The beginning 2

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"Don't you want to live kit?" kuruma says with almost a hint of anger.

"why bother anyways. No one cares about me. They'd be happier that i was dead. WHAT IS THE POINT OF ME LIVING! "Naruto begins to sob quietly." I didn't ask to be born. I didn't ask to live like this. I didn't ask to be put into a family that didn't care about me. So what's even the point....."

There were a few moments of silence and all that could be heard was the young boy's soft cry.

"Then live for me." kuruma's voice sounded gentle.

"Huh. What do you mean live for you?" Naruto's voice almost sounded angry, frustrated. "What do want me for?! To live to suffer. Suffer for own pleasure. Is that all i'm good for?!"

"No. Let me finish kit. If you die i will die. So that will be your meaning of life." Kuruma bluntly speaks.

Th blondes gaze avoided his. "You liar. You're a massive ball of chakra. If i died you probably be reincarnated some elsewhere. So why did you lie to me?"

"...gaghg, fine. It's because you're like me. Born into a world where no one acknowledges you but only look at you as a weopon, a monster, a demon. Keeping you caged because they fear and misunderstood you. I know how you feel." the beast hesitated in saying such an embarrassing speach.

"b-but how do you..." the blonde looks down thinking over Kuruma's words. They were all true.

"Understand you?" Kuruma completes his sentence. "I've been watching you ever since you were born. All the torturing and screaming. How you have a hard time sleeping because you're scared they might come and attack you. And how you wrap yourself in blankets pretending it's your family"

"how can i trust you?" Naruto says starring into the eyes of the beast.

"If i wanted to escape i would've let you die."

" And why didn't you. You don't need me to live."

"because we're both demons and we demons need each other." That sentences made something flutter inside of Naruto. "Plus what would i do anyways. If I were to escape it probably wouldn't last long."

Faint cries could be heard from below Kuruma.

"Hey. Stop that, you've been crying enough today...But, you know, if humans can't love us..." Kuruma raises his fist to Naruto. "Who says demons can't love each other"

Naruto wipes down his tears and raises his fist to fistbump the other. "Then that's a promise" he smiles so brightly it seemed as if his past had never happened. Stepping his foot forward, he runs towards the bigger demon (a/n and stabs him! Mwahaha! Heh jk) enveloping him with his small arms. "A hug feels really nice," his voice muffled in his new found friend's fur. "And soft" he giggles while Kuruma smiles and lies onto the grass, swishing his tail over to Naruto to lift him up into a better position.

"Now sleep kit. You'll need it"

"But Kuruma. Aren't i dying?"

"don't worry about it kit. I got it covered"

" You said i'll need the rest. What for exactly ?" Naruto says while propping himself on his elbows.

"Training. I sure you've realised the ANBUs am i right."

The boy's face sunk a bit and turned over to face the clear, blue sky above him. "Of course. Even without having to sneak into my fath- I mean the hokage's office, i can still feel them watching me "

"That's why we're training. In order to sneak past those ANBUs and leave"

"What!?" Naruto was confused but also hoped that what he thought Kuruma is going to say was true.

"Don't joke with me. I mean we're leaving this wretched village ". Both their grins widened. One at the statement, the other at the young boy's happiness. He didn't know why but when his kit was happy, he felt joy as well.

The boy's eyes widened at a sudden reminder "b-but Kuruma what is they come and attack me"

"It's fine, I'll be watchin you. Now sleep!" and for the first time in ages th young blond was able to sleep peacefully.

Back to present time~

A short, cloaked figure stood outside the gates of Konoha with his chakra so low, it could only be recognized as a bug. He takes a final look at his village.

"Do you not want to leave?" the boy continues to stare."Is it because of him" was the comment that broke off his stare.

"Don't be silly. Of course not" his face showing little emotion and continues his walk.

'ever since Naruto met him it seemed that he seemed happier, more relaxed. But it was also him that destroyed his kit. If it weren't for him we would of left a year earlier. I honestly don't understand why Naruto still thinks about him. Just thinking about him makes my blood boil.'

As they tred closer to the gate, it almost seemed like a dream to Naruto. Without looking back anymore, he finally steps a foot over the gate. Finally.


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