Mission in the wave

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7 years later

"You can do it Sasuke-kun and Menma-kun!" a funny squeal was heard in the forest of the wave.

"Oi Kuru. Make it stop." a half asleep boy groaned.

"I can't they're alive" a lower voice said.

"Then just kill it"

"Can't. They're human. Plus, you're not the only one tired" the voice answered back to the boy sleeping on top of him, which he groaned in response."They'll be gone soon"

If you couldn't tell a specific cloaked boy is currently cuddling a specific cloaked man in the trees above. Below them a Konoha team of genins could be heard disrupting thier sleep with their chakra training.

A few hours have past and the noise had finally died down. Unfortunately, the black pair of cloaked ninjas had to get up from their sleep to continue their mission.

At Tazuna's house

"You stupid ninjas, all this training is worthless! You're just gonna get beaten, have you seen Gato's army! You don't understand this village! You don't understand what TRUE pain snd suffering is!" and a slam of a door was what followed.

A small boy was seen sitting on a small port. A yellow shirt and navy dungeree was worn by him with his a patterned hat and dark hair that shadowed his eyes. His eyes that was deep in sadness and arms that wrapped around his legs. Unnoticed by the young, not that he cared, was two tall manly figures approaching him.

" Just leave him be" the tall man said

" Aww, come on Kura he's just a kid. I'm just going to have a small talk"

"Fine. Don't get too emotional with the kid."

"hn" the slightly smaller smirked. "Hey". No reply came from the boy. "So. What's your name?"

" Go away, it's none of your business" snapped the boy.

"Well don't mind me i'm just sitting here" the cloaked figure said as he sat down. "So what was going in there. I mean we heard all about it... You know what i agree with you, i think ninjas are stupid too" and began a light chuckle.

"But you're a ninja too, meaning your stupid." the younger scoffed.

"Yeah, I was, but now im not. I'm strong and powerful. You may understand pain and suffering, but you haven't tried understanding others or even mine. Everyone experiences something painful in life-"
"But not everyone's is as painful as mine. You don't know what's it's like to have your father killed, all because he was some worthless hero!" and he suddenly bursted out crying.

"hey what did i say about getting emotional", the other grunted but was ignored.

"I knew one guy who had his whole clan, his family, his entire bloodline murdered," the boy flinched." You're not the only one in the world who has suffered, BUT you said it yourself. Your father was hero and not a worthless one, he fought against his fears and weaknesses and that's why he's strong. That why i'm strong, i didn't let my filthy past get me," the cloaked was more serious.

"If my father was so strong why did he die. He was just weak."

"Don't heros die in the most heroic way? I'm sure, to you and everyone else in this village saw your dad as a hero."

"So, was the guy in the story you?"

"pffft, NO. That guy chose the wrong path. He is not the person i once knew."

"what if i go down that path," he sounded a bit worried.

A visible smile could be seen underneath the cloak, " I know you're not that tyle. I can feel your father's spirit within you, you're gonna be seen as a hero like your father once was."


"welp, i gotta go. Nice meeting you."

"Inari. That's my name and you will hear it again one day" the boy said determinedly.

"I'm sure I will" and they both smiled again. Inari watched as the two figures walked away as he stood up wiping his tears. He could here a door open but still looked onwards into the mist.

"Inari, are you okay?"

"Yeah, i'm fine now gramps even better, i've found my resolve. "

A/N ~ Sorry its short. let me be honest with you, i actually have no idea what i'm doing. I have an idea for this story but mostly just winging it. I am also sorry for all the dialogue, but thanks for reading :-P

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