people go for long walks in the country or even in their town they will feel the energy of all that is around them. They may walk past a tree and feel the energy of the tree. They will take in and first notice how the sun feels as it shines down on them. They will feel the freshness of the cool breeze as it brushes through their hair or dances on their skin.
Clairsentients find it easy to feel the vibration of everything around them including angels and spirits. When these people perform readings they will receive information through their feelings rather than through seeing or hearing. Clairsentients feel spirits around them in many varied ways such as, feeling as though a spider or spider web is on them, feeling the spirits energy or feeling them touch their face or brush past them.
Clairsentients are often very compassionate people and can feel and understand the pain that another person feels. These people are very connected to nature and animals and can understand the feelings of their pets and other animals. Many Clairsentients may over indulge or become addicts as a way of dealing with all the overwhelming emotions that they feel.
Clairsentients would work well in professions where they are helping others, a councillor, adviser, doctor or nurse, working with animals and people, doing charity work, working in nature and with plants, gardener, vet, social worker, teacher, agony aunt, healing and professions where they can reach out to others and help make a difference.
Clairsentients have a deep yearning inside of them to help others and reach out to those in need. Like Clairvoyants who see images and Clairaudients will hear sounds associated with what they or someone else is saying, Clairsentients will feel the emotions associated with what they or someone else is saying.
For example: Two people (one is Clairsentient) are talking about their day. The non Clairsentient person mentions that they went to the beach. The Clairsentient person will actually feel the feeling of the sand beneath their feet or feel how the cool air would feel.
They will feel the emotional feelings that they would feel if they were at the beach, while the other person is telling them about it. In stead of seeing pictures of the beach as the Clairvoyant person did, or hearing the sounds as the Clairaudient person did, the Clairsentient would feel the feelings and emotions associated with the beach.
The same principle applies if the Clairsentient person was telling the other person that they went to the beach. Again the Clairsentient person would actually feel the emotions and feelings associated with the beach while they spoke.
Claircognizance (Clear Knowing / Thinking): This is the gift of knowing and thinking. People who are Claircognizant are usually branded “Know it alls!” as they have a deep knowing in side of them. These people often know how others are feeling and are very bright and intelligent. They find it easy to think of new ideas, solutions and answers.
These people often have ‘AHHA’ moments where they will be trying to work something out and then just like in the cartoons where a light bulb switches on, they will have the answer they were looking for. Both my husband David as well as my youngest daughter Kristi are both Claircognizant.
Many Claircognizance people will know facts with out knowing how they know this. The answers to questions and problems will just pop in their heads and they will know that it is the right information. What is happening here is that spirits and angels pass on this information to the Claircognizant person. So the information or facts that the Claircognizant person knows was actually passed onto them by spirit or angels.
These people are good at predicting the future and knowing if something significant is going to happen before it does. They have very deep thoughts and are often thoughtful people. Claircognizant come across as very intelligent, wise and capable people. These people are independent, reliable and have a wealth of information – most times not knowing how they know the information that comes to them.
Claircognizants find that many times when they meet a person they will know all about this person with out the person even saying anything. Again this will surprise the Claircognizant as they will wonder how they know so much about a complete stranger.
Claircognizants often have of premonitions of future events and are also very good at finding lost items.
If they loose a book or their glasses then they always seem to just know where to find them. They are very good with directions and often can travel to a certain destination with out having to use a map – they just know the right way to go. They are fascinated by the world and how things work. These people would do very well in professions such as; Scientists, inventors, mechanics, detectives, problem solvers, writers, business owners, reporter or news reporter, manager, author, teacher, futurists, inspectors, police, producers and any profession where they are able to share their knowledge and thoughts – express themselves.
As you may have noticed above, the four Clairs are made up of heightened senses. This is why through out the course we concentrated on developing and heightening all of our senses. Just by heightening our senses and developing them we are heightening and developing our four Clairs which are what make up our psychic gifts. In a nutshell heightened senses = the four Clairs = psychic gift. These four Clairs pave the way for other type’s psychic gifts. For an example of what I mean…
Imagine that in front of you is a tree. The tree has four large branches and these branches are the four Clairs. Branching off from the 4 main branches (4 Clairs) are other tiny branches which are other psychic gifts such as Mediumship, Psychometry, Telepathy and so on. With out the four main branches there would be no tiny branches.
