Tuesday Morning

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I opened my eyes for just a second. Usually, this was how my morning routine went. I would open my eyes, then close them again and try my hardest to go back to sleep. Usually I would, but I didn't this morning. Trust me, I tried my hardest, but I just decided to go downstairs and make breakfast.
Darry would come downstairs not to long after me, Soda would wake up because he smelled the food, and he would wake up Ponyboy. Mostly, Soda would wake me up too and Darry would make breakfast. Maybe it was better for me to do it since it was his first day at his new job today.
I walked down the stairs, taking the blanket I slept with down with me. It was still really early in the morning so not a light in the house was on. I walked into the living room to look on the couch and Dallas and Two-Bit were asleep on our two couches. Two-Bit had gotten the last of the blankets, which left Dally without one. I took the blanket that I brought downstairs and put it over him. Unexpectedly he jumped up and scared me. I shrieked a little bit before covering my mouth then hit his arm. Two-Bit was still asleep, but he was a deep sleeper, so I wasn't surprised.
"Darry, Soda, and Pony are still asleep!", I whispered.
He was still dying of quiet laughter so much that he didn't even hear what I said.
"When did you get here?", I asked.
"15 minutes ago. I wanted your voice to be the first thing I heard this morning.", he said.
"How'd you know I'd be up first?"
"I didn't. I knew you'd wake me up first."
I nodded and smiled.
"Did you get sleep tonight.", I questioned.
"Not really."
"Go to sleep then. I'll make sure no one wakes you up. Okay?", I said.
He leaned up and kissed me then sat down on the couch.
I walked over to the kitchen and started making eggs. The chocolate cake we had left was enough for all eight of us. I grabbed the eggs from the fridge and cracked them onto the pan. They all like they're eggs scrambled. It was colder this morning, probably because I was wearing leggings and a light sweater in below freezing temperature. I could practically see my breath in the house. After I finished the eggs, I realized that the guys probably wouldn't be downstairs for another hour. I put them in the fridge and warned up my arms with my hands.
"Are you cold?"
Dally was standing in the hallway. I nodded. He waved me over to him. I walked in front of him and he lead me to the couch where we both laid down and he wrapped us both in the blanket.
"If the guys walk down and see us?", I waited for his answer.
"I'll get off the couch and say I slept on the floor?", he suggested.
"No. They'll be confused why I slept on the couch and made you sleep on the floor. Especially since the knew I slept upstairs last night.", I responded.
"Darry ruined this yesterday.", he whined.
"I'm sorry.", I laughed then got off the couch.
"Please. You're warm."
"Is Dallas Winston whining?", I asked pretending to be shocked.
He kneeled on the couch so he was around the same height as me.
"You like to make fun of people. More than usual these past days."
"Oh I'm sorry. Can you not take it?", I teased.
          He sighed.
          "I don't know how your brothers deal with you."
          "You're cute you're angry.", I mocked from yesterday.
"You're so funny!"
I shushed him.
"You'll wake Two.", I warned.
"A truck could drive through that wall and he wouldn't even budge."
I dragged my hand through his hair.
"Don't do that.", he snatched my hand away.
"Why not?", I asked.
"Because it calms me down."
"Do you not want to be calm?"
"No. I don't.", he insisted.
"You're tired right?"
"I thought you didn't get any sleep?", I teased.
"I didn't."
"And you're not tired?"
"Not even a little bit.", Dally answered.
I started playing with his hair again. This time he didn't stop me, he just burrowed his head into my shoulder.
            "Stop doing this to me.", he muttered.
         He didn't sound angry. He sounded tired overall, but I couldn't describe the type of voice he said it in. It was almost sad, but happy. It was a voice of mixed emotions. A bittersweet tone. There was no word for it.
            He stopped talking and his breath was the only sound in the room.
"Don't fall asleep on me."
"I won't make any promises.", he muttered. I sat him back onto the couch, then I sat down next to him with breakfast for the both of us.
"Should I wake Two-Bit up and get him breakfast, too?", I asked.
"No. We never get time together. I wanna just eat food with you.", he said.
         "We'll have all day. I'm going back to school on Thursday so we have tomorrow, too."
         Darry and the other boys came down.
           "Good morning.", I said to them.
          They replied with light good mornings and made their way to the fridge. When they were out of sight I kissed Dally's cheek and went upstairs. I rummaged through my cabinets and settled on jeans and a long sleeved heavy sweater. I pulled my hair up into a bun and slid on white sneakers. When I went downstairs everyone was eating breakfast and talking.
          Johnny was sitting at the kitchen table alone. He was trying to read a textbook. I sat down next to him and stretched my arm around him.
         "Hey, Y/N."
         "Hey, Johnny."
         He sighed and took a long pause.
          "I don't get this.", he said, frustrated.
          "What is it?"
          "Here, let me see."
           I grabbed his textbook and scammed over the page. I'd learned this already. It was a pretty difficult lesson, but now we do it all the time in school. I started to explain it to him the way I learned it, the easiest way. Eventually, he started to get a few problems right, but I was still a little unsure.
"Hey, Y/N?"
"Yeah?", I asked.
"Is Ponyboy mad at me?"
I sighed.
"...Tell me the story."

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