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22nd of August 2024

"Calm down Bella!" Milla exclaimed, causing me to stop hyperventilating and cross my arms. I was supposed to be walking down the aisle in approximately ten minutes, and for some extremely unknown reason, I was ridiculously nervous.

"I don't even know why I am so nervous," I breathed, smoothing out my dress for what seemed like the millionth time today. Maybe it was the fact that I would be renouncing my title of princess of France after today, which scared me slightly. I still had all the obligations, but if Enzo and Madeline passed away and do not have any children, it means that the Bourbon dynasty ends with my parents.

"You have no need to be nervous," Victoria said calmly. "Luke loves you and you love him, and right now, that's all that matters."

Clara, Madeline, Victoria, Milla, and two of my other cousins, Rebecca and Poppy, were my bridesmaids for the day, with Milla being my maid of honour.

They were wearing simple pink slip dresses, with all of their hair down and straight, each with pastel pink rose bouquets, to match my white rose bouquet.

My dress was simple and strapless, white of course. The skirt flowed out slightly, with some slight detailing to the fabric, but apart from that it was very simple and I loved it. My hair was in a high, wavy ponytail, with light pink lipstick to match the colour theme of the day.

I knew the boys were wearing navy blue suits, with Luke wearing a pink tie and the other boys wearing pink bow ties.

We were getting married in the grounds of Versailles, the reception being held in the main ballroom. The wedding was attracting an insane amount of attention, mainly because Luke was the front man for a famous band, and I am the princess of France, for now.

"You are the most stunning bride that France has ever seen," my mum said with a kind smile. My mother and I have been healing our relationship over the years, which I am glad about since she is the main female in my life.

"Hey, what about me?" Madeline jokingly asked, holding her two-year-old daughter, Celeste in her arms. Celeste looks almost identical to Madeline already, with soft blue eyes and an adorable smile, which melts everybody around her.

"Sorry Maddy, think Bella takes the cake here," my mum said, but we all knew that she was joking, as Madeline made a beautiful bride and an even more beautiful mother.

There was a sudden knock at the door, before Rebecca quickly rushed over, opening the door to reveal my father standing there, in his full royal wedding suit, something that is only taken out every couple of years.

"Everybody it is time to go," my father said. "Alice, you go down now. Girls, in this order please, Milla, Victoria, Clara, Madeline, Poppy and Rebecca," my father said gently, as my mother gave me one last hug and the girls grabbed their white rose bouquets, wishing me good luck on their way out, not that I needed it.

"You look absolutely stunning Arabella," my father said as we linked arms, walking out of the wedding parlour and down the staircase, making small talk as we did, mainly about the latest soccer game where France played against Germany.

"Alright Bella, are you ready?" my dad asked as we approached where the wedding was being held, the videographer for the day, our favourite man Andy, heading over to where Luke was standing, to capture his reaction when he saw me.

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