Day 7

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The day passed slowly. I spent it trying to get Norway to recognize me. Sometimes I thought it worked, but then again, it could've just been me seeing what I wanted to. He allowed me to get close to him, but he was feisty and didn't stay still for very long.
All of the supplies were gone in less than a few minutes, and he sniffed around and sometimes found pieces of wrappers to gnaw on. I stayed by him through it all, petting his hair and talking to him, but he never responded except with a glance every now and again.
The day turned into night, and the stars came out. But they weren't beautiful to me now. In fact, I hated the sight of them. So I closed my eyes.


A loud screech startled me awake. It was early morning, and I could barely see into the darkness, but from what I could make out there were two large creatures with wings landing in the field.
Norway was up in the blink of an eye, snorting and bellowing at the Virgos that slowly came toward him. I stared at their long talons with wide eyes, but Norway didn't seem at all hesitant. He leapt toward them, snapping his jaw and throwing his head around like crazy, trying to gore them. One Virgo swiped his talons at him, colliding with Norway's metal horns. But while the one Virgo distracted Norway, the other leapt into the air and flew straight toward me.
I screamed, scrambling away from it while trying to stand. Norway glanced at me for a second, his nostrils flaring, but then the Virgo scratched his chest, and he turned back to it with a roar.
The Virgo swiped at me, but I ducked away, and somehow it missed. I reached up and touched the side of my head. Norway's barrette was still there.
I ran to the car and threw open the door. Inside the passenger's seat was my dad's sledgehammer. I grabbed it and turned around, just as the Virgo flew at me again.
I swung the heavy hammer with all my might, which ended with the Virgo screaming in pain as it crashed to the ground behind me. My sudden adrenaline rush giving me strength, I lifted up the hammer and charged the downed Virgo.
But then I paused, resting the hammer on my shoulder.
It knelt on the ground and held it's stomach, gagging and moaning. And for a second I pitied the creature.
The sun was beginning to rise and I could see the Virgo more clearly. He wore tattered blue jeans and had long, curly brown hair. I lowered the hammer. He had once been a man. A son. A brother. Maybe a lover.
The Virgo suddenly looked up at me and bared his sharpened teeth. But then, Norway came charging around the corner. I backed up and saw the other Virgo lying on the ground. Norway charged the downed Zodiac. I sucked in a deep breath and was about to scream, when the Virgo jumped into the air and flew away, screeching violently.
I sighed with relief and looked at Norway.
He was already looking at me.
Sniffing the air, he slowly began to walk toward me, his eyes glaring.
My heart jumped into my throat. I backed away, dragging the hammer with me.
"No, no, Norway..." I whispered.
And then he charged me.
I lifted the hammer and he slammed into the head, his horns not far from my chest. He stepped back, snorting.
"No! No, I can't fight you!" I cried as he ran at me, swinging his head. I managed to put my sledgehammer between us again. He roared in rage and suddenly jerked his head to the side, his horns bashing against the hammer's handle. I wasn't expecting it, so the hammer flew from my grip.
I held my empty hands out to him as he stared me down.
"Norway," I whispered. "Please..."
He lowered his head, his horns pointing straight at me.
But I didn't run.
What was left for me? Norway was gone. There was nothing left for me to live for.
I closed my eyes, waiting for the cutting pain of his horns piercing through me.
But nothing happened. Birds twittered in the distance, and the sound was strange to hear.
I opened my eyes. Norway suddenly turned away from me, shaking his head violently.
But there was no one else around and I hadn't imagined it.
He had spoken to me.
"Go?" I whispered. I looked over him at my car that sat waiting.
And then I suddenly remembered what I had said to him.
I looked back at Norway.
I had to find a way to bring them back. I had to find a way to bring back the person in the monster. He was in there. He had to be. If Norway wasn't still in there somewhere, why was I alive? I remembered how my dad had recognized me, too. I remembered Evangeline.
Norway suddenly looked back at me, his nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed.
Before he could attack me again, I turned and ran. Grabbing my hammer off the ground as I went, I dashed toward my car. I jumped into the driver's seat and grabbed the keys, switching on the engine. I backed out onto the road, but before I left, I looked at Norway one last time.
"I'll find a way to save you," I whispered to the Norway I loved; the Norway that was still in there somewhere. "I'll find the cure. But, if I can't... I'll at least keep my promise." A tear fell down my cheek. "I won't forget you."
The Taurus roared and charged the car, but I was already on my way.
My purpose was clear, and there was no way around it: I had to find a cure or die trying.

Mary's Story (A Norway + OC Hetalia One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now