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One of the most important things to do before performing any type of psychic and spiritual work is to make sure that you are properly grounded and protected. In this section we will be looking at the various types of grounding and protection tools. I will also help you to recognize if you are under psychic attack, have a spirit attachment or are picking up on others emotions and energy. We will learn how to keep ourselves grounded and protected from negative entities and energies on a daily basis.

Why must we keep ourselves grounded and protected?

There are three main reasons why we should keep ourselves grounded and protected on a daily basis. These are as follows...

Psychic Attack

Psychic Attack is caused by a build up of negative energy and emotions. Everything around us is made up of pure energy and this includes our emotions. When we have a heated discussion or argument with another person, we become angry and emotional. The whole time we are arguing we become even angrier.

This anger is all negative energy building up. This negative energy has to go somewhere as it needs to be released. What happens next is that all of this negative energy is directed straight to the person that you are angry with and visa versa. This negative energy is so strong that it can cause both yourself and others to experience pain, depression, emptiness, sadness, become with drawn and angry, lonely and emotional.

Psychic Attack can also be sent to both you and others just by thinking negatively of yourself or another person, by talking negatively about another person behind their backs or by thinking negatively about your life. Psychic Attack can be extremely harmful and cause both yourself and others a great deal of pain and suffering. This is why it is so important to keep you protected as well as change your thought pattern from negative to positive.

I once had a friend who I had fallen out with. To be honest I can not even remember why we had fallen out. This friend was very angry with me and without realising it she was sending me psychic attack. I began having awful headaches and did not know why. I went to the doctors and the opticians but both told me that my health and eyes were fine. They did not know what was causing the awful headaches.

One day while having a nasty headache I lay quietly on my bed and asked my guides and angels to please help me find the cause of my headaches and to heal them. I suddenly heard my friends name loud and clear in my mind I also saw her face in my minds eye. I knew then that my friend had been sending me psychic attack. I asked the Archangel Michael to please remove and cut all cords of psychic attack and attachments that my friend had sent me. I also asked him to please send love and light to my friend. After asking Michael for help the headaches stopped and I felt back to my jolly, happy go lucky self again.

You do get some people out there who are called Psychic Vampires. These people drain your energy to help restore their own energy. Most of these people are unaware that they are doing so where; others are more than aware of their actions and deliberately drain your energy. More than most it is that people are genuinely unaware that they are draining your energy. A good example of psychic vampires is a person who keeps coming to you for help and guidance.

Unfortunately no matter how much guidance and help you give them it makes no difference. You give this person so much of your energy by trying to help them, but these people do not take the advice you give them. They will keep coming back to you for help yet not act upon any of the help you give. As time goes on you begin to dread seeing this person. You feel drained and down when they are around. It frustrates you that you keep offering them advice and help but they keep coming back for more.

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