Chapter Seven

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A Few Days Later

Lance is awoken by the feeling of a hand on his neck. He opens his eyes to see Keith staring at his neck, fangs out and ready. "Uh... why are you in my room?", Lance asks. Keith snaps out of the trance he was in and looks at Lance. "I was bored in my room. I wanted to see you, I guess. Coran told me Shiro is finally coming back today. I can ask him about the blood, he deserves a nice bite from me today." Lance nervously laughs, "Yeah.."

He doesn't admit that he got rid of all the blood. Keith could hurt him or get angry at him, and he doesn't want that. Instead, Lance just sits up and pushes Keith out the room. "I have to get ready for the day, I'll be out in awhile. Go talk to Pidge or something." Keith smiles and walks out of the room, heading towards the kitchen.

"Yeah well once Shiro gets back, we are going back to space. We still have to defend everyone there. Even if everything seems fine right now, the Galra might still try to do something..", Hunk says to Pidge. She nods and puts her head down on the table. "Yeah I just hope nothing too bad has happened while we have been gone....", she is quiet for a few seconds, "Did you ever realise that everyone had seen their family again other than Lance?" Hunk sighs and looks down, "Yeah.. Did you ever realise how mean we were to him?" Pidge looks at him, "Yeah.."

Coran and Keith join them at the same time. "I've just received information that they should be here in a few ticks. I've cleaned up the place and I think we are ready for take off as soon as they arrive. If any of you have people you'd like to say goodbye to, now would be the time." Keith nods, "I'm going to stay here.. my family is still in space after all.." Hunk pats his back, "It's okay buddy. I'm gonna go say goodbye to my family, though." Pidge chimes in, "Same, I need to get the last information needed for the Castle as well as.. some other things.." Everyone gives her a look. "I'm going to try and steal my brothers games!" They all laugh, and then Lance walks in.

"Hey Guys! What are we talking about?", he asks. Pidge looks at him, "Saying goodbye to our families. Do you.. want to go and see yours?" Lance shrugs, "I don't have a way to.." Coran, against his own belief, speaks up, "Take your lion. But take Keith with you as well." Lance's mood flips, "Alright! C'mon Keith!" He grabs Keith's hand and begins running towards the lions.

"Have you been taking good care of Red?", Keith asks with a rough voice. Lance grins, "Of course I have been. She always listens to me, don't ya?" The Red lion makes a growling sound, "Ah yes, see? She loves me!" The two go into the lion and fly towards Lance's family house.

It takes awhile, but eventually they arrive. Lance is gleaming with joy, but as soon as he steps out of the lion, he can tell something is wrong. "My sisters bike isn't out here...", he whispers. Keith, who is still standing in the lion, plays it off, "It's been a few years. Maybe she doesn't use it anymore. Or maybe they found somewhere new for it." Lance shakes his head and walks closer, "This isn't mi mamá's car either.." Keith can tell he is starting to panic by the mixture of languages spoken. "Lance, breathe. It's okay!"

Lance is beyond terrified. He isn't sure what is going on or what to think. He slowly walks to the house and knocks on the door. He gets no response, so instead of knocking again, he just walks in. "¡Hola!", he yells. No one responds. The house is dark, but his families furniture is still here. He thinks to himself, 'Maybe they are just sleeping..?' He hopes they are and starts walking to the different bedrooms. "Marco?? Luís??? Veronica??", he yells out. He starts shaking, fear running through his body.

"No están aquí.", he whispers. He almost immediately repeats himself, the sadness settling in, "They.. are not here.." He walks to his room. Everything is still here, the books and action figures. The games and movies. Everything. He grabs a bag and starts packing random things in it. Pictures, books, games, and clothes. Anything that can fit, does, and within ten minutes he is leaving the house.

He has tears in his eyes as he walks back to the Red lion. "Mi familia...", he whispers, looking at Keith. " ha ido...", he finishes. Keith is confused, "What?" Lance shakes his head, realising what he is doing. "My family.. is gone.." Keith's eyes soften and he embraces Lance in a tight hug. "Can we please leave..?", Lance asks. Keith nods, "I'll pilot. I'm sure Red here will be fine with her old rider taking the reins for a minute." Lance sits on the floor and Keith gets into the pilot chair.

"I'm so sorry Lance", Keith says after a few minutes of flying. "Está bien... Wait no.. I meant.. it's fine..", Lance stutters through his words. Lance is obviously still in a state of shock. There is no way his family would have left everything there without a good reason. It couldn't be that they were on vacation, because they always have someone stay over to watch the house. He isn't sure what is going on, but he isn't happy with it. He feels bad for letting Keith see this side of him. His panicked, broken side. He wants nothing more than to forget this ever happened. To go back to when Coran said they could go to his family and say no. But, he can't do that.

They arrive back at the Castle. By then, Shiro and Allura are back. "Hey Lance! I heard you got to see your family! How are they?", Shiro asks as they walk by. Lance looks at him, "No me hables.. Adiós.." He walks away to his room.

"His family wasn't there. They had everything in the house, but no one was there for him. He is in some sort of shock, I think? He just doesn't seem okay. I'm worried for him, Shiro..", Keith tells Shiro. They are sitting in Keith's room, discussing everything that happened whilst he was gone. "Well, none of us get to see our families anymore anyways. We are going back to space to defend everyone. Lance and you both have your mom now, and Yorak. Make sure that Lance knows that. Even if he isn't related to you, he needs that support. You have to be the one that gives it to him."

"I will."

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