Day 4

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His horns were longer by the next morning. And pointier. Unable to be concealed by the beanie, to say the least. But he decided that he probably shouldn't go back into the town, so I went alone. To a different store, too, obviously. I bought milk, cheese, meats, and other basic foods. Enough, this time, to last longer. At least, I hoped so.
I zoomed down the back road, passing row after row of apple trees, until finally I neared the clearing where I had left him.
It was completely overspread with smoke. Or what looked like smoke. I slowed the car as I pulled into the green and purple thickness. Soon the entire car was enveloped, so I parked and jumped out. I peered into the haziness, chills running up my arm. Not too far away from me, in the middle of the clearing, I saw a figure. A figure with horns. And then, from the smoke I heard his voice. He spoke in what sounded like Old Norse, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. The smoke swirled around, but then it began to concentrate. It got smaller until it was just surrounding him. And then it whirled around him and disappeared. He finished his chant, and then eagerly looked at his hands.
But nothing had changed. In fact, his hands appeared more hoof-like than they had when I'd left. Norway hung his head.
Magic hadn't worked.
Forcing myself to move, I went to the trunk of the car and pulled out one of the several bags of food.
"If you want to take a break, I brought you some food," I said, walking toward him. He whirled around toward me, looking surprised, as if he hadn't realized I had returned.
But then his eyes landed on the food, and that crazed look entered his eyes again. He ripped the bag from me and I watched once again as he devoured the food in a very animal-like way.
When he was finished, he groaned and held his head, pulling his knees up to his chest.
He stayed like that for a long time, and I didn't know what to do.
But then suddenly he jumped up, his gaze fierce. He began to speak, but whatever he said I didn't understand.
Soon the air was alive with magic again. I could feel it. My heart pounded. If anything could cure him, it was magic. But magic was scarce in this world and unpredictable- uncontrollable at times, Norway had said so himself.
But out of all those who tried to use the mysterious, dark force, Norway was the most skilled. He never let on how adept he really was, not even to his fellow countries- it was for the best, though. Magic was not something that any sane person should meddle in too deeply, Norway had told me over and over. I had never understood why, if that was true, he still chose to have any part in it. But Norway was wise; wiser than most- and magic was as much a part of him as he was a part of magic. It was naturally inherent to him, so I didn't ask questions.
The rest of the day passed by slowly. Norway tried spell after spell after spell, but none of them worked, and he was obviously becoming weaker. But still he pressed on.
By the end of the day, however, it was obvious that magic couldn't cure this virus.
If the virus is not of this world, I thought, then the magic of this world wouldn't be able to affect it, would it? There's no hope, is there?
Norway finished one last spell and waited, but nothing changed. He sank to his knees and then sat down on the ground, his shoulders slumped. I walked over and sat down next to him. I wanted to say something, but there were no words. So I put my arm around his back and hugged him. He leaned into my embrace, being careful with his horns. His breathing was heavy.
"M-Mary..." he gasped, "I have... something I need to give you... a gift. A gift I've vanted to give you for a long time... Every since I realized I loved you..."
I dropped my arms to my sides and sat back to look at him. His purple eyes started to shine and suddenly everything around me became hazy blue.
"Wait, wait," I said, grabbing his arm. "Norway, wait, stop."
Everything looked normal again and he stared into my eyes.
"What... what is the gift?" I asked.
"I am... finally going to do it," he whispered, still out of breath. "I am going to make you immortal, so you can live with me... so I don't have to worry about losing you..."
"Immortal," I repeated, stunned.
"Ja!" he exclaimed, and the hazy blue returned. I could feel a strange power rushing through my body, making me feel more alive than I'd ever felt. He had always hinted at this plan and I had secretly always wished for it. This way I wouldn't have to worry about living only a few short decades while he would go on to live for centuries. This was what I wanted. Wasn't it?
"Norway?" I whispered, reaching out and touching his arm again. He met my gaze. "Norway, I can't accept this gift. Not now."
The power left me, and I was myself again. Left in a dying, mortal shell of a body with dying, mortal energy.
"But... but vhy?" Norway whispered, looking at me in confusion and desperation.
"Maybe someday... someday I will accept it. But not now, Norway, not now," I whispered, squeezing his arm gently.
"V-vhy? This is my last chance!"
"I know... I know..." I whispered, taking a deep breath. "But... that's exactly why I can't accept it. If you don't make it... I don't want to live that long without you. So... save the gift. Save it until after we find the cure."
Norway turned his gaze to the ground.
"If magic can't cure me, vhat can?"
"I... I don't know. But I swear, Norway... I won't stop looking until I find something that can stop this."
"You... you von't?" he raised his head to look at me. I smiled weakly.
He chuckled, bitterly. And then we sat in silence.
"Vell, if you von't accept that gift, accept this one," he whispered, looking me in the eyes. Without breaking my gaze, he reached up and took off his barrette.
I caught my breath, my eyes growing wide.
But he wasn't done.
Closing his eyes, he grasped the cross-shaped clip with both hands and whispered. I could feel the air tremble with power and shivers flowed up my spine.
He winced and sucked in a deep breath, as if in pain. And then opened his eyes and held out the clip to me.
"Please, Mary, take this," he said, staring at it intently.
"What did you do to it?" I asked, quietly.
"A protection spell," he said, his face contorting with agony. He groaned, and then looked straight at me. "So that... I vill know for sure that you vill survive to find a cure. Yust keep it on you, and it'll do the rest. Here, take it. Please."
I took it from him as if I had just been handed the world.
Feeling sick, I realized I had never asked him where he got the barrette from or why it was so important.
I had never seen him without it.
I closed my eyes, shaking my head.
I looked at him, tears suddenly springing to my eyes.
But then he smiled at me, though there was pain in his gaze.
"I... von't need it..." he whispered. "Yust accept it. Please?"
"This can't be the end," I said, refusing to acknowledge the horns on his head as I scooted closer to him, our noses only inches apart. I put my hand on his cheek. "I am going to find a cure. I am going to save you. It can't... it can't just end like this..."
Norway put his hand over mine, slipping the barrette from my hand. And then he reached up and clipped it onto my hair, brushing the stray strands from my face.
"I ask of you only one thing," he whispered. "Not for you to find a cure or to save the vorld, but only this..." he leaned closer. "Please, yust don't forget me."
My fingers trembling, I reached up and put my hands over his.
"Never, Norway. Never."

Mary's Story (A Norway + OC Hetalia One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now