Chapter Twenty-Five: Done and Done

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Third Person:

It was immediately after breakfast the Williams-Beilschmidt family started to make a plan on how they're going to clean up the guest room into a kids room. Thankfully She was completely fine with the wall color and was clearly old enough for a bed and not a crib so that makes it easier.
But they still needed to get some.e clothes cause right now she only has the white tunic and that isn't gonna be fun to wear all the time.

Plus going out to buy clothes gave them a chance to get anything else they needed.
Let's juzt say shopping for a toddler was... Interesting. Both Matthew and Gilbert had their hit and miss in picking something nice. But understand that the little child hasn't existed for over a day yet so her development in interests are very, very limited. Regardless eventually they managed to get all they needed for her.

As they got home Gilbert was more than happy to set up and put away stuff with Victoria in her room. And while they did that Matthew stayed down stairs to do something very important, call and tell their family. The last thing anyone want is for someone to visit by and scream, "WHOM THE FUCK IS THAT?!"
Yeah, it was for the better.

Everyone each has a differebt reaction. Like Arthur was something along the lines of.
"What?! That mean I'm an old Grandfather now! My God how the generations grow! How much linger before my hair goes white?!"
And continues distresses on how he's become an old man.

Francis on the other hand was the complete opposite. Instead, "Really! Oh I am a le pépé! (Please help i have no clue even now if that is correct 😖) Oh how I can't wait to meet my precious little petite fille!! I bet she is just a beautiful as join and I!"
He was too loss in bliss over knowing he has a cute little granddaughter to realize he's become an old man tlike Arthur. But Matthew knew better to saying something to Francis.

Next was Alfred. You know that fun, crazy uncle? Yeah.... That's him.
at that point Matthew hung up cause... Yeah. No point of wasting time on the phone when he'll hear that again in person.

Lastly was Ludwig, who was the most confused. After about five minutes of trying to process the news he came back with an... unexpected answer...," Congratulations but a child holds many responsibilities to be taken care of, and although my bruther raised me and I turned out fine that's no excuse to be a lazy parent! Also..."
Sadly Matthew was stuck on the phone listening to Ludwig's long...long...long...lecture. On being responsible. He would've just hung up but he didn't feel comfortable hanging up one someone who wasn't Alfred.
But when I was thankfully over the Canadian decided not to give anyone else a call, they would find out eventually... atleast they hoped.

Meanwhile, Gilbert and Victoria sat in the her room, that was once the guest room, folding clothes. It looked as if the Prussian nation had went a housewife teaching his daughter house to fold clothes properly. This being natural for someone as neat and orderly as him. This also keant with not doubt Gilbert was hell of a good parent, yes he had he minor flaws for not being the most openly emotionally to admit sadness or defeat. However, The soft, kind nature of Matthew would surely be good for teaching their daughter such expression.

Speaking of expression. Neither Gil or Victoria realized Matthew had went check up on them upstairs. So instead of saying something like any normal person would do, Matthew quietly creeped up and scared Gilbert. Ironically, At that exact moment Gil was making a statement that he was the "Unscareable, Brave and Awesome Prussia!" So after that statement being proceeded with a high pitch screech, it was hilarious. Gilbert didn't find it so funny because it wasn't Awesome but Matthew and Victoria laughed their hearts out over such a brave act.

"Aww, Gilbear I'm sorry. But with what you said I couldn't help it." Matthew stated hugging Gilbert from behind. In response Gilbert only pouted as if he was the little toddler in the room. "Come on you big baby, I'll help you two finish the work and then we can all relax. okay?" Gilbert nodded his head still a little embarrassed over what happened. 

So the family worked together and managed to get everything away and done quickly. Allowing them to gladly sit downstairs in living room. Kumadogo and gilbird even hung around to say hello to the little personification. At first both Gilbert and Matthew stared at their animal companions in hope that everyone would get along nicely. Mostly because gilbird is okay with most other people and Kuma could be a little shit to others. Last thing either of these parents wanted was a negative attitude between their child and their pets.

 Thankfully all  Kuma did was plop down in front of her, tilt his head and speak his well known line, "who are you?" Following this the little tot answered the bear without hesitation. "I victoria island!! who are you?" she ended copying how the small bear askshis famous quote. It made the two laugh as their tiny animal companions accepted the new part of the family. 

"Not even a day as a complete family and there aren't enough words in any language to describe how much I love all of you!" Gilbert stated aloud, pulling Mattie down with him for a big group hug. Smile plastered all of their faces, laughter was all you could hear. 

A moment like this could make anyone's heart melt with joy. 

Suddenly Matthew and Gilbert look each other in their eyes, with pure smile. They knew without having to say that this is the moment they both dreamed of. Deja vu striking them from the dream they shared on the plane home. Nothing could be better than this life, the one they have was perfect.

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