~Chapter 13~Jackie skips class~

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday - personal issues... xx

Jackie eyed Star up for the entire
lesson, and Marco could tell she was agitated.

"Jackie, are you okay?" Marco looked at Jackie, who was angrily cutting paper up in the corner of his eye.

"I'm fine Marco, I'm just a little tired, that's all." Jackie looked at her desk.

"It's okay, Jackie." Star looked at Jackie sweetly, "We all get sleepy sometimes..."

Marco smiled at Star, she was nicer than he expected, but Jackie didn't seem to keen on the idea of her being around often.

Time passed and the lesson was finally over, "Hey, Marco, Star, I'm gonna head to the bathroom before next lesson, start walking I will try to catch up to you later."

Marco could tell Jackie was upset about Stars presence, but he couldn't figure out why. Jackie knows how long he has liked her, he wouldn't give up on her for some random girl who's going to be living with him for a while, he eventually decided he would speak to her personally later.

Star happily gazed at the corridors and skipped behind Marco. They finally got to the classroom, Jackie never caught up to them, she didn't even show up to the lesson.

~Marco's pov~

Now I was really worried about Jackie, she never skipped lessons. I took out my phone to send her a quick message.

Hey Jackie, what's up? xx

I waited and waited.

And waited, she didn't answer.

Star was staring at me, clearly interested in what I was typing.

"What's wrong with Jackie, she didn't show up..." Even Star looked a little sad, "It isn't because of me, right?"

"Of course not Star, Jackie trusts me, I would never cheat on her."

"Your so loyal, my boyfriend wasn't," Star stared at the ground.

I looked at her sympathetically, "Aww, Star, I'm sorry to hear that..."

She looked at me with a smile on her face, "Is it break time now? What are we supposed to do? I've never been to a public school before."

"Wow, you were home-schooled?!"


I showed Star to the cafeteria, she licked her lips as she saw all the food neatly lined up on the trays, "Wow, Marco, this all looks so delicious!"

"It is, you need money to buy things here though." Marco sat down on a table with Star and they waited for Alfonzo and Ferguson.

"Dammit, I'm hungry." Star twiddled her thumbs.

"I usually don't buy things from here, I eat at home, but because it's your first day..." I pulled out a few pound coins and plopped them on the table in front of her.

"Thanks, Marco!"

I needed to stop, I wasn't supposed to get close to Star, it hurts too much when they leave, this is the last time I would ever try to be nice with her, I tried to deal with myself, but decided it wouldn't work when she waved and smiled at me from the queues of people.

Alfonzo and Ferguson joined me.

"Thinking about life are we Marco?" Ferguson got comfortable on the seat opposite Marco.

"Yeah, I don't know what to do anymore..."

"Why, are you torn between Star and Jackie? I mean, why wouldn't you be..." Alfonzo stared at Star as she walked over to them, her long blonde hair swaying freely by her shoulders.

"Of course not! Why would you even say that!" I was angered by Alfonzo's annoying comment and huffed.

"Wait, where is Jackie?" Alfonzo looked around, "She's not with you?"

I shook my head and looked at Ferguson who was chatting away with Star, who was tucking into a cheese-sandwich.

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