Coming around.

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"Don't worry, I'll let you know if the situation changes." I could hear these strange voices, as if I was in the very same room. But I wasn't, was I?

I felt like I was dreaming but I couldn't remember when I had fallen asleep. I couldn't even remember why I had or what I had done before I had fallen asleep.

I attempted to open my eyes, but waves of nauseous hit me hard. I closed my eyes shut, trying to escape the dizziness that I was experiencing.

Was  I hungover? Why did it feel like the weight of the world was resting on my head?

"You need to relax Esmie," came a soothing voice. Was it an angel? Did I die? Oh my god, am I dead?

The thoughts made my head spin vigorously, until I felt a cold hand on my arm. It put my mind to ease and I could finally breathe properly.

I attempted to open my eyes again and this time it worked. The blinding lights made me squint, as I took in the white beds and scented perfume in the room. The smell of disinfectant and distant blue uniforms informed me that I was at the hospital.

I looked around, trying to find who had touched me. "I'm here Esmie, how are you feeling?" Lizzie asked me. "Confused, I don't know why I'm here," I retorted. She gave a weak smile and rubbed my arms, but they were warm.

"You were severely dehydrated when I found you in your room, after I had come back from University," she informed me. Her blue eyes looked distant, as if she didn't want to be here.

"I'm so sorry you had to find me like that, thank you so much for looking after me," I told her, hoping she'd realise I was indebted to her for this kind act.

"Don't be silly Esmie, you're my favourite person in this world. Which means I can't let anything happen to you, okay?" She smiled at me this time, a genuine smile and it made her look so beautiful in that yellow fluorescent hospital lighting.

"Well thanks, I guess. When can we go home? I'm starved" I told her, trying to remember when I last ate.
"Same, I'm just waiting for the doctor to give me the all clear so we can head out. Actually, let me go speak to him now," she patted my arm before walking out of the room, the door gently closing behind her.

I looked at her as she made her way to the front desk, speaking to a man donned in white overalls and a blue apron. Was he a doctor or a surgeon?
I couldn't conclude, but their conversation looked intense and serious, they both made brief glances my way.
I wondered what they were talking about, I mean dehydration surely can't be that riveting of a conversation.

I decided to check out my surroundings, looking around at the nurses pushing their trollies in and out of different rooms.

Then I spotted this man, guy or boy, I couldn't tell. He was in a grey hoody and he was hunched over. I couldn't tell if he was asleep or praying. But he caught my eye. I'm not sure why, he looked more like a creep.

But I was drawn to him, he had this golden aura which surrounded his whole body and it was magnifying.

I sounded crazy, but I couldn't explain it. I kept looking at him until Lizzie walked into my room, a big grin on her face.

"So what do you want? Pizza or a burger?" She laughed as she made her way to collect our bags.

I was still preoccupied with this mysterious man who hadn't moved an inch for a while.
"Earth to Esmie, do you copy?" Lizzie's face was suddenly 2 inches away from mines and I was taken aback.

"Ah, yes. Sorry, pizza sounds great. Let me get up." Lizzie held out her arm and I grabbed it to stabilise myself as I planted my two feet onto the marble floor.
"You good?" She questioned, bending down to look for any signs of nausea.
"Uh huh," I responded feebly.

My mind was still preoccupied. I couldn't get that guy out of my mind. I tried to think of pizza and it worked, but only for a minute.
I sighed in frustration.

"Let's get out of here then," I declared and held out my hand to Lizzie who clasped on to it, and we made our way out.

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