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"Yum, that was like incredibly delicious," Lizzie exclaimed whilst rubbing the remains of the sauce off her lips with a napkin. 

"So good I think I'll need a minute whilst I..." I started feeling drowsy. All that dough had settled in my stomach and god was I exhausted. I couldn't wait to sleep, right here on this very table. 

I heard footsteps approach our dainty table in the corner of the pizza store, and I opened my eyes slightly, expecting the cute waiter to hand us the bill. But the waiter wasn't wearing black army boots, and skinny leather black jeans. I looked up to see a 5ft8 male walk towards us, with black short hair. He was wearing glasses so I couldn't really see his eyes, but he looked familiar. 

"Minhyuk...what are you doing here?" Lizzie exclaimed, shocked at this strangers appearance at our table. 

"They're here," he whispered in Lizzie's ears. I don't know if this was some sort of prank being played on me. But I couldn't help wonder why Lizzie would keep this handsome stranger a secret from me. 

"Ermm...," I rose, coughing to get Lizzie's attention. She had on a distrubed expression on her face. The same expression she pulls when she's trying to figure something out. 

"It's okay, I get it if this is your boyfriend and you were going to tell me in your own time," I said, hoping that my disappointment wasn't obvious. 

Lizzie turned scarlet red as she blushed, she pulled her hair to the side, giving the stranger- Minhyuk- a side glance. 

"He's not-" Lizzie stuttered, trying to get the words out, but was interrupted by the cute stranger. "Hi, I'm Minhyuk and I think what Lizzie was trying to say is that we're not dating, but a girl could dream," he said in his soft voice, winking at me like we were old friends chatting over coffee. 

I smiled at him, liking his wit. But he looked a little on edge too. 

"Hi Minhyuk-" I was going to say, but was rudely interrupted as Lizzie grabbed my arm and pulled me up from my comfortable chair. 

"I'm sorry, but we really need to go, like now." Lizzie almost barked at me, all hints of playfullness had vanished from her face and panic set in mines. 

"Wait, what. No, let go of me," I pulled back from her, "I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but you've been off with me since the hospital trip. What the hell is going on Lizzie?" I asked her, hoping to get some answers. 

But all she said was "I'm really sorry about this." And I was back to being sucked into the dark yet again, great. 

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