Unnecessary Fantasy + Important Update

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I'm just going to be cranking out chapters in random bursts, so bare with my awkward inspirational spree!!! I mean it's summer now, schools out, 90% of my problems over, yay me.

UPDATE : I have gone and re edited all my previous chapters. The story is the same mostly, just extensive better words, grammar and actual punctuation. I've improved on writing so that's why.

BUT... chapter four, the first smut between the two, was completely changed, I can do way better than that so I suggest you re read it, get a better feel at how the story is going.

Warning : Touchy Touchy

I woke slowly, sun filtering through the window in my room, it was times like these I wished I had built just a wall. I groaned rolling over in my tangle of blankets, shoving my face in my arms and pillow. That being the time my oversensitive dragon nose picked up the smell of the bandana I had carelessly shoved in my face. I took a deep breath and groaned, it smelled just like him, musky and smokey. I shivered as I brought it closer to me and curled into myself. Why did it smell so god damn good?

My body was completely immersed in the scent as I breathed into it. I tensed as I felt blood go south, my cock beginning to harden. I couldn't help myself, it was a mix of primal instinct and want, everything was so confusing. It felt so good and smelled so good. I kept one hand holding the bandana to my face as I trailed my other down chest.

I rolled onto my back and kicked off the covers, not like anyone was here to see, Happy still thankfully absent. I looked down at my half hard cock and decided to indulge myself, Jackals previous words ringing in my head.

'If its so wrong, why does it feel so good?'

I closed my eyes and I could just imagine it. Imagine what it would be like if Jackal where here. His larger frame would be over mine, his body rip with muscle, packed firm and stiff. His arms and legs contracting as he moved, I would see the muscles stretching and rippling under his skin. The smell of the bandana heightened my imagination. His scent was so strong, different from other male scents, inhuman, demon.

If he were he, I would look up into his piercing eyes, that smirk would be present on his face. I dragged my hands down my chest, if he were here he would do the same. He would feel every inch of me. I fantasized it was his hands instead of mine, if it where him it wouldn't be gentle. He would raze his sharp nails down my torso, so I did the same, leaving red trails just like he would, but I bet he would make me bleed. For some reason it just turned me on more.

My fantasies all went straight to my groin, my cock becoming increasingly hard without touch. If he were here he would call me a whore, in that arrogant personality of his, that smirk and mischievous look in his eyes. I reached down taking my cock in hand, picturing it with my eyes closed, as his hand. I gave a rough stroke, just on the edge of pain but not yet there. If it was him, he wouldn't be nice. He would be ruthless and unforgiving, using me as he pleased. I set a brutal pace, my body quickly becoming emerged in pleasure.

I moaned loudly, not bothering to hold back as I jerked myself. If he were here he would say how much he liked my moans and sounds, just like he did the last time. I gasped as the coiling in my gut grew more intense. I closed my eyes as my back arched, my body overcome with my orgasm. I could almost hear his voice as he told me how he loved how hot it was as my cock released spurts of white cum onto my stomach. If he were here he make fun of how fast I came, and he would be right. I didn't make a regular habit of this, like at all.

I sat there in silence, the only sound I could hear was my heavy breathing. After realizing what it was that I just did, jerking off to my 'sorta rapist but I don't know', I buried my face in my arms. God I was such a freak.

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