You need to help the four main branches of the tree to grow new tinier branches by keeping the tree healthy (heightening all your senses). The healthier the four branches are (heightened senses) the more tiny branches that will grow. In other words the basis of all the various types of psychic readings and gifts all stem from the 4 Clairs. A person who is a medium will have to possess highly developed Clairvoyance and Clairaudience gifts in order to do mediumship work. Where as a person who does psychometry will need to have a highly developed Clairsentient gift.
What is your main type of Clair?
From reading the above information about each type of Clair, which do you feel most drawn too? Which sounded mostly like you? Was there one of the Clairs that stood out more for you than the others or was it more than one? If you are still unsure of which Clair/s is your main Clair/s then maybe the below might help…
10 Signs that you are Clairvoyant…
1. Your dreams are vivid and you often dream of loved ones who have passed over.
2. When you go for long walks the first thing you notice is your surroundings and what things around you look like.
3. When speaking to a person you find that you take in every detail of their facial expressions, their hair and what they are warring.
4. You are drawn to colour and have a deep appreciation for colours.
5. You find that you often see things move out of the corner of your eyes or you see lights, heat waves and mists
6. You never forget a face or place
7. You are a highly creative person and work well with colour and designing
8. You often find little white feathers, birds or hearts around you
9. You love to visit places and travel so that you can take in all the different surroundings that are all around you. You are highly connected to nature and see the beauty in all that is around you.
10. Your eyes are sensitive to light
10 Signs that you are Clairaudient…
1. You are very sensitive to sound and find that loud noises hurt your ears
2. You often hear voices inside your head or with your physical ears when there is no one around.
3. You hear someone calling your name when you wake up in the morning
4. You often hear a loud pitched ringing sound in your ear (this is our angels passing on messages to us. In time you will understand the message they are passing on.)
5. You have heard beautiful celestial music when no one else can hear it
6. You are very musical and can clearly pick out each musical tone and note
7. You love to be surrounded by music or listen to all the sounds of nature around you.
8. You never forget a voice and can easily recognize peoples voices with out seeing them
9. When talking to someone you are more aware of the sound of their voice than what the person is warring or looks like.
10. When you dream you can clearly hear sounds in your dreams
10 Signs that you are Clairsentient…
1. You are a deeply emotional person – people often complain that you are too emotional
2. You are a highly sensitive person and can cry very easily
3. You relate well with animals
4. You often can feel how others are feeling and understand their feelings
5. You often feel depressed or angry with out knowing why, and can be prone to addictions, depression or over eating.
6. You find that at times when you hold an object you will pick up on feelings associated with that object, also know about the object and where it has been, just by holding the object.
7. You cry when reading books, watching movies, or watching the news.
8. You often can feel a spiritual presence around you
9. You are very aware of temperature or pressure changes around you and in a room.
10. You can easily feel the energy of all things around you and your environment.
10 Signs that you are Claircognizant…
1. You have always been branded a ‘Know it all!’
2. You often know things with out knowing how you know the things you do.
3. You are seen by others as being very intelligent and wise and may have been top of the class at school.
4. You are very good at finding lost items
5. You are a highly thoughtful person
6. New ideas and thoughts often pop into your mind as though a light bald was turned on.
7. You find that when speaking to people you will know information about that person even though they did not tell you. You are often surprised at how you knew the information if your were not told.
8. You are a deep thinker and can be mistaken for a highly serious person because of your deep thinking.
9. You love learning new things and finding out how things work
10. You often dream of events or situations that come true – have predictions or visions of things to come.
Below are other types of psychic gifts and types of psychic readings that people do…
Telepathy and Empathy – Telepathy is the very special gift of communicating with others and animals using only your mind. People who are highly telepathic will find that they can easily know if a person is upset, ill, sad or happy. Telepathic people are very empathic too.
These people will find that they may be talking to someone in the street and they will know exactly how that person is feeling. People who are telepathic find it very easy to understand and identify others emotions. Telepathic people have highly developed Clairsentience and Claircognizance gifts.
