Chapter 3: Raise Hell and turn it up

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*Claire's P.O.V*

Ugh, my head. I am so glad I have to take medicine daily for crap like this. I swear they put it at a ten, which they arent aloud to do unless they get an ok from well everyone. I sit up and go to my desk, sitting down.
"Hey your up, how do you feel," Brendon walks in with a computer.
"Um fine I guess, a little, shocked but I'll get uses to it," I get up allowing him to sit and go to my bed.
"Your one tough some of a bitch," he laughs.
"Why thank you," I flip my hair.
"Ok well first um take your medicine, then we'll start," he gives me 2 pills and a water. I take the pills and nod to him.
"Ok so I worked on the song a little last night and had my friends help me make a beat and I have it on the laptop," he pulls up a file on the laptop and opens it.
(Sings the pre-verse and first verse with music going then continues with music with no words)
"Holy shit that was amazing," that's all I could say.
"Well I need a Chorus and then I think I got the rest," he explains.
"I'll tell you about my first time out of those 10 years I felt free," I offer.
"Fire away," he chuckles.
"Well I was 22 and I went to some casino and when I stepped in I knew it was gonna be a good time. The was Champange everywhere and people were doing drugs and it smelt like gasoline, pretty much everything in between. Home sweet home I thought. We all went outside because someone was stupid and took a "dare". There was a shopping cart outside, and he was pushed around the city, roaming around. When he got back he offered me the brand Camels Cigerettes and I felt like a fucking smoke alarm going off when I enhaled it. The guy kept talking to me and I thought get next victim so I flirted with him. The night started heating up and-"
"Norah, Brendon, come on, you have to go to the test," Tom says opening the door.
"I thought it was tomorrow," I stand up and walk where Brendon is sitting.
"She wants it to be today," Tom grabs my hands and handcuffs them.
"Brendon, take her to room 302 and stay with her, Sarah will be in there shortly," Tom walks off.
"Dont be scared, they just want to see me calm," I start walking out the door with him holding my arm.
"Its all gonna be ok I promise," he assures. "They're just gonna raise he'll and turn it up if I dont cooperate," I shrug.

*Brendons P.O.V*

I finally realize that shes a normal person. Yeah sure what she did could probably never be forgotten but still she doesn't belong here. She deserves so much more than this.
Room 302: Conference, the sign read. We walked in to see a table with 1 chair on one side and 2 on the other. I set Claire in the chair gently and take the seat beside her.
"Good to see you guys waiting patiently, now Claire you know the drill," Sarah walks in and takes a seat.
"Yeah yeah I just have a few things to say this time," Claire leans forward.
"Moving on, how do you feel," Sarah places the pen against her lip.
"I feel...insulted. Insulted that you just wont except that I'm not crazy," Claire reply casually. How does she do this, I would be scared senseless.
"Claire we aren't doing this again," Sarah sighs.
"No listen, fuck staying calm you can't force someone to stay calm, look at you idiots trying to hold yourselves back from strangling someone," she motions to the guards.
"And I'm not insane you have to understand that, I should be in Prison not here where nothing works. You really think youre helping me and others by giving us shitty food and making us stare at a wall will help us. No if anything its making us messed up. This "Calm test" you've made doesnt help, because you think since we calm down for 5 FUCKING MINUTES we'll stay calm for the rest of out lives... Understand that we aren't normal we may be Too weird to live but we are Too rare to die," Claire takes a breather from her speech leaving everyone shocked. I'm surprised she used my album name.
"Now to finish my little speech to "stay calm", I know how to control myself and I know how to act, but you people put so many things I'm my head that its hard to think. I'm not the one who should be in here, you are," she finishes firmly.
Everyones mouth is on the floor at what was said including mine.
Sarah clears her throats. "That was very lovely Miss Jackson, anything else," Sarah shakes her head.
"Yeah... Don't threaten me with a good time," she smirks. Then it finally hit me that, that was the new song, she did it for both of us.
"Alright, Brendon, take her back to her cell, Tom will bring Breakfest later," Sarah gets up and leaves with the gaurds leaving me with Claire.
"We made a song," I smile. She looks at me like an idiot.
"Thats all you got from that," she looks at me in the eye.
"What you said was possibly the best thing ever, you stood up for yourself I like it, but as you said at the end," she blushes.
"Don't threaten me with a good time," I smile with her.

Well short chapter but I promise next chapter will be better. They finally made the song(Brendon works on the rest like he said). Anyways, vote and read on.


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