Chapter Thirteen: Salty Looks

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Relationships will always exist be for arranged marriages and afterwards those feelings don't go away. They stay and boil. Weather that person decides to put a smile upon their face or bear nothing but rage, either way the person feels the same deep down inside.

One week later
Third person:

It was time for the first world meet after the recent conflict. Most countries that didn't keep up with Canada or Prussia normally were expecting a very awkward meeting room. Most countries were unaware of Prussia's and Canada's relationship.
I guess you could say it was a bit of a shocker when the two walked into the meeting room with hands locked.

Eyes were glued to them both as the both sat down next to each other. Prussia realized this and nudged his lover to let him know.
He whispered over to him," Hey Canada, zhey're look at us. "

Canada looked around and started giggling. It didn't occur to him at the time that not all the countries knew about their relationship being real.
After a few minutes everyone brushed it off seeing how the meeting was starting. As well as how the married countries were acting, it did look like they were real couple from an outside view.

The meeting continued as such and was as normal as any other meeting. Only that one pair if eyes were still locked upon the couple. He's eyes were clouded with rage and was grinding his teeth together.
That was supposed to be Him with Canada. It's all because of that stupid arranged marriage, now his beloved Canada was confused and didn't see that his belonged with him.
'I swear that Prussia! Taking my Canada! I promise my maple leaf, I'll find some way to safely break this marriage apart. So this way we can be together.'

For the rest of the meeting he sat there quietly spitting venomous words at Prussia. No forgiveness or sympathy to be found.

At the end of the meeting different countries of the world made their way out of the room. Normally in the small groups that they make.
Eyes were locked on the PruCan couple waited. He planned on keeping his eyes on them to see if they drop this fake love act soon.
He watched them leave the room and followed close behind.

Then his eyes filled with disgust and rage as he saw Prussia lean in to give Canada a peck on the lips.
no one else was around and looking at them. He wanted to know why they wouldn't drop the act already!
Not wanting to just watch this any more he had to do something.
"Hey! Canada, I haven't gotten to talk to you since the wedding! How have you been?" 

Canada turned around with a happy smile and exclaimed," Cuba! I've been great, Prussia is delightful to live with. A bit of a goofball but I'm use to It. What about you, eh?"
Cuba ignored the rage building in side him and smiled," oh just great but, I've been thinking we got to get together sometime soon."

"That sounds like a really good idea, I'd love to catch up sometime. I-", the Canadian was cut off a very angry line of insults from a very angry Italian. "STUPID-A POTATO BASTARD! THIS STUPID TOMATO  BASTARD AND I ARE NOT-A DATING!"

Canada giggled to himself. Telling Cuba he'd keep in touch about going out for a nice lunch soon before walking over to Prussia. Next to Prussia was a very angry Romano with a happy as ever Spain hugging him from behind. From anybody's perspective they looked like a real pair of lovers. Canada could hear the conversation between the two. 

"Mi Amigo, you and your esposo are so adorable together! i wish my Lovi would let me be that  affectionate from time to time!", Spain said resting his head on Romano's shoulder. Romano silently cussed the Spaniard say some... interesting things. like "they already quite a few 'events' at home all the time" A large part of me wants to keep these 'events' a mystery.   

The next words the Canadian heard made his heart melt. "I'm just not sure. It vas more awesome zhan anything, how Matthew und I just... Clicked. I can't really describe but, I love every awesome minute vith him!"

Canada decided to join the conversation after that. But of course he entered it with embarrassing his beloved husband. "Awww! Gilbear that's so sweet of you!"
"Ah! Birdie! I told j-jou not to use zhat n-name! It is so un-awesome!", Prussia pouted trying to cover up how flustered he was.
At the sight of this Romano and Spain started laughing. Its not every day you get to see the self proclaimed awesome Prussia be a flustered mess.
An idea then popped into the Spaniards head, "Amigos! We should all go on a double date sometime! It would be nice to catch up with mi amigo and his esposo. Especially with my Lovi~"

Matthew thought it was a great idea," Sounds like fun, I wouldn't mind going on a double date." Prussia nodded his head in agreement and all eyes fell on Lovino, nobody was going to force him on the date. "STOP-A LOOKING AT ME!", he gave a small and adorable pout before continuing," fine... i'll go-a on this stupid-a date. not because i want-a too! i just.... don't-a want to ruin the-a chance for you bastard's first-a date..." Then immediately ran off all like a tsundare.

"All right then! a double date it is!", Antonio exclaimed excitedly. Prussia leaned over to Canada and whispered," Tomato boy knows he didn't have to go, we could of just gone on a normal date on our own." Canada started giggling and agreed," yeah, which proves that he wants to go on this date as much as we do."

The Three countries planned out a meeting place for the date. deciding to just meet for a peaceful lunch together at a simple restaurant. All unaware of the Fourth eaves dropper who would also  be joining the lunch tomorrow...

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