Signs that you have the Telepathy and Empathy psychic gift…
When the phone rings you know who is on the other end before answering. (Claircognizance)
You are able to know how a person is feeling with out them saying anything (Clairsentience)
You have strong gut feelings about people and places that turn out to be right. (Claircognizance)
You are a deeply empathic person (Clairsentience)
You relate well to animals and often know how the animal is feeling (Clairsentience)
You have strong sense that a loved one needs your or needs help (Clairsentience)
Your dreams are vivid and usually hold important messages (Clairvoyance)
You know that a friend or loved one is about to visit you before they do (Claircognizance)
You are thinking of someone and then that person rings you (Clairsentience and Claircognizance)
You think of someone and then you bump into them in the street (Clairsentience and Claircognizance)
You are a highly sensitive and emotional person (Clairsentience)
You understand others and their feelings (Clairsentience)
You are a good judge of character. (Claircognizance and Clairsentience)
You are very good at games of chance (Claircognziance)
You are good at memory games (Claircognizance)
You know what a person is about to say before they say it. (Claircognizance)
You have a strong sense that you have visited a place before when you know you have not (Claircognizance and Clairsentience)
You can communicate with others using only your mind and thoughts (Claircogniance)
You sense danger when there is no sign of danger around (Claircognizance and Clairsentience)
You are good at giving helpful advice and guidance (Claircognizance and Clairsentience)
You and another person think of the exact same thing at the exact same time (Claircognizance)
You help others in your dreams or give guidance to a friend in your dreams (Clairvoyance and Clairsentience)
You hear messages from spirits and angels (Clairaudience)
Mediumship is the gift of being able to communicate with the spirits of people who have passed over. A medium is able to hear the messages that a person in the spirit world passes on. The medium can then pass on the messages that they receive to the living person whom the messages are intended for. The main Clairs that a medium uses are Clairvoyance and Clairaudience although, for most mediums all of their 4 Clairs are highly developed.
Many people who have lost their loved ones will visit a medium in hope of receiving a message. Mediums help to bring peace of mind to those who are grieving. A medium not only helps the living but they also help spirits. A medium can help a spirit to cross over into the light, helps them pass on messages to their loved ones and helps a spirit who may have some issue which is stopping them from crossing over.
Many times a client will visit a medium in hope of connecting with a particular loved one in spirit. What they do not realise is that the person whom they hope to connect with may not be ready or able to come through at that particular time. What will happen then is another loved one in spirit may come through. This person in spirit will pass on their own messages or may pass on a message from the person who was unable to come through. A medium can not make certain loved ones in spirit come through. A medium can only ask the person in spirit to come through but can not force them.
At times a client may visit a medium hoping to connect with their loved ones, but find that a person in spirit comes through whom they do not know or recognize. Just because your client does not recognize the spirit who has come through, does not mean that the messages are not meant for them. You see many times the spirits of people from our past lives, or people who passed away before the client was even born will come through in a sitting.
Your client may not recognize the person at that time but may speak to a family member later on, and realise that it was their late aunt that came through. The reason they did not recognize the spirit person who came through is because they may have never met their late aunt. Or their late aunt may have passed over when your client was very young.
Signs that you have the Mediumumship gift…
You regularly have dreams of loved ones who have passed over. These dreams feel very real and are vivid. You feel as though your loved ones actually visited you. The dream feels as though it were real and not just a dream.
The reason they feel so real is because, you are actually being visited by your loved ones. They are visiting you in your dreams and passing on messages to you. When we sleep we are much more open in connecting with the spiritual and angelic realm. We do not judge what we hear or see. Any fear that may be stopping us from connecting with spirit and angels is gone. It is best to try and keep a dream journal next to your bed and to record down what comes to you as soon as you wake up. (Clairvoyance and Clairaudience)
You find that you have always heard voices either inside your head or out side of your head (as you would hear the people around you.) The voices you are hearing are your guides and angels or loved ones who have passed over. Write down what you hear and pay attention to the words. If you find it hard to hear what is being said then simply ask your guides, spirits or angels to please speak a little louder. They do not know that you are finding it difficult to hear them unless you say. (Clairaudience)
You usually feel as though you are being watched or that you are not alone, even though there is no one else in the room. This is because you are not alone. Each and every one of us is constantly surrounded by spiritual and angelic helpers. They are there all the time helping and guiding you. Some times you may feel their presence more so than other times. Remember just because you can not feel them, does not mean that they are not there. Just like the air we breathe – we know that there is air all around us to help us breath even though we can not see it. (Clairsentience)
You may be talking to someone when all of a sudden you feel the urge to pass on a message to them. You do not know how you know the information that you passed on. (Claircogniance)
For example you may be standing talking to a person in the street when all of a sudden you hear (either out loud or in your mind), the name John. You then hear the words heart attack and happy and well. You wonder whether you should tell the person you are talking to what has come through. The more you push aside the words that you hear the more you feel you have to mention them.
