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I looked at Hunter with a worried look, as I saw his fists and jaw, clench and unclench. "Hunter..." I said softly, as I touched his arm. He flinched away from my touch. I pulled my hand back, leaned against the truck door and looked out the window. I started to draw further into myself again, every time he got angry I did. We drove on some roads I didn't recognize and we ended up at a very large house. I stared wide eyed at the mansion that was coming into view. We pulled into the drive way and Hunter got out of the car. He walked to the passenger side of the car and opened the door. "Come on." He said not looking me in the eye. We walked through the large double doors, into his massive house. "Mom I'm home!" Hunter shouted.

"Who is yelling at me?!?" She shouted back.


"Which one are you?!?"

"Second oldest!" Hunter yelled back. I was mesmerized by the house before me I didn't see a little girl come up to me. "Up." She said, holding her arms up. I looked down at her small figure. She looked just like Hunter same black hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. "Up." She said again. I picked her up and walked further into the house.

"You pwetty." The little girl I was holding said. I looked at her and smiled, she was really cute. She reached up and poked my cheek, "you my new fwiend." I looked at her and nodded as Hunter came down the stairs with a duffle bag. "Untew awe you leaving?" The little girl asked.

"Just for the next 2 weeks while you're at daddy's house. Ok Julie?"

"Otay." She said with a giggle as Hunter rubbed her hair and took her from me. He dropped his duffle bag by the door and walked his sister to the living room. He threw her on the couch then walked back over to me, grabbed my hand, picked up his duffle bag, and ushered me to the door.

"If we don't leave now, we won't get the chance, you don't want to meet all my brothers and sisters." He said putting emphasis on all. I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes I said all." He said opening the door to his truck and throwing his duffle bag inside. "Now let's go to your apartment for some peace and quiet."

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