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The next day at school, I found out I had another class with Hunter. He slipped me a note.



'how are you today?'

'fine. you?' Hunter read the note and looked at me with his bright blue eyes.

'you don't write or talk much, do you?'


'I will get you to talk to me'

'I don't think so' He looked up at me again this time with a very cute smirk on his face. The dimple on the left side of his face showing.

'Oh we'll see about that' I looked at him through narrowed eyes, I was not going to open up to this guy.

I noticed he had a tattoo on his neck that he kept covered, he had a lip piercing, and his black hair was in a military cut.

The bell rang before I could respond. I went to lunch, sitting by myself again. Thankfully Hunter didn't have the same lunch as me today. I had my headphones in my ears and my phone on the table. My phone buzzed on the table. I looked at the text, 'hey it's Tristan'. I didn't respond, he reminded me of my parents. I put my phone back down on the table. A few minutes later my phone buzzed again.

'hi Caroline' It was a different number than the one than Tristan had texted me with.

'who is this?' I texted back.

'Hunter' I stared at my phone, how did Hunter get my number.


'what's with the dots? dot dot dot'


'again with the dots, do you not know how to text?'

'rude much'

'sorry that was kind of rude...'

'dot dot dot' The bell rang and I walked to my last class of the day. My phone buzzed almost 20 times in the first 5 minutes of class. I looked down at my phone most of the messages were from Tristan, but there were a few from Hunter. I deleted the 18 messages that were from Tristan and read the one from Hunter.

'do you want to hang out with me after school?' I couldn't believe he was asking me this, I've known him for what 2 days.

'I can't' Which was true I had work.

'oh ok. how about tomorrow?'



I didn't get another text from him that day. I was kind of sad that he wasn't trying to get me to talk anymore. But it didn't matter I had work. I washed dishes for the next 5 hours. Whoop whoop.

The 5 hours went by kind of slow, but now I was home. I crashed on my floor with a pillow under my butt and my laptop on my lap. Netflix was my new best friend since my parents had...

I feel asleep with Netflix still running and my laptop almost dead.

The next 3 days of school, I couldn't even remember what happened. Thankfully it was the weekend now but not so thankfully my boss had given me the weekend off, thinking I was over worked. My phone buzzed, 'hey Caroline. we need to talk' It was from Hunter. What could he possibly need to talk to me about.


'where do you live? I need to talk to you in person'


'really the dots again'

'I'm not telling you where I live'

'wow that's the most words you've ever said to me. I suddenly feel so special'

'you shouldn't'

'it's ok you don't have to tell me where you live... I already know :)'

'uh... what?' There was a knock on my apartment door. I looked at what I was wearing, a long superhero shirt and leggings and my hair was in a messy bun. I shrugged and walked to the door. Hunter stood at the door holding a guitar case. My eyebrows shot up and I looked at him, my eyes asking what he was doing here. "I thought I would keep you company this weekend, if you don't mind?" I shrugged, I didn't care as long as he didn't ask a lot of questions.

"I know you don't talk much, so I brought a notebook, now all you have to do is write." He said with a huge grin on his face. I nodded. I mean I guess that could work.

"Alright... uh where's your couch?"

I scratched the back of my neck and shook my head.

"So no couch. Ok so we can sit on the floor. I can work with that." He sat on the floor and patted the spot next to him. I shook my head and grabbed the notebook. 'do you want food?' He took the notebook, "no I'm good. Thanks for offering." I shrugged and sat down next to him, taking the notebook. He pulled his guitar out and started playing.


A/n: yes this chapter and quite a few other chapters after this will be called "After".

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