Lunch Time

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 After a few classes Amira, Vicky, Oz, and Brian went to lunch and sat in the corner of the room. Oz seemed to be so spaced out that he doesn't hear or react to the others. He was so far gone that Amira had started entertaining herself by throwing paper balls at his head seeing how many she could throw before he got mad. Vicky and Brian were discussing how their first classes had been. " Yeah so now I'm helping plan a huge Halloween party." Brian said as he finished telling Vicky how his first few classes went. " That's awesome. I can't wait to go." Vicky said cheerfully before Amira threw a paper ball at Brian. " That's a very believable story Brian what next did you and Polly blast off into space using rainbow jetpacks." Amira said with her voice full of sarcasm. " I think your just jealous I get to plan a massive party and you don't." Brian said smugly. Amira rolled her eyes and continued throwing things at Oz's head. 

     After a few minutes of Amira throwing paper balls at Oz's head Brian and Vicky joined in throwing a many more items at him seeing who can make him mad first, but even after they had thrown almost everything they had on them he still didn't say a word. " Wow he must really be focusing on something he's never spaced out this bad before." Brian said as he threw a composition book at Oz.  " Maybe he has a crush on someone." Amira said as she threw her entire backpack at Oz. " Maybe he does I can't think of anyone he would have a crush on though." Vicky said as she threw her phone at Oz. After     a few more minutes of the group throwing things at Oz the group ran out if things to throw so they all walked over and started picking up the items littered around Oz. " Amira stop that!!" Oz yelled as Amira started using her fire to light his shirt on fire.

      " Yeah I win." Amira yelled in triumph " In your face Mr. party planner." Amira began taunting Brian as he glared at her.  " Well that was fun while it lasted." Vicky said as she gives a small laugh. " What's wrong with you guys." Oz said as he puts out the fire Amira had started. " Well its not our fault you were staring off into space." Amira while still taunting Brian. " What were you even thinking about." Brian said as he tried to ignore Amira. " None of your business." Oz half yelled seeming embarrassed. Vicky started to giggle " Were you thinking about that person from our English class. Both Amira and Brian turned to Oz making with big grins as they prepared to jokingly make fun of Oz. " W-what are you talking a-about Vicky." Oz stammered with his hands over his face in embarrassment. " Awwww our little Ozzie has a crush." Amira said smiling. " Who is she then." Brian said resting his chin on his hand. Vicky looked at Oz giving him a confused look. " Oh w-well um." Oz stammered more as Vicky leaned over to hi " You haven't told them your gay?" Vicky whispered into Oz's ear. " N-no I haven't I'm afraid they might judge me." Oz whispered back. Amira leaned forward trying to hear what they were talking about. " What are you two talking about, and why aren't you letting us listen." Brian questioned making Oz jump. " Its nothing Oz just wants to keep who he has a crush on private." Vicky said with a calm tone as Oz nodded. 

     For a few moments there was an awkward silence until Amira finally said " Well that's ok right Brian?" Amira looked at Brian who was giving Oz a suspicious look " I guess." Brian said, but still held the suspicious stare at Vicky and Oz. " L-lets talk about something else." Oz slightly stammered trying to change the subject. " Yeah lets talk abou....."  Before Vicky could finish her sentence a voice called Oz's name from a few tables over. Oz shakily looked over as Amira and Brian turned suspiciously. When they turned they saw Scott walking toward the group holding a piece of paper. When he reached the table he pulled a chair over next to Oz and sat down " Hey I wanted to apologize for ruining your pretty drawing earlier so I made you this." Scott held out the paper which had what looked like a child's drawing with stickmen and crayon scribbles. " T-thank you Scott." Oz stammered as he gave the werewolf an embarrassed smile. Scott's eyes lit up " Yay I'm so glad you like it. I worked really hard on it." Scott said as he pulled Oz into a big hug and hugged Oz so tightly that everyone though Oz might just snap in half. After that Scott walked away waving goodbye to a very embarrassed Oz. " Was he the one you were talking about." Amira said two Oz as she tried not to say " Awww". Oz nodded and put his face into his hands as Amira almost yelled " That's so cute." Vicky smiled and leaned over to Oz " See I told you they wouldn't judge you." Vicky said happily. Oz looked up at Brian and was going to smile until he saw the look on Brian's face. " You told Vicky before you told me?" Brian angrily said almost yelling. " I-I'm sorry." Oz said looking down at the floor " I can't believe you. I thought I was your best friend why didn't you tell me." Brian shouted slamming his hand on the table. " Hey Brian so what he didn't tell you first." Amira said trying to defuse the situation. " You don't understand Amira we are supposed to be best friends, and We're supposed to tell each other everything." Brian turned to Oz " I can't believe you have lied to me for who knows how long." Oz almost burst into tears he stood up and stormed out of the lunchroom and into the nearest bathroom with everyone watching him. One chair squeaked as Scott stood up and worriedly followed him. Vicky turned to Brian with a look of pure rage. " He just told you a big secret of his and you YELL AT HIM FOR IT." Vicky yelled at Brian with a tone in her voice that made even the toughest of people in the room to flinch in fear. "How would you react if one of your best friends just told you something that they didn't trust you to know that he told someone else first." Brian yelled in retaliation to Vicky yelling at him. " Oh like he isn't one of my best friends too." Amira yelled. Before Brian could say something back the lunch bell rang , and when it did Amira and Vicky grabbed their stuff and stormed out of the room. 

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