Pretty Hurts

545 16 11

31st of August 2019

"Have you brushed your hair this morning?" my Mum questioned as the four of us ate breakfast together. Madeline was away in England for some business, whilst Victoria and Milla were already at the boy's apartment with Clara and the four boys.

"Yes mother," I said before taking a long sip of my coffee before she decided to comment on my appearance again.

"Have you done your make-up, your eyes are looking a little tired."

"Not yet, I will do it later," I said, my voice so flat and monotone, it would have been almost impossible for her to notice that I was not enjoying this conversation.

The thing about my mother, that physical appearance is probably the most important thing to her. You could be the absolute most caring person in the world, but if your make-up was not done to perfection, or your hair was not the right length, my mother would not give you a second thought.

"You better, we have visitors coming this afternoon and I do not want you giving them a bad impression Arabella," she said, taking a harsh sip of her green tea and I just sighed as we all continued to eat in silence.

"Also, your dress is a bit short," she scoffed. "Louis, please tell your daughter that her dress is too short."

"You need to stop," Enzo said out of nowhere. "Stop belittling her, she has not done anything wrong but be herself. Just because she has no desire to lead a proper royal life, does not give you the right to treat her like that AT all," Enzo said, leaving my mother speechless, and tears in my eyes.

"Thank you Enzo," I said softly, before leaving the table, not in the mood to argue with my mother about my appearance.

"Enzo is right you know Alice," my father said as I walked out of the room, and I smiled softly to myself, knowing that he was on my side, always.

I headed back to my bedroom, passing the time during the day by reading, and organising my wardrobe room since I had absolutely nothing better to do. My whole day was spent waiting until it hit 7 pm, so I could finally leave the house after dinner. 

When the time came, I did my make-up and fixed my hair, before texting Alfred that I was ready to go, and I got the usual response that he was already waiting for me. However, this time was going to be slightly different since I had to climb out of my window instead of going through the front door.

I locked my door before heading to my balcony, making sure the vines had not covered the strategically placed stones on the wall, which they had not. I carefully shut my door, slipping my key into my bag, before climbing over my balcony and onto the first set of stones, before slowly climbing down the wall. The path was etched in my mind, as I used to sneak out this way all the time during the summer holidays when I was in school.

As I reached the ground, I ran as fast as I could across the grounds, before reaching the gap in the large hedge, quickly but carefully sliding through the hole and speed walking to Alfred's car, shooting him a smile as I crawled in.

"Where to Princess Arabella?" he asked with a smile before I gave him the address and we were on our way.

"You don't need to pick me up," I said as we reached the boy's apartment. "I will stay the night here and make sure that I am home before breakfast in the morning."

"Okay, be safe please," Alfred said.

"Always Alfie," I said as I opened the door. "Thank you!"

I quickly ran to the front door, ringing the doorbell before Clara answered, her trademark smile on her face.

"Happy birthday!" I squealed, pulling her in for a hug.

"Thanks, Bella," she said with a giggle before she let me in and we headed upstairs.

"This is for you," I said, handing her a bottle of Dom Perigon as we walked up the stairs.

"You didn't have to."

"Oh please, it is the least that I can do," I said as we reached the top, spotting Luke straight away and heading right over to him before he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey gorgeous girl," he said kissing the top of my head and picking up a glass of champagne and handing it to me.

"Hey Lukey," I said kissing his cheek. "Thank you, I needed this," I said with a laugh, sculling the whole glass of champagne, before pouring myself another glass, already knowing that it was going to be a messy night.

We ended up leaving the apartment just before eleven, calling two Uber's and heading into the city centre of Paris, going to my favourite club in Paris, Le Palace Club Paris.

Due to the boy's fame and status, we ended up skipping the line and heading straight in, Luke and I headed straight to the bar, where I quickly did multiple shots, whilst he just got himself a beer.

"Woah woah woah, slow down Belle," Luke said after I had taken my fourth shot and I shook my head.

"Nah uh," I said with a sloppy grin and Luke just shook his head at me as we headed to the dancefloor, where all our friends were dancing. 

Luke pretty much shone when he was happy, and right now, I don't think I had seen him this happy in a while. His eyes were bright, and his hair was glowing from the lights, his hands never leaving my waist the whole time we were dancing together.

"Hey hey hey, are you okay?" Luke asked, dragging me off the dancefloor, as I pretty much stumbled into a booth.

"No," I groaned, my head now in my hands. My mother's words were starting to get the best of me and were consuming my thoughts all evening, and the only way that I knew how to deal with it was by drinking, and a lot of it.

"What's wrong baby girl?" Luke asked, as my head slumped onto the table, an indication that was time to go. "Oh god, let's go. I will text the boys we are leaving."

"Mmmm okay," I mumbled, as we headed back outside, and into a taxi, my head resting on Luke's shoulders the whole way home.

"Okay, what's up, you are never like this," Luke asked as we got to his front door, both of us sitting down on the steps.

"My mum is a right bitch," I said kicking off my heels, trying to hold back the tears. I was never one to cry about the things my mother said to me, but as they were becoming quite constant, I was not sure that I could take them anymore.

"We know that," Luke said softly. "What happened this time?" Luke questioned, wrapping his arm around me as I began to cry.

So I explained to him, how the last couple of weeks had been worse than usual, how she continued to make me feel shit about myself, and manage to praise Enzo whilst doing so. How everything about me was so wrong to her, and how I could never live up to her perfect princess expectations.

"God Arabella, you know that she is wrong," Luke sighed. 

"Then why does it feel so true?" I sobbed loudly, and I knew that I would feel extremely embarrassed about this in the morning.

"Because you are drunk, you know none of this is not true. I love you so much, and I think you are not only the most perfect human in the world but also one of the kindest, compassionate and smart girls that I know, and your mum is just being a bitch because she knows you are too nice to say anything. 

"I am sorry."

"Why?" Luke asked, obviously confused where this was coming from.

"For dumping all of this on you."

"Belle, you are the absolute love of my life," Luke said with a reassuring hug. "You deserve nothing but the utmost love and kindness, and I intend to give that to you for the rest of your life."


!!!! we love a soft and supportive luke hemmings

Pretty Hurts:

Arabella's outfit is the photo attached !

thank you for reading xx

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