Lose My Mind

998 14 19

25th of August 2018

"Do you think Ashton likes me?" Victoria asked, putting her hair into a neat short ponytail as Milla and I lay across her bed.

"What a dumb question," Milla laughed and I nodded in agreement.

"He has known for like what, six days or something and he is already obsessed with you," I said with a grin, noticing how red Victoria's cheeks had gone.

"Do you really think so?" she asked trying to suppress her smile, biting down on her bottom lip in doing so.

"We know so," Milla said with a grin and I nodded and Victoria looked so excited, it looked like she was about to pass out.

Milla, Victoria and I had literally just spent the whole entire day in the castle, avoiding not only the intense thunderstorms that had been happening outside for about seven hours straight now, but also James who had said he wanted to hang out today with me.

I will never understand why James is being so persistent with me, when he clearly knows that I have feelings for Luke and vice versa. I hardly know James, and I don't plan on getting to know him anytime soon, considering how rude he has been to Luke and myself.

"Do you think things could work out between us?" Victoria asked coming to lie on her bed with us, the sound of heavy rain and loud thunder outside the castle boarder line distracting me.

"Vic, if I can date Calum, you can definitely date Ashton," Milla said with a smile and I nodded in agreement, wishing I could have input into this conversation about being a princess and dating someone who is not in our caliber of royalty.

"Why hasn't Luke asked you out?" Victoria asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, I guess we don't want to rush things really," I simply said, which was true as Luke and I had only really been seeing each other for around twenty days or so. I also think Luke was nervous about us dating, like one mistake could ruin our relationship due to both of our status and fame, which was pretty much true.

"He likes you, a lot," Victoria said with a smile and I blushed and nodded, knowing that he does, as he tells me every day without fail.

"Like the way he looks at you, god it's like there is nobody else that matters in his world but you," Victoria said and I grinned, knowing how infatuated Luke and I are with each other.

Milla, Victoria and I spent the rest of night in Victoria's room, before Calum started texting Milla asking if he could call her, and of course she said yes and immediately left to talk to her boyfriend. Victoria had fallen asleep by then, so I quietly left her room and made my way back to my bedroom, falling onto my bed as I was one hundred per cent ready to fall asleep, until I heard a gentle knock at my door.

"Come in," I said sitting up and the door creaked open, revealing James in a loose white t-shirt and grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips, showing a bit of his tanned skin on his waist.

"What are you doing here?" I sighed, not wanting to talk to him at all. He looked tired and confused, the same as I felt about him being in my room this late at night.

"Can we talk?" he asked sitting at the armchair in the corner of my room and I shrugged my shoulders.

"What about?" I asked.

"I don't know, I just want to talk to you."

"That's stupid," I scoffed, beginning to brush my hair out.

"I like you," James said, blunt as ever.

"Cool," I said, not caring that I sounded like a bitch. Does he not get the point or something?

"Arabella, I really like you," he said standing up and walking over to me, causing me to stand up and back myself into the back of my bedroom walls.

"You don't even know me James."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't!" I protested and he just laughed and rolled his eyes.

"I know that you like to wake up early most days and try to go for a run around the castle grounds. I know that you like your coffee with an excessive amount of milk and sugar, and that English muffins are your favourite things to have for breakfast. I know that you like to wear white-" he continued before I cut him off.

"Everybody knows that, a blind man could see that I like the colour white," I scoffed and James rolled his blue eyes, ignoring my comment and taking another step towards me.

"I know that you don't care that I like you, and I don't feel guilty for liking you because it makes me feel alive and it makes me feel something I have never felt before and I don't give a shit about you and Luke and I don't care that you like him and that I know you will choose him over me, and I feel guilty everyday for liking you and I don't know why," James said, now dangerously close to me. So close that I could see the veins in his hand pumping from adrenaline and the outline of his abs through his shirt.

"James don't," I begged, knowing what he was about to do.

"No, if I am going to feel guilty about something, I am going to feel guilty about this," James said and before I knew it, his lips were on mine, and I didn't pull away because as much as I didn't want to, I like it.

I liked the dangerous feeling of him kissing me, and I liked the way his hands gripped my waist tightly. I liked how intense yet controlled the kiss was, and I liked the way his lips on my neck made me feel.

But then I snapped back to reality, and as good as this kiss made me feel, it wasn't Luke. He didn't give me the burning sensation in the pit of my stomach, and he didn't make me feel safe and at home when our lips were moving in sync.

"No James, we can't do this," I begged and I pushed him off of me so I could walk away from him.

"Bella please," he begged, now looking sad and confused as to why I kissed him back then. I shook my head, tears starting to form in my eyes, knowing that I had just toyed with James feelings, as well as Luke's if he finds out.

"James, just go to bed," I pleaded and he nodded, walking out of my room in defeat and silence.

Once he had left, the tears started to fall and I began to sob, knowing that if Luke ever finds out than we will be finished before we even began. The thunder and lightening continued outside, as I pulled off my white dress and quickly out on my pyjamas, crawling into my bed, trying to control my sobs, almost not hearing my phone go off over all the noise.

From: Luke ❤️: goodnight my gorgeous girl, I will see you tomorrow xxx


Lol let me know if you know where I stole this line from: "No, if I am going to feel guilty about something, I am going to feel guilty about this" heheeh

Lose My Mind: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IExE5n_Qa0I

Arabella's outfit is the photo attached !!

Also fuck James but lol I low key feel bad for him

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