Chapter 2: Arent you the pretty boy from that band

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*Claire's P.O.V*

I was running and I couldn't stop, until I ran into a figure.BOOM!!

I jump awake at the sound. Its still dark so I cant see anything. The lights take me by surprise when they turned on. When I regained my focus I see a man in a white shirt and black jeans on with a volunteer/doctor badge on. So this is my new doctor.
"Hi um Miss...Jackson, ha um I'm Brendon... Brendon Urie and I'm your new doctor," he says. Wait Brendon Urie as pretty boy.
"Aren't you that pretty boy from that band," I ask.
"Uh so you know, um yeah Panic! At The Disco is my band I'm the lead singer," he says shrugging.
"Ok lets save story time for later, why are you here," I get out of bed and walk to the desk pulling out the seat.
He kind of jumped when I got close to him, he's scared to great.
"You can take a seat, and imma start us off. I AM NOT INSANE, just a little nasty," I say. He laughs at my nasty comment.
"Ok well," he takes a seat, "1 I have a song called Miss Jackson and the main line is 'Are you nasty' and 2 I want to release another album soon but I need inspiration. So I thought maybe I'd go for a half crazy, half smooth style album," he says.
"So what your saying is you want me to help you write songs," I look at him with my eyebrows raised.
"Yeah that was the plan, I'm just here for the summer so I dont have very long I have 4 songs done though but I need more," he starts using his hands to talk.
"What makes you think I'm any help, don't you have band members for that," I ask messing around with the thin cover.
"I dont know I just thought since your file and name had my song title I took it as a sign," he says looking at all the books on my desk.
"I'll do it but on one condition, don't be scared of me. What I did was a mistake. I'm not insane if anything I should be in jail not here," I say firmly.
"Yeah ok your file was right you are a little nasty," he says.
"Never said I was nice," I fire back.
"So shall we get started," he walks to the door and opens it bringing a guitar back in.
"Right now, sure yeah, I mean I have to go to another excersise later but yeah sure," I shrug.
"Like gym wise," he asks, how did he become my doctor.
"No, like strap to a chair and shock you to see if you'll calm down, dont worry it looks scary but once you've been doing the same thing for so long you get used to it, oh now I see why they think I'm crazy," I laugh. Brendon looks kind of shocked.
"Umm ok well moving on lets start now," he digs into a bag that he brought in with him bringing out a notebook and pen.
"So your an old-school writer not laptop," I laugh.
"No I like to keep it old-school," he moves his hand in a wave motion. I scoff at his attempt to be "smooth".
"So how does this thing work," I ask.
"Well I like to think back on things so tell me about....yooouuurrrr fiirrssstttt.... party," he finally spits out.
(I'm gonna put the "lyrics" in italics)
"Well I was 16 and this was a month before I got kicked out so yeah. It was my friend Kaylas party but of course she wouldnt notice me there so that detail doesnt matter. I walked in and I didn't know any of these people. I mean there were people dancing in there underwear like they just woke up. I went to the kitchen to get a drink because why not its a party but there was no more on the shelf. This guy came up to me holding the drink I wanted and offered it to me and of course I took it. He looked like he was waiting for me to say something, so I was like I should probably introduce myself," I'm stopped when Brendon puts his hand up.
"Ok I have something. Who are these people? I just woke up in my underwear. No liquor left on the shelf. I should probably introduce myself. How's that," he says(not sings). Oh my lord he got that from just 2 minutes into my story.
"How the, nevermind. Anyways, so I introduced myself to him. And he looks at my clothes. Over here looking me up and down like I was an old magician yeah weird metaphor but oh well. He left, but I still had the drink so that was good. We all head into the living room to watch what Kayla had for us and this robot voice came over talking about how Kaylas boyfriend is gonna be prom king. Oh yeah prom, didnt make it. I know weird thing tho throw a party for. Then everyone started cheering like it was some damn inspirational speech. Then this one song came on I dont know what it was but it was great and I started dancing because well the party was already out of hand so it didnt matter if I looked like an idiot," I take a break from talking. I think thats the most I've talked before.
"Ok how about, You should've seen what I wore. I had a cane and a party hat. I was the king of this hologram. Wheres there's no such thing as getting out of hand," he sings.
"Danm your good,"I smile at him.
"Miss Jackson time for the treatment, Brendon you come to you'll be the one bringing her from now on so you need to know the drill," Tom, my nurse who takes me everywhere, says.
"Right the "treatment" that never works, do me a favor and not put the cuffs on tight if I'm gonna get out of them then strapped in anyways," I say coldly. Tom nods and handcuffs me. He jerks his head telling Brendon to come along. He hold me as if I'm drunk just like the last thousand times. Yay.

*Brendons P.O.V*

I don't what I've gotton myself into. He says her around harshly as if she's going to stumble around like she's drunk.
He leads her into a room with 2 other people in here. One being Sarah, the boss, and the other is another nurse I have know idea on who she is.
"At Brendon your here I hope she hasnt given you any troubles, she can be fiesty sometimes," Sarah smiles.(😜)
"No none at all weve already made some progress on a song," I reply looking through the glass in the other room where I see Claire getting strapped in a chair by Tom. I'm going to have to do that.
"Well don't fall for her tricks she's something else, this is going to be hard to watch the first time but you'll see that she needs more then one hit so you'll have to get used to it," Sarah says messing with some buttons.
"Shes in, Tom walks through the door.
"Great, Brendon you dont have to watch the first hit but I'd suggest you watch the others," I look back through the glass to see Claire looking...bored?
"Ok Claire you know the drill," Sarah says into a microphone.
"Yeah yeah hold on," she pops her neck, "ok go ahead." Dann she relaly means she's used to it.
Sarah pulls down a lever and pushes a button. I look at Claire and can practically see the shock hit her. I jump back a little thinking the worst. But all of that is pushed back when I see Claire sit back up in the chair and shake her body.
"Claire we dont need any old memories popping up again from the beginning, please don't fight it," Sarah shakes her head disappointed.
She repeats the same process only kicking the shock up to a 7. Claire starts shaking as the shock hits her and I look away. When it stops I look back at her to see her head hanging low. Is she dead?!?!
"Damn it, did you knock it up to a 7 that fucking hurt," Claire shakes her head.
"Alright thats enough," Sarah yells into the microphone causing me to jump. She knocks it up to a 10 and pushes the button.
This causes an even bigger shock going to Claire. She starts shaking and then stops. Her head is leaned back against the chair not moving and he rbreath is steady.
"There Brendon, Tom get her out of here," Sarah walks off with the other nurse.
I walk into the room where she is and walk toward her. I unbuckle the leather straps on her wrists, while Tom gets a wheelchair. I pick her up and set her down gently in the chair.
"Bring her to her room I'll be back later to check on her," Tom says before walking off. You know I'm glad no one here treats me like a celebrity but they can at least be nicer.
I start to push her out of the room and head down the hallway that looks like something you would see in a movie.
Room 186. Here we are, I open the door and push her in. I pick her up and set her on the bed gently getting shocked in the process. I gather all my stuff and head towards the door.
I look at Claire peacefully asleep. She's not insane, just nasty. I smile and walk out of the room. First day on the job, already scared.

Well there's a sucky chapter. It gets better I promise. Also that wa slike the cheesiest way ecer writing the song, Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time if you didnt know. Yeah well new chapter soon.


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