Day 3 {I Promise}

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I arrive at work, still confused about the words on the paper yesterday. I shrug it off for the meanwhile. After all, I need to focus on my patients.

I look at my patients for the day. I had Mark and Jack. 

I arrived at Mark's room. I knocked on his door. After hearing a "Come in" I entered the room. I saw Mark laying on his bed, obviously he was uncomfortable. 

Maybe Mark could help with the note...

I put the paper on the table which grabs Mark's attention. Mark stands, walks over,  sits down and stares at the piece of paper. His eyes widen. "What? What is it?!" I stare at him waiting for a reply.

"I know who left this note." He says. I smile. "Well, who did?" Mark moves the paper in my direction. "Wilford."

I stare at him with disbelief. "Um, alright then. How do you know..?" Mark looks at me. "Simple..." he points to the note. "Written in pink, Wilford loves pink."

I nod and stand.  "Alright, thank you." He nods, standing as well.  I turn to leave. 

"Such a shame we had to cut this short..."

I turn back around. I stare into his eyes. Dark.

"You." I say sharply. He grins. "Did you not enjoy our game last time, miss Y/n..." I scowled at him for using my first name. "You know damn well I didn't." His grin only widened. "I guess that's what made it more fun." I scoffed at him turning to leave again, only to feel a hand grab my wrist.

"I didn't say you could leave..."

I took a deep breath. "I didn't need your permission." His hand tightened against my wrist causing me to wince at the pain a bit. "Is that any way to talk to your daddy?"

I turned to see the smirk on his face. "I'm sorry, my what?" He grabbed both my wrists and pushed me against the door, causing me to drop my clipboard and other things. Then he pushed his lips on mine. My eyes widened. This was actually happening. M- Dark was kissing me.

I tried to pull away, but his grip only tightened. I didn't kiss back, which angered him. He growled which made me smile. He grabbed me forcefully which made me gasp at the sudden move. He stuck his tongue in my mouth.  I tried pulling away, but he only tightened his grip again.

I finally just gave in thinking he would stop if I did. So, I kissed back. He smiled. Our tongues danced together. Then, he finally pulled away, which left me with relief and sadness.

I backed away, as well as picking my things up. He smirked at me. "Please visit me again soon..." He said as I turned to the door. I smirked. "Maybe I'll have to." I could practically see the smirk on his face as I walked out closing the door. After I locked it, I walked to Jack's room.

I entered the room after unlocking it. Jack's face lit up. "Hello Dr. L/n." I smiled "Hey Jack."  

I walked over to the little table and sat down. Jack joined me. "How are you feeling?" I looked up to see Jack's eyes. "Alright, Anti was giving me a little trouble yesterday. You knew that already. So, I guess I'm pretty good."

I nodded, remembering yesterday.  I wrote everything down that he told me. After a bit of talking, I looked up to see Chase. "Oh, hello Chase. How are you?" He smiled at me. "I'm well, how are you?" I smiled. "I'm doing well myself. Nothing to complain about. Except the little incident with M-Dark." I keep doing that...

"What happened?" Chase asked me.  I looked at him. "I'm supposed to be asking about you, not the other way around..." He pouted. I rolled my eyes playfully.  "Alright then, let's go to the cafeteria, maybe you can ask Mark yourself."  He smiled as he ran to the door waiting for me to unlock the door. I giggled at his childish actions and unlocked the door as well as Mark's and a few other patients. I sat in my office. I started eating my lunch while looking over my work. I saw another note, same color, pink.

"I will escape Mark's head soon my dear. He doesn't want me to play with you... I will escape though. I promise." 

A/n - Thank's for reading!

Well, that's the end of the chapter... there's nothing else to say.


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