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"Swirl! Let's go! We have to be at the party... now!" My mom yelled from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes at the way she said my nickname when she was in a rush.

"I'm coming mom!" I yelled from my room. This was the hundredth party we've been to, I was getting tired of them. I'm not a social person so I always felt out of place at parties, especially at my mom's work parties. I walked out of my room wearing a black strapless lace dress, black flats, and my hair was down.

"You look beautiful." My mom said as she moved, my blonde hair out of my eyes. "And now we can see your gorgeous blue eyes."

"Are we ready?" My dad asked. My mom and I both nodded. We walked over to the car and my dad handed me the keys.

"You're the designated driver tonight." He said. We drove to the party. The music was loud and there was lots of alcohol. I could tell a couple of the people were already drunk. Great, I thought, this will be my parents in a few hours. I rolled my eyes and found my usual spot in the back of the room, away from everyone. I plugged my headphones in my ears and drowned out the world around me. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked at the person who had poked me.

"Hi." He said.


"What's up?"

"Uh...nothing." I said awkwardly.

"Hmmm... Ok..Well, I'm Tristan." He said sticking his hand at me. I hesitated before shaking it. "Caroline." I said smiling. He was cute.

"Do you maybe wanna go outside?"

"Sure..." I said. I followed him outside.

"Much better. Now I can actually hear you. You talk really quietly." He said.

I rubbed my neck and bit my bottom lip. "Yeah... Sorry about that."

"Hey don't worry about it, I actually think it's kinda cute.." He said blushing. I giggled. We ended up talking for almost 4 hours. "Swirl!" I heard my mom yell.

"I better get going." I said. "It was nice to talk to someone close in age for once."

"Yeah." He said smiling. "Wait before you go," I turned around. "What's your number?"

"Hand me your phone." I said smiling. "Text me sometime." And with that I walked towards my parents.

"Who was that?" My dad asked slurring his words.

"His name is Tristan."

"Do I need to worry about you?"

"No dad he's just a friend. Now let's head home it's almost 5 am." I said ushering then towards the door. My mom said her goodbyes and we left. The car ride was good except for the constant giggling coming from the backseat.

I slowed to a stop as the light turned red. The light changed to green almost immediately since it was so early. I started to accelerate, I saw headlights coming towards


A/n: So cliffhanger. And yes I realize there isn't a period on the end of that sentence.

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