Chapter 11

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Cody POV

( One hour later)

I met Peter up at this little Chinese restaurant. Christian outside just in case something happen.

Peter: "Whassup boyyaahh!"

Me: "What's happening? "

Peter: "What you got going on?"

Me: "I got a job interview. "

Peter: "Where at?"

Me: "At the mall in the suit store. And I'm going to college."

Peter: "Okay. I support you."

Me: "Thanks. "

Peter: "So lets get to business. I want y'all out of the business."

Me: "Why is that?"

Peter: "Y'all have babies now. Time to become real fathers. That's why I'm glad you going to college. "

Me: "Thanks. And another thing. I'm gonna have to move out of Your house.!

Peter: "Why is that?"

Me: "Well Sarah knows where we stay."

Peter: "And?"

Me: "I'm about to have two babies sir."

Peter: "Alright. Well I'm always gonna be here to support y'all youngins. Especially you and Christian. Anytime you need something just call.

Me: "Alright. Thanks."

Peter: "Now get out of here.!"

I got up and walked out. As I walked to my truck I seen a note know the windshield. I looked around and picked it up. And it read

" So here I am going crazy thinking about you. And I thought about your pretty little girlfriend. So I paid her a visit at the hospital. Don't worry about her. She got me again. But one thing you should know. I'm leaving y'all alone. That's a promise. I realized y'all are unbreakable. Considering she cheated on you with my boyfriend Jordan. But anyways. I just wanted to let you know I'm done with you and your family. I wish you all the best in life. Sorry for everything I've done in the past to hurt or mess you guys up. I really admire yall relationship and one day I'm soon to have one just like it.

Yours Truly


P.S. Congrats on your baby. It's time to slip a ring on that finger.

Thank God she's done. I folded the paper up and got in the truck. I drove to the house to see a moving truck. I hurried up and jumped out and ran in the house.

Mark: "That's all."

Me: "What's going on bro? "

Mark: "I'm moving out."

Me: "Why?"

Mark: "So I can start fresh. Naw I'm just playing they're here because of Peter. He had some stuff down in the basement."

Me: "What stuff?"

Mark: "I don't know. It was all wrapped up."

Me: "Sir? What's that?"

Dude 1: "I can't tell you."

Dude 2: "Classified."

Me: "Yeah we'll see about that."

Why would he have stuff in our basement. This is a little to weird. And why he didn't call the other boys to the restaurant.

Me: "How long have they been here?"

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