17 1 0

2 years ago

"My teachers said I have talent! I-I can do this, mom!"

"I'm done hearing it, Jimin! Get your head out of the fucking clouds!"

"Just because you weren't able to make something out of your dreams doesn't mean you have to tear down mine."

"You know what? Maybe you really should go run off and try to chase a stupid dream. Clearly what I give you isn't enough. I'm tired of you being an ungrateful little shit."

"Yeah, well you seem to be tired of everything these days."

The man in the mirror is someone Jungkook has never been close to. They are complete opposites.

The man in the mirror looks perfectly normal.

Jungkook however feels damaged and weak.

The man in the mirror is content with what he's given.

Jungkook can't seem to get enough.

The buzzing on the sink next to him was enough to snap Jungkook out of his thoughts.

'drawn out story telling session number 8 starts today. i'm outside'

He wiped at his wet cheeks and put his sweatshirt on.

"It's March! Why the fuck is it still cold? You know, some people like their spring break to be warm. Hell, I'll even take sunny! Clearly, its decided to take a break too.", he gestured to the grey sky.

"It's literally 61 degrees out here. I don't think you'll freeze.", Jimin chuckled.

"Whatever. I'm about to leave your smart ass out here in the cold. Why can't we do these story telling things inside anyways?"

"Because the past seven have been outside. Its practically tradition at this point."

"Well tradition can go suck a di-"

"Calm yourself grumpy pants."

"Did you just call me grumpy pants? Wow, it really feels like I'm hanging out with a 5 year old."

"Watch it, or I'll leave 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 ass out in the cold."

Jungkook laughed and shook his head.

"So, have you got a story ready for me today, Mr. Grumpy Pants?"

Yoongi would be busy all day today. He had lots to do and the rainy weather didn't help his mood. First stop was his parents house. He needed to drop something off.

The uncomforting appearance of the house was somehow familiar. He didn't bother knocking.

The living room was empty as he quietly headed upstairs. Haerin's door was cracked open slightly. He pushed it open.

"Hey", Yoongi whispered.

She smiled in response, "For a second there I thought you weren't gonna come."

"Sorry, it's really busy out there. Dad's at work right?"

"Yeah, and mom's asleep downstairs. You don't have to worry though, nothing can wake her up when she takes her medication."

"Have you had anything to eat today?"

"Well, no, but-

"Damnit, that man has one job and he can't fucking feed his own-

"Yoongi, I'm fourteen! If I'm hungry, I can just go down and get something myself."

"Ah, I know, I'm just.. worried I guess."

"I'll be fine. He's an ass. That's nothing new, but, I'll be fine. I promise."

"I trust your word but I don't trust him, which is why I got you this.", he dug the box out of his bag.

"It's nothing special but at least you'll be able to talk to me now.", he handed the younger the box.

"Holy shit, Yoongi thankyou!"

"You're gonna have to keep it hidden from dad."

"Yeah.", she nodded.

"Well, the charger is in the box. You can.. download games or whatever teenagers do nowadays."

Haerin laughed, "You sound like a grandpa."

"Yeah, well I must be a pretty cool grandpa then. Just, don't use snapchat. Or talk to boys. Oh lord please don't talk to boys."

"Sure, I promise, no boys. Just me and candy crush."

Yoongi reached over and ruffled her hair. It was times like this that the pair really thought things would be ok.

"I-I actually have something to tell you instead. I've kept it from you for awhile and I knew I'd have to tell you eventually. Now just felt like the right time I guess."

"I promise you, whatever it is, I'll like you just the same afterwards.", he offered a reassuring smile. "Hell, I live with Min Yoongi, I have to be pretty open minded.",Jimin laughed, happy he could get a smile on the youngers face.

"Remember when we first met and I told you I was emancipated?"

"Yeah", Jimin was confused as to where this was going.

"Well, I'm not. And I couldn't stop thinking about it ever since that day because I wanted this to be a good friendship you know?"

"Oh well that's nothing to beat yourself up over. Why weren't you just honest with me the first time?"

"I guess I was just scared you wouldn't like what you heard, so I lied."

"You can tell me now. I promise you I won't mind."

He put his arm around Jungkook's shoulders to reassure him.

"I'm a foster kid.", he turned his head away from Jimin and bit into his bottom lip harshly to hold back his tears. It was the biggest weight lifted off his shoulders. He had finally been able to tell his truth to someone he cared about. Before he knew it, he was crying. Tears seemed to stream down his cheeks uncontrollably. It wasn't that the moment here with Jimin was emotional. It was the emotion he had let build up over the years that made this moment so hard. It was the most relieving feeling to finally be freed from his biggest lie.

"Jungkook-ahhh~", Jimin hummed. He tried his best to wipe at the younger's tears. "Why dont we break the tradtion and go inside? You can tell me about it, ok?"

Jungkook offered a shaky smile, "Yeah, ok. Thankyou."

The wind still carried a chill and the sky was darkening but the warmth the older offered for Jungkook's heart was more than enough to mend it.

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