Chapter 5

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'Annika , Annika where are you ?' shouted Shivaay.
'Shivaay what's the matter ? Why are you screaming early in the morning?' said Annika
Shivaay's gleaned with excitement and said 'Annika today is your result day. Aren't you nervous and excited. We are going to celebrate  today . You will finally become an officer.'
Annika said 'I know Shivaay but let the results come and then we will think of celebrating. Now you are getting late for that big meeting of yours.'
Shivaay said 'I know you will come out with flying colours. I want to you to let me know as soon as you get to know your results. I will be keeping a watch too. Okay I will leave now.'
He brushed Annika's cheeks lightly and left for work.
Annika smiled and thought 'He is more excited for my result. I so hope I don't let him down.'
After around three hours Shivaay saw that Annika's result was out finally. And not only had Annika passed , she had secured a rank of fifty too. Shivaay leaped in happiness in his office and did a small jig. He picked up his phone and sailed Annika's number. No one picked up. He tried again, still he got no response. After fifteen minutes he tried again but got no luck. He was getting worried now. He thought 'Why isn't Annika picking up her phone. This is unlike her. Maybe I should go home and check on her once.'
Shivaay left and reached home.
He shouted 'Annika , Annika'
He didn't get any response. He reached his room and saw Annika lying on the floor unconscious.
Shivaay ran to her and said frantically 'Annika , wake up. Annika come on wake up'
Annika didn't move. Shivaay checked her pulse , it was there but it was very faint. Shivaay carried her in his arms to his car and headed towards the hospital. As he reached the hospital he yelled for the doctor and the minute he saw one he said 'My wife is not well.She isn't responding.Please have a look at her.'
The doctor said 'Please full up the form and then get her admitted.'
Shivaay got enraged and lost his cool he said 'To hell with your form. My wife is not responding to anything. Her pulse is getting weaker by the minute. Do you know who I am. I am Shivaay Singh Oberoi. I can buy your hospital if I want. If you don't look after my wife right now I swear you will never be able to practice ever again.'
Shivaay looked so dangerous that the doctor just mumbled and went to admit Annika. He checked her heartbeat and pulse and said 'She needs to go to the emergency room straightaway. By that time please fill up the form while I take her.'
Shivaay looked mutinous but went to the reception and filled up the form. He then paced up and down the corridor and waited for the doctor to come out and give him an update. Finally the doctor came and said 'She still hasn't regained consciousness but her kidney seems to have failed completely. If you have her previous medical reports it will be very helpful.'
Shivaay said 'Ki..Kidney failure? Will she be alright ?'
The doctor said 'We will try our best. But I would really need her medical reports.'
Shivaay said 'I will go and get them right now.'
Shivaay couldn't concentrate as he drove and was about to commit accidents. He finally reached home and rummaged Annika's cupboard and found her medical file and also a  large sheaf of paper which had the title 'The man I love'
Shivaay stuffed that paper in his pocket and took the medical reports and rushed out.
He reached the hospital and handed the report and the doctor told him to wait for sometime.
As Shivaay waited he took out the sheaf of paper and started reading. It read

I met Shivaay two years ago in the hospital. Then I didn't know that he would make such an impact in my life. Today I can't imagine my life without him. He is my friend and the one whom I love. After my father if I have ever felt protected around someone it's him. Shivaays takes care of me like a little baby. Never does he raise his voice against me and always fulfils my every wish before I even I say it. Shivaay is one of the best man on the entire planet. There is no one like him. I know he still loves Meeta and blames himself for her death still but I am helping him. And to some extent he has got better. I yearn for his love but I am happy with his friendship too. I get the respect that I deserve from him. And he had made me independent too. Whenever I get bored with my studies I write his name. His mere name energises me. More than for myself I want to become an IAS for him. I want to make him proud. I just hope that one day he loves me that way I love him too. But I hope he falls in love with me soon. I don't have much time left. But I haven't told him about my health yet , I know it will break him. I have to stay strong till he completely recovers from his past. Even if it requires my last breath to make him strong I will give it to him. For me nothing else matters than his happiness.

The writing ended here and when Shivaay turned the page around he saw it was filled with just one word 'Shivika'
Shivaay couldn't control his emotions. He started crying. Annika's love was so pure. And it wasn't true that he didn't love her the way she did. He did love her. More than anyone else. Over the last few months his feelings towards her had changed. Annika had become the reason behind his smile. He wanted to confess his love but had waited for her results to come out. Shivaay whimpered 'Annika , you can't , you can't'
A man came in front of him and said 'Mr.Oberoi, I am Dr.Mehta. Annika's regular doctor. I am afraid to say that Annika doesn't have much time left. If we don't get a kidney transplant we won't be able to save her. For months we were trying for a graft that suited her but every time her body rejected it.'
Shivaay said 'Doctor you have to save her. You just have to. I will die without her. Take my kidney. I am ready to donate it to her but save her.'
Dr.Mehta said 'Fine we will get your graft for kidney checked and see if it matches or not. But are you sure you want to donate?'
Shivaay said 'Sure? I just want her to live , and for that I can go to any length.'
After some procedures the doctor said 'Mr.Oberoi your graft is a perfect match. If you give us the permission to proceed then we will go ahead with the translant.'
Shivaays eyes were filled hope again and he said 'Yes of course , hurry'
And after five hours of a painful procedure, Annika gained consciousness.She blinked and saw Dr.Mehta smiling down at her.
He said 'How Do you feel Annika ?'
Annika said 'Much better.'
Dr.Mehta said 'Well , you should you finally got  a kidney transplant done.'
Annika said 'Really? Finally a graft matched ? Whose was it ?
Dr.Mehta said 'If I am allowed to be romantic then I would say I am not surprised this person's kidney matched , after all he is the perfect match for you for your entire life.'
Annika said 'Shivaay ?'
Dr.Mehta smiled and said 'Yes and there he is .'
He pulled the curtain apart that was separating Shivaay and Annika's bed.
Shivaay looked at Annika and said 'So my princess , how do you feel.'
Annika smiled and said 'I always feel good when you are around. But why did you donate your kidney?
Shivaay said 'I would have donated my heart if I could. I would do everything to save you and this was just a mere kidney. Annika I read your notes about me. I have to say Annika , I have never met a stronger person than you. You stayed strong for me. You are an angel Annika. Today I fully understood what you mean to me. Those few hours when I thought I was going to lose you , felt like years that never passed.'
Annika had tears in her eyes.
Shivaay said 'I know the hospital isn't the place where people confess their love but I think this hospital holds a special place in our hearts. We met here so I think this is the perfect place for us. Annika Shivaay Singh Oberoi, I love you.I love your flaws, I love your perfections, your edges and your soft corners. I will always love you and not even death will do us apart.'
Annika said 'Well I have already said what I had to and I think the rest of our conversations should take place in a much more nicer place , Kidney Partner.'
Shivaay laughed and said 'Okay boss'
He outstretched his hand and Annika hers , both of them held it and promised to hold on to each other forever.

So this chapter marks the end of this FF. I hope you loved reading it as much as I loved writing it. Thank you for all your comments and reviews. It meant a lot. So for one last time for this FF 'Do tell me how you liked this part and do vote.'
Lots of love
Cold Dragon

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