You will feel a deep urge or sense of urgency to relay what you heard. You then turn to the person you are talking to as say, “You do not know of a man named John who passed from a heart attack do you?” They person may then reply, “Yes my fathers name was John and he passed over a year ago from a heart attack. How did you know?” You can then tell the person that John is with them and wants them to know that he is happy and well in the spiritual realm.
If the person you are talking to does not recognize the spirit you are talking about then ask the person in spirit to please, pass on information that will help their loved one to recognize them. Trust what ever comes to you no matter how weird or bazaar it may sound. It may not make any sense to you but it will make a lot of sense to the person you are talking to.
Many times, mediums and psychics do not pass on vital information as they feel it sounds stupid or is all made up and in their mind. One of the most important steps in performing mediumship work or any type of psychic reading is to trust what comes to you and pass on the information – no matter how strange it may sound.
You need to trust and have faith in the information that comes to you. You need to stop doubting your ability or yourself. You need to push away any fears, ego, or self doubts as these are the things that blocks your psychic gift from blossoming.
You are able to see spirits and / or angels. (Clairvoyance)
You sometimes hear someone call out your name when you wake up in the morning. The person who called out your name was not by any living person in the room or your home. When this happens it is actually your an angel or spirit guides saying good morning to you. (Clairaudience)
You feel pressure in your head as thought someone is pressing down on your head, or your head feels very heavy and tight. I find that this usually happens when there is an Archangel around me – especially the Archangel Michael. I always know when he or another Archangel is around as I will get this very same feeling. (Clairsentience)
You often get giddy or dizzy spells – especially when you first walk into a room or are around a lot of people. When you get this strong giddy or dizzy like feeling it often means that there is an angel or spirit around you. Or that the place you are visiting has a strong energy. (Clairsentience)
Obviously it is always wise to first go and see a doctor just to rule out any illnesses or conditions that you may have. I have an inner ear condition which causes me to have dizzy spells. I have medication that I need to take to calm down these dizzy spells. I do also have dizzy spells when a spirit is near. I have learnt how to tell the difference between the dizzy spells from my condition and the ones from being in the presence of spirits.
When I have dizzy spells because of my inner ear condition the dizziness is intense and lasts for a long period of time. My vision also becomes blurred and disorientated and I have a mild headache and suffer from nausea. It feels very similar to having a migraine just with out the deep pain of a migraine.
When I get a dizzy spell from being in the presence of a spirit or from picking up on a strong energy, I find that I will become light headed and have a slight dizzy feeling. I also feel a strong pressure around and in my head. I do NOT feel sickness and do NOT have a head ache. The dizziness and light headed feeling will not last for long – only for or a few minutes or until I leave the room or person in which the spirit is connected. Most important of all is that I can feel the spirits presence and know that there is a spirit around me.
You constantly wake up in the early hours of the morning. Usually 3 - 4am though can be at another time. You find that you always seem to wake up at that particular time each night. Take note of the time you wake up as numbers are extremely important and are a common way in which our angels speak to us. (Clairvoyance)
You suddenly hear a loud ringing in your ears which can be quite painful at times. The ringing sound that you are hearing are your angels or guides passing on messages to you. The ringing sound can come on suddenly and stop just as suddenly as it started. Even though you do not understand the message that are being passed onto you, it will be embedded into your mind and when needed, you will understand it. When you hear the ringing sound in your ear just acknowledge that you are being sent an important message. (Clairaudience)
You feel temperature or pressure changes in the room and around you. You may suddenly feel a warm sensation all around you or feel the temperature drop suddenly. (Clairsentience)
At times you may feel as though you are in a dream even though you are awake. This is because there is a spirit around you who is communicating through you. Usually when you feel this way then you are in a trance state. You may feel light headed, feel like you are floating or are in a vivid daydream. (Clairsentience)
You may be walking down the road when you notice that you feel smaller than you should or larger. Almost like you have suddenly grown very tall or become very short. You may also have a strange floating feeling. This is because a spirit is trying to communicate through you and so you are picking up on this spirit and feel the height that this spirit is. You may also feel odd sensations as though you are not yourself or that you are someone else. (Clairsentience)
You feel a spiritual presence – either their vibration or actually physically feel them sitting on the end of your bed, touch your arm or face or brush past you. (Clairsentience)
You hear breathing in your ear and can even feel the breath on your neck. (Clairsentience and Clairaudience)

SpiritualA COMPLETED BOOK This is an in-depth psychic development and spiritual growth course. This course was written by Natasha Elisha Chamberlin. This is the same course that I taught my students when I ran psychic development workshops in Bexhill.