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I closed the door behind me as I entered my small flat. I was still reeling from the encounter at the cafe. I made a beeline for my bedroom; hoping to seek comfort in bed. Mina, my baby white Persian cat  began purring at my feet. Her warmth was indescribable and I reached down to hold her. Before I knew it, I was crying my eyes out. I felt completely useless, why had I not been more bold? Why must I always appear weak in front of guys?

"Oh god, Mina, why am I so pathetic?" I questioned my cat, who looked up at me unfazed. I guess she was used to these daily breakdowns. I was a 24 year old who seemed to not have a grasp on how functioning relationships with guys worked; let alone life.

I heard the front door open and I knew that Lizzy, my roomate, was back from University. We met accidentally 2 years ago, she was struggling with rent and I so happened to have a spare room, and we have been friends ever since. "Esmie?" she called out, her voice shrill with excitement. "In here," I responded as I tried to erase any evidence of my crying session. "You won't believe what happ-" she stopped as she stood in front of my room.
"Oh no, babes, are you okay?" She asked, her voice full of concern.

"Yes....I think," I said, it was useless trying to lie to Lizzy. Somehow, I don't know how, she always found out the truth. She was like a witch, it was strange.

"What's wrong?"she pouted, pulling a sad face. She came to sit at the edge of my bed, ready to lend an ear.

"I am just utterly useless at everything. I ran into this God of a guy today at a cafe and I told him how hot his friends are. I am not sure I know how to communicate with guys anymore." I sulked, trying to shrug off the episode at the cafe. It kept replaying in my head, it was evasive like cancer. It attacked any logical reasoning I had.

"This is not the Esmie I know. Since when did you even care how a boy sees you? What happened to fuck boys? They're all trash?" she questioned, raising her eyebrows as she gave me the side eye, and rightly so. That had been my motto ever since....well him. I don't know what it was about him, but he had preoccupied more time in my head than any guy usually did.

"I know, I know," I said exasperated.

"There's just something about him...I can't put my finger on it. And there's also this other thing which happened